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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Four Act 1 |
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Night of TerrorWritten by Bill Richmond
ACT THREE FADE IN: SCENE 27 Greystone pulls Ariel out of the way of Marko's charge. Lightning and thunder are still crashing, Ariel is screaming and Greystone is yelling. Marko brings his sword down heavily, just missing him. Greystone boots him in the rear end and pushes Ariel further away from the fight. GREYSTONE Marko, stop kidding around! Somebody could get hurt! Marko, bellowing a ferocious war cry, turns and attacks again, dealing a mighty blow to Greystone's sword. He is like a wild uncontrollable animal. ARIEL Have you been drinking? GREYSTONE Stay back! Greystone pushes her out of the way. Marko knocks a vase to smithereens with his next blow. GREYSTONE Marko! Marko lunges and Greystone dodges, pushing Marko until the vassal falls and rolls away. Ariel runs back to clutch at Greystone. ARIEL You can't kill him! GREYSTONE I’ve gotta do something! He's gone wacko! Marko gets up swinging his sword, advancing on them ominously. GREYSTONE I'll try and stun him! Greystone thrusts Ariel out of the way again. He deflects one blow with his sword and ducks another, leaning back into the enormous empty fireplace as Marko’s sword hits the wall above the hearth. GREYSTONE Marko, this is not funny! With effort, Greystone manages to kick Marko away while the vassal’s sword is still pressed against the wall above the fireplace. As Greystone moves to advance on Marko, Ariel gets in his way. He grabs her by the shoulder and pushes her roughly onto a sheet-covered couch. GREYSTONE Stay down! He gets back into battle stance, sword at the ready, as Marko lunges again. GREYSTONE Marko, cut it out! Marko’s blow forces Greystone to fall back on the same couch the shrieking Ariel is huddled upon. As Marko dives for the death-blow, his stomach touches Greystone’s upraised sword. While Greystone and Ariel scream, Marko disