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Birthday Greetings Birthday Greetings Anna M.C. |
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1999From: Dirk Blackpool Hi. I cannot tell you what a joy it was to learn that Castle Blackpool had acquired a new neighbor in you, Danishka. Truly, I cannot. It has been such an entertaining few months. Late at night, instead of the boring silence of sleep, I am privileged to overhear your Celtic harp and bass guitar practice. Hearing the same tunes over and over and over and over again has only made me appreciate them the more. So now, on your birthday, I have decided to reciprocate the favor and provide a bit of the same *fun* to your life as you have bestowed upon mine. Last night, one of your cats strayed over onto my castle grounds. It was a fine cat, certainly, but there's always room for improvement, as someone who practices as incessantly as you must surely agree. So I had a few words with Vector, and . . . well . . . your new-and-improved cat should be returning home right about now. I shouldn't worry; it only breathes fire if you make it angry. I should probably mention that it now harbors an irrational aversion to Celtic harps and bass guitars. Bye. Prince Dirk Blackpool From: Danishka Esterhazy Dearest Dirk, You really are too kind. If I had only known that you were listening I would have repeated the 4 songs of my musical repertoire many many more times. However, I believe you should really chastise your wizard. My new fire-breathing cat is actually immensely fond of harp music! She sits on my eastern tower humming along to "The Prince Who Died Too Young" (one of my new tunes) and occasionally fries hapless passerbys. It appears that she really likes to burn men in black leather. Now why would that be??? Your fond neighbour, 2000From: Dirk Blackpool Hi. Well, neighbor, you've been rather quiet lately. You must be away on concert dates with your lovely Celtic harp. Not that I mind. So it will be a peaceful day in the neighborhood. Well, until Vector and I can finish up our latest project. I do hope that the altered cat I sent over last year for your birthday was entertaining. We're hoping to top it this year, but you'll find out about that later, hmm? Bye. Prince Dirk Blackpool
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