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Birthday Greetings |
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Nobody can liven up a birthday party quite like Vector; his custom-made gifts are never a bomb. At least, not figuratively. And nobody could liven up a Listian birthday quite like the birthday fairy. For more than two years, personalized greetings authored by various W&W characters found their way into the birthday girl (or boy)'s mailbox on the Big Day. Due to the massive growth of list membership, the tradition was discontinued at the end of 2000. But boy, was it fun while it lasted! Greetings sent to current members
Greetings sent to former members
Unless otherwise noted, birthday greetings written prior to January 1, 2000 are credited to Anna M.C. Those written January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000 (except for Vector's Monocle) were authored by Crownhelm.
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