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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Four Act 1 |
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GREYSTONE'S ODYSSEYNight of TerrorWritten by Bill Richmond
Second draft - September 9, 1982 We have altered the original format for ease of reading. ACT FOUR FADE IN: SCENE 40 Ariel, still screaming, runs to the other side of the room as the Evil Greystone stalks her. ARIEL You lied to me. You weren't at my picnic The Evil Greystone laughs and keeps coming. Ariel remembers her hat pin and holds it out menacingly. He laughs at the absurdity of this sight. There is a bolt of lightning and clap of THUNDER. Ariel looks down at the hat pin and there is a large spider on it, crawling towards her hand. She flings the hat pin to the floor and dashes across the room and out the door, slamming it behind her
SCENE 41 She stand [sic] momentarily outside the door trying to decide which way to go. Suddenly, Greystone comes crashing through the door. Ariel screams for help and runs off down the hall with him in hot persuit [sic].
SCENE 42 She comes to another door, opens it and runs through.
SCENE 43 She enters and slams the door behind her. She then, frantically begins pushing furniture up against the door to block it. First a dresser, then a chair, a chest, another chair. Just when it looks as though she might have enough pieces against the door to stop him, she looks to one side of the door where she sees his hand come slashing right through the heavy concrete wall. ARIEL Now you're getting nuts. She spots another door across the room and runs to and out of it.
SCENE 44 Ariel running down the hall.
SCENE 45 Marko is in the living room, trying to figure out which way to go when he hears Ariel's SCREAM. He draws his sword. MARKO Ariel . . . in here! He turns to see Ariel come running down the stairs. ARIEL Oh, Marko, thank the gods you're here. MARKO Where's Greystone! [sic] ARIEL He's . . . wait a minute. Are you sure you're Marko. [sic] MARKO If I'm not, some stranger used my toothbrush this morning. Ariel slowly backs towards the fireplace. ARIEL I have to be sure. MARKO What are you talking about? ARIEL You know what I'm talking about, weirdo. MARKO Weirdo . . . me? ARIEL You're going to attack me. MARKO Princess Ariel, I would sooner be damned through eternity. ARIEL See! See! Ariel has backed into a position where the fireplace tools are close in back of her. MARKO I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. ARIEL You don't know what's gone on in here. MARKO We'll talk about it later. I must find Greystone. ARIEL You're not going to like him. He's changed, like you've probably changed. MARKO I haven't changed. Now, come on. ARIEL Okay, if you're really Marko, and I can trust you, put your sword away. MARKO Right. He sheaths his sword. ARIEL Now, what did I have for lunch today? MARKO I have no idea. ARIEL Carpacca salad, weirdo!!! With that she pulls the fireplace poker from behind her back and hits Marko in the head. He falls in a heap. ARIEL Well, come on . . . go up in smoke like the rest. She waits for a beat . . . nothing happens. ARIEL Oh, oh. You are Marko, aren't you? She kneels down to comfort him. ARIEL I'm real sorry about this. She hears FOOTSTEPS approaching. ARIEL I'll get back to you. She gets up and runs for the stairs. CUT TO:
SCENE 46 Vector and Blackpool are still drinking, and while Blackpool seems quite in command of himself, Vector is having trouble concentrating on the game. BLACKPOOL It's beginning to get light outside, Vector. Surely our friends are dead by now. VECTOR Mmmmm. BLACKPOOL Why don't we call off this stupid game and turn in. VECTOR Call off the game, Sire? We're playing for a million kolnas and my monocle. BLACKPOOL . . . and your hat. VECTOR Of course. BLACKPOOL But, Vector, you've become so serious and boring. VECTOR The game takes all my concentration. BLACKPOOL You're right. Here, have some more wine. It will sharpen your senses. He starts to pour wine in Vector's glass. VECTOR No more for me, thanks. BLACKPOOL Oh, come now, Vector, I can't stand to drink alone. It makes me nasty. He continues to pour, missing the glass and then overflowing it onto the table. BLACKPOOL Sorry. He wipes the wine off with his hand into Vector's lap. BLACKPOOL A toast! Vector reluctantly raises his glass, still trying desperately to keep his concentration on the game. VECTOR A toast. BLACKPOOL To a new day and a victorious one in the kingdom of Blackpool. VECTOR Yes, a victorious one. BLACKPOOL I want to plan some kind of an attack on the South while they are recovering from the news of Greystone and Ariel's death. VECTOR Good idea. BLACKPOOL Perhaps I should hit them on the day of the state funeral. What a delightful touch, right? VECTOR Delightful. BLACKPOOL Perhaps you can teach me some devastating spectacle to hurl at them with my monocle. VECTOR Your monocle? BLACKPOOL Unless, of course, you win it back. Then you can conjure up your own spectacle. VECTOR I would enjoy that. BLACKPOOL I hope you won't use it against me, though, Vector. Surely you wouldn't do something like that. VECTOR Never. Your Highness. BLACKPOOL Good. Well, let's finish this stupid game. VECTOR I believe it's your move. BLACKPOOL Oh, right. Blackpool nonchalantly moves one of his pieces. Vector smiles triumphantly and again moves his piece up the pyramid, knocking others out of the way until his is on top. VECTOR Barkin. Blackpool smiles at him and pours himself another drink. BLACKPOOL Good night, Vector. He downs the drink. VECTOR Uhhh, the monocle, Sire. BLACKPOOL The what? VECTOR The monocle. I just won the game. Blackpool stands and stares at him for what seems like an eternity. He then slowly fingers the monocle, and aims it at the table. The game and all the pieces disappear, leaving only the table and wine glasses. BLACKPOOL What game? Vector just stands frozen and stares with eyes full of hatred at the smiling Blackpool. Blackpool picks up a glass. BLACKPOOL One for the road? Vector shakes his head "no" and begins to stagger out of the room, knocking over chairs and tables on the way. VECTOR I might as well tell you, I don't wear a hat. He turns and exits. We HOLD ON Blackpool for a beat. BLACKPOOL Now, that was fun. He downs his drink, then passes out on the floor.
