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Birthday Greetings Birthday Greetings Anna M.C. |
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1999From: Anna M.C. This way to the surprise: From: Galen Just got home from another trip, I might tell you a bit about it after I've gotten some sleep - but what should be waiting for me, than the most incredible birthday greeting I've ever seen. MY GOD! Anna, I don't have the words to tell you what I think of all the trouble you went to. Of course, I am going to have to pay you back for digging all these skeletons out of my closet. But seriously, your "interviews" with all the ladies were impressive - as was Ash's interview with Wade. I probably laughed for half an hour at each entry. Of course, some of the interviews were filled with inaccuracies and a few outright fabrications, but that's to be expected. Many of the ladies are still shattered that they missed their chance with me. They cope as best they can. I'm just thankful you limited yourself to this group. What's that? You're digging up more old flames for next year? Uh oh. Thanks also to everyone else who wished me a happy birthday as well :-) Galen Blackpool 2000From: Dirk Blackpool Hi. Well, little brother, I see you've been rather busy lately with a number of projects. Not that any of them seem to be related to the Blackpools taking over Aperans. Renovations? Parties? Really, I'm disappointed. Though, since it is your birthday, I'll go easy on you. I won't be storing your name on my list of enemies just yet. Though my new Palm Pilot will have this particular URL added to it in case I have need of it later. Let's just say "Polaroid" shall we? *winks* Bye. Prince Dirk Blackpool From: Galen You nasty little voyeur, you. Let's face it Dirk...the fact that you had to sneak some hidden camera into my birthday party just proves what a sad, lonely life you lead. You simply can't stand it that I get all the babes, while you just can't get a date...makes me wonder how you got such a reputation as a lady killer in the first place. Oh wait...it was because you went around killing ladies...literally. But I have no further time to respond right now. It's time for me to referee the final match of my guests' impromptu whipped cream wrestling tournament. I want to see if Callisto or Vaughn walks away with the championship. It should be a good bout...it's amazing how evenly matched they are. (And now for the closest thing resembling a serious note this letter could have...thank you Val and Anna - you both are too much for doing all that work...even if you will scare all the other listians here by sticking my face in those photos...ugh. I shall pay you both back for this someday. Be afraid.) Galen Blackpool From: Ash Jay Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Laren and Galen, and may this be the start of a wonderful year for both of you. ;) To start your year off right, the collective uber-being known as AnnAsh has created a little something that we hope will convey the depth of our regard and the limitless bounds of our insanity. If it does not appear correctly on your screen, you may want to download the newest plug-in version at: http://sdc.shockwave.com/shockwave/download/ Even if you have no interest in seeing our pretty little offering (in which case I will resist the urge to hunt you down and... best not to go into detail there, I think) I still recommend that you download the new version. It only takes five to ten minutes and it'll open up a limitless parade of opportunities in your life. Suddenly, food will taste better, the air will smell sweeter, muscles will appear in strange places, (Behind your couch, for one) and that girl/guy you were crazy about back in high school will show up at your door wearing nothing but cleverly placed Saran Wrap. All this can be yours, if you download the plug in! (And since you're doing that anyway, why not check out the greeting afterwards? ;) It'd probably be best if I told you where to find the greeting as well, so here it is: *deep breath* Go to Galen's surprise Ash and Anna From: Galen (Still stunned) Okay - I really don't have words for this...so I can't think up anything clever to say. I'll just opt for telling you what amazing (and truly insane) friends you are to spend the time making something like that. I love you guys...and am more than a bit frightened of you. :-P And what is with that pin not working? Come on...it was my birthday! Galen
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