Ode To A Small Lump Of My Enemy
I Found In My Spiked Boots
One Autumn Day

by Dirk Blackpool
(via Crownhelm)
List-ians I implore thee listen to my tale
I strolled along leisurely, six four in scale
On a cool autumn day in Karteia fine
With no worry whatsoever on my mind
I'd decimated hated enemies four and score
On this very knoll the day before
Wearing my lovely spiked boots, of course
There's nothing better when it comes to force
It was then I noted something amiss
My keen footwear gave out quite a squish
I halted my gambol and took a peek
But what I found did not make me shriek
Proudly settled in these points of steel
Was a lump of my enemy, how surreal
I smirked evilly (what other kind?)
And noted it 'twas a fantastic find
I plucked it out and reckoned it
My enemy'd known my wrath, I was in a snit
But I can hardly help the inner fire
That Greystone and Baaldorf do both inspire
I returned and sought to share it with my Wizard Vector
Knowing he'd quite enjoy the grisly specter
Alas, he was busy in other employ
Torturing prisoners in the dungeon, his daily joy
And so I settled just for this
To ponder a bit of my enemy in quiet bliss
And to share it thus with all of you
Though I'm sure you'll just say "eeww"
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