Traquill in The Rescue (3_75)

Wizards and Warriors
Home Page

Site Map
Site Updates
The Fans
The Show

About the Site
Awards and Accolades
Captioning Contest
Joining the Fun
Member Profiles
Original Art

The Wizards' Council


So, right about now, you're probably wondering: Sure, this is all very cool, but who are you guys, anyway? Why'd you do all this? Don't you have way too much free time on your hands? Say, do you have Duncan Regehr's home phone number?

Afraid we can't help you on that last question. As for the others . . . well, we haven't been around quite as long as Bethel, but our little website Wizards' Council does have some interesting history we'd like to tell. So, where to begin . . .

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .

Whoops, wait, that's not it.

Once upon a time . . .

. . . there was a great void, empty as Ariel's head: an Internet bereft of a Wizards and Warriors presence, and the fandom was filled with a despair blacker than Dirk's evil heart. But lo, in answer to the cries of fans, and in accordance with Belldonna's prophecies, came the one who would establish the first website chronicling the struggle of good versus evil, gold lamé versus black leather, Jeff Conaway's hair versus cans of hairspray. And there was much rejoicing.

Soon, other Wizards and Warriors sites sprang up faster than the debts on Justin's bar tab, and the one who started it all established a mailing list. Stories were written; birthdays were celebrated with greeting cards. And there was much rejoicing.

Eventually, she offered the administration of the list to Anna M.C., keeper of a small mailing list website. Thus began the second incarnation of what was known, appropriately enough, as the Wizards and Warriors Mailing List. For nearly a year, Anna struggled to serve as the new list administrator, chatroom host, and birthday fairy, as well as webmaster to a growing site. And there was much less rejoicing. At least for Anna, anyway.

In answer to her plea, Kiri accepted the role of list administrator. Several months later, CJ began assisting, and eventually discovered that she had "volunteered" to assume responsibility for coding and maintaining the website. After Anna retired as birthday fairy, Crownhelm volunteered for a one-year term to continue the tradition of embarrassing listians on the respective anniversaries of their birth.

As the second anniversary of this W&W Mailing List approached, several listians were inspired to pursue a daunting goal: becoming absolute ruler of all Aperans. No, wait, that's Dirk's goal. The listians' goal, on the other hand, was a completely new look and focus for The Wizards and Warriors Mailing List website. Starting in January 2000, Anna, Ash, CJ, Crownhelm, Galen, Kiri, MO, and Tamara spent many long months discussing ideas for the new site, cloistered away in an isolated think tank with only carpacca salad for nourishment. After exhausting all the possibilities, Anna, CJ and Crownhelm took the website committee's ideas and suggestions and set about to coalesce them into a finished product.

On December 14, 2000, the new site premiered. Thus began the newest incarnation of the Mailing List, a group with more lives than Vulkar: The Land of Aperans, the Haven for Wizards and Warriors.

And it's a safe bet that there was much rejoicing.

This website is affectionately dedicated to the memories of Ian Wolfe (1896 - 1992), Thomas Hill (1917-1993), Bill Bixby (1934 - 1993), Mentor Huebner (1917-2001), and Jeff Conaway (1950-2011).


Site Design

Wizards and Warriors was notable for its sumptuous, symbolic visuals, a juxtaposition of archetypes and opposites in the best tradition of fairy tales, mythology, and fantasy. The Haven has attempted to emulate and pay tribute to this visual style with its own symbolic site design, structured around the theme of a heroic quest to the continent of Aperans to seek knowledge of Wizards and Warriors.

First, you come to the neutral home page, presided over by King Baaldorf, former friend to Saris Blackpool and current ally to Erik Greystone. The beige texture is parchment-like, mirroring The Book which formed the foundation of Aperans' magic.

From here, the quest branches off into two distinct areas: Erik Greystone's land of Camarand, the home of the Show, and Dirk Blackpool's Karteia, the home of the Fans. Since Greystone is the main character and eternal victor on the show, he is in charge of the canonical show information, while the villainous Blackpool, a perennial favorite among fans, heads the fandom material. The division of show and fandom simplifies the search for appropriate information, and also preserves the original character of the show while simultaneously allowing for an arena in which fan imaginations can run wild. For easy reference, we have installed a detailed sidebar navigation system.

Note the differing color schemes of these two sections, each chosen for a specific effect. The red-and-gold (well, if you want to get technical, we used cream instead of gold) of the Show mimics Erik's crimson cape and gold tunic, while the black-and-blue of the Fans is a blatant visual pun; after all, Dirk specialized in making people black and blue. Meanwhile, the textural effect throughout lends the richness of tapestry to the whole, combating the "flat" look that can so easily make a website "equal parts of both dull and boring."

Throughout the site, different characters from the show introduce each section with a touch of humor, providing a unique feel for each area. The heroes populate the Show, while the villains present the Fans.

Together, we believe both halves create a website that is even greater than the sum of its parts. We hope we have helped to make your W&W quest simple, aesthetically pleasing, and, above all, fun!


