Erik's Theme #3
Copa, Coping with Bards
set to the tune Copacabana (At The Copa) by Barry

Text and Image by Mo
His name is Erik,
He is a Greystone
And while he's a hero to the land
As man he is quite bland.
He needs a goeh tee
Or best, a hair cut
Throw in some leather gear,
With lacing up to here,
Don't lose the lame'
It makes you charming
A prince of a guy needs
Needs a touch a bit gay
To thrill the ladies
And scare the laddies.
They'll think twice about your blade
and back out of each foray.
Practice a grim expression,
For heroes it's the fashion.
Brooding good looks
aren't just for bad guys and crooks
Look at Dirk Blackpool,
All the women drool.
They would do that for you chum
All you need is to look glum.
Anna and Kiri call over to Bronca the bouncer.
"Bronca, remove this bard," Anna says in a slow dark tone.
"Yeah, and bust his strings," adds Kiri brightly.
The tavern crowd cheers as the bard is manhandled and hoisted onto the
bouncer's shoulder. The singer is carted out of the tavern into the soaking
rain. The tavern occupants grow quiet to hear the screaming outside.
"You can't do this to me, I'm Bardi Mandalow!"
Bronca replies in his thick Austrian accent. "We deserve a break today"
Sounds of popping strings and splintering wood cuts through the poring rain.
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