Text - The Land of Aperans: The Haven for Wizards and Warriors

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Good vs. Evil. Swords vs. sorcery. Black leather vs. gold lamé. Embarrassingly dated 80's hair vs. the most cutting-edge comic sensibility this side of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That's right, weary traveler -- if you should fondly seek the 1983 CBS comedy-adventure TV series created by Don Reo (starring Jeff Conaway, Duncan Regehr, and a stellar supporting cast), then you have reached the end of your arduous web-quest! You have found Wizards and Warriors! And lo, there was much rejoicing!


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Grab your magic sword and your invisible friend and follow Erik Greystone to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the show, including:

photos, sounds
cast, crew
related links
where to buy the tapes
and much more

Edwin Baaldorf
"May the gods go with you."

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Round up some leather thingies and a diabolical plan and follow Dirk Blackpool to find out more about the Wizards and Warriors Mailing List, including:

fan art
member profiles
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roleplay forums
captioning contest
how to join
and much more



Site creation/online date: 12/14/2000
Site updated 1/6/17 - this site is currently an archive and is not being actively updated. Please be aware that over the years a number of links may have become obsolete or non-functional.
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For questions, comments or to send submission for the website, contact the webmaster at webmaster@wizardsandwarriors.org

For questions or comments about the Wizards and Warriors Mailing List, contact the list administrator at listadmin@wizardsandwarriors.org

This site contains copyright material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This is a fan site only and is not affiliated with any motion picture studios, Warner Brothers, CBS, Don Reo Productions, Randi Brooks, Jeff Conaway, Julia Duffy, Tim Dunigan, Thomas Hill, Jay Kerr, Julie Payne, Duncan Regehr, Don Reo, Clive Revill, Ian Wolfe or any of the additional cast or crew of Wizards and Warriors.