Who's Who for website content:

  • Website coordinator -- Crownhelm
  • Mailing List coordinator -- Kiri
  • Website graphics -- Crownhelm (Baaldorf image on home page and fake "advertisements"), Crownhelm, Anna M.C., Mo TCO, and CJ (home page main graphic), CJ (all other graphics throughout site unless otherwise noted)
  • Website coding, layout, and maintenance -- Crownhelm
  • Website name -- Kiri
  • Section introductions -- Anna M.C.
  • About the Site information -- CJ (history), Anna M.C. (site design)
  • Article acquisitions -- Anna M.C., Crownhelm, Pyra Cantha, Galen, and CJ
  • Captioning Contest  -- Crownhelm
  • Cast and Characters -- Anna M.C. and Galen
  • Crew -- Crownhelm and Anna M.C. with Cre8vWrter
  • Downloads -- Kiri (screensavers), CJ (video clips)
  • Episode Guide -- Crownhelm, Anna M.C., and CJ (transcripts and scripts), Crownhelm (TV Guide images/listings and episode credits)
  • Fanfiction Policy -- CJ with assistance from Anna M.C. and Pyra Cantha
  • Interviews -- Crownhelm, Galen, CJ, Anna M.C., and Pyra Cantha
  • Joining the Fun -- Anna M.C.
  • Links -- Crownhelm
  • Photo Gallery (including side bar images throughout site and cast/crew images unless otherwise noted) -- CJ
  • Promotional Images -- Crownhelm
  • Show Settings -- Mo TCO (map of Aperans)
  • Sound Gallery -- CJ


Our thanks and appreciation to the following people:

  • To Anna M.C. for providing the kolnas to buy the domain name and webspace.
  • To our former webmistresses -- Anna M.C. and CJ.
  • To the two webmasters who inspired and encouraged us in our endeavors. Without you, we would have never attempted this project.
  • Kiri of The Official Tim Dunigan Fanclub for the use of the Tim Dunigan image.
  • TW "The Warden" of Prisonflicks for the use of the Bruce M. Fisher image.
  • Joanne Engle of Splash Celebrity Promotions for the use of the Jerry Maren image.
  • Steve of CultTVman's Unofficial Sherman Oaks Page for the use of the Phyllis Katz image.
  • Mr. Clausen of the Alf Clausen Official Website for the use of the Alf Clausen image.
  • Ken of Days Of Our Lives: Who's Who In Salem? for the use of the Richard Colla image.
  • Mr. S. for the use of the Judith Allison, Don Reo, and Roger Holzberg images.
  • Randi of The Bill Bixby Webpage for the use of the Bill Bixby image.
  • Joyce of the Interviews with Bill Bixby website for the use of the Vulkar's Revenge Promotional image, the Television Chronicles and TV Zone articles.
  • Kaye Wade of the Kaye Wade website for the use of the George Marshall Ruge image.
  • Rob Draper of the  Rob Draper, ACS website for the use of the James Frawley images.
  • Jeff M. of the Sherman Oaks website for the use of the Phyllis Katz image.
  • Cre8vWrter for the Steven Nichols information.
  • Galen for testing the offsite links.
  • Andrew B. of the ERAust website for his suggestions on how we could improve the website.
  • Mo TCO and Kiri for hosting, creating graphics for and coding the Lee Gold "Unauthorized Future History" information so it is once again available! Also, thanks to Lee Gold for sharing it with on-line W&W fans!
  • "MadJan" Cox for sharing The Not Very Official Lexicon of Wizards and Warriors for the Show Settings/Glossary section.
  • Lease Duckwall for the "Fun Facts" information about Dennis Duckwall's father, Don(ald) Duckwall.
  • Todd Brugmans of The Scotsman's Babbling Farce for his Jeff Conaway and Duncan Regehr artwork for the Art section.
  • Bloodsong of Bloodsong's Gallery for permission to link to her 3D portrait of Prince Dirk Blackpool from the Art section.
  • Scotty for sharing her "fake ads" via the list. Two of the ads are now on the Fans side of the site on the Joining the Fun and Member Profiles pages.
  • Louise Huebner, widow of Mentor Huebner, for her time and information about Mentor's projects.
  • Mr. Don Reo and his assistant, Julie, for their generous time, assistance and enthusiasm. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to have interaction with the creator of Wizards and Warriors.
  • To Mr. Walter Olkewicz and Silicon for sharing photos for the Promotional Photos section.
  • To Todd and Dan for the photo of Mentor Huebner for the Crew section.
  • To Tammy for the 16 Magazine article.


Volunteers needed for:

  • Articles -- To submit any articles that would be relevant to our site, contact Crownhelm
  • Transcripts -- Dialogue is already available for most of the episodes. Action sequences need to be added. Editors are also needed. Inquiries should be sent to  Crownhelm.
  • Show/Fanfic Glossaries -- To help develop a lexicon of who's who and what's what from the episodes and from our growing fanfiction, get in touch with Crownhelm.
  • Fake "Advertisements" -- Suggest an idea or submit a finished ad to Crownhelm.
  • Anything not listed here -- If you want to work on something not mentioned here, have a suggestion for a new section, or want to submit artwork or fanfiction, e-mail Crownhelm.


For questions, comments or to send submission for the website, contact the webmaster at

For questions or comments about the Wizards and Warriors Mailing List, contact the list administrator at

This site contains copyright material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This is a fan site only and is not affiliated with any motion picture studios, Warner Brothers, CBS, Don Reo Productions, Randi Brooks, Jeff Conaway, Julia Duffy, Tim Dunigan, Thomas Hill, Jay Kerr, Julie Payne, Duncan Regehr, Don Reo, Clive Revill, Ian Wolfe or any of the additional cast or crew of Wizards and Warriors.