SCENE 47 Ariel is climbing stairs to this hallway and we see OVER HER SHOULDER the Evil Greystone coming after her. At the the [sic] top of the stairs she trips and falls and comes face to face with a snake on the floor. Unable to turn back, she spies a large bookcase on the landing and pulls it over on top of the snake. She runs on down the hall.
SCENE 48 She comes to a door and hears a voice from behind it. BAALDORF (O.S.) Ariel . . . Ariel. ARIEL Daddy. She flings open the door.
SCENE 49 Baaldorf is standing there, holding his head under his arm. BAALDORF Hello. There is THUNDER and lightning. She slams the door shut and runs on down the hall. She sees something and screams again. More THUNDER and lightning.
SCENE 50 Blackpool is coming at her with a dagger.
SCENE 51 She turns and screams again.
SCENE 52 A door opens and Lattinia comes out and towards her.
SCENE 53 She turns around.
SCENE 54 Marko opens another door and comes at her.
SCENE 55 She starts running back down the hallway and stops short when she sees . . .
SCENE 56 Greystone and Baaldorf.
SCENE 57 She goes through another door. CUT TO:
SCENE 58 This is a rickety stairway covered with cobwebs. Ariel starts climbing as some of the rotting steps break under her feet. She tries to catch her balance on the bannister, which falls off. She barely is able to keep from falling with it. She starts up and a hand reaches in from below and grabs her ankle.
SCENE 59 It is Evil Greystone.
SCENE 60 She kicks at him, getting loose. She continues to climb as his hands keep grabbing at her feet. Finally, she comes to a trapdoor at the top of the stairs and bangs at it wildly to get it to open. The Evil Greystone grabs her ankle. The trapdoor then opens and a hand comes down and grabs her arms, pulling her up and out of the grasp of Evil Greystone. CUT TO:
SCENE 61 The real Greystone is pulling Ariel up into the room. ARIEL Is that you? GREYSTONE Yes, it's me. He embraces her. ARIEL I hope so, 'cause I'm finished. The trapdoor is pushed up and the Evil Greystone forces his way up into the room. GREYSTONE I'm not finished. Stand aside. Ariel moves over to the wall as the Evil Greystone comes on up all the way and the two men duel. CUTTING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN Ariel and the two men we see what surely must be a fight to the death. In time, Ariel becomes confused as to which one is which. First one has the upper hand, then the other. Finally, one of them makes a mighty thrust and knocks the other out the window. There is a moment of silence as Greystone and Ariel face each other. ARIEL Erik? GREYSTONE Yes. ARIEL What happened? GREYSTONE The Demon is dead. You are safe. ARIEL Oh, Erik. She runs into his arms and they embrace warmly.
SCENE 62 We see Greystone slowly draw his dagger and prepare to plunge it into her back.
SCENE 63 His head spins around and it is now the face of Karnaj. Ariel screams. THUNDER and lightning. Suddenly, he screams and disappears in a puff of smoke. As the smoke clears we see the real Greystone, half in the window, holding his knife where it has plunged into Karnaj's back. GREYSTONE Come here. She crosses to him as he climbs the rest of the way in the window. They kiss and embrace.
SCENE 64 It CREAKS open slowly.
SCENE 65 They prepare for the worst.
SCENE 66 It opens all the way and Marko comes up. Nobody is sure. MARKO Listen, I just killed Blackpool, the King and Queen . . . and myself. Did I do the right thing?
SCENE 67 They all breathe a sigh of relief and embrace, as we: FADE OUT.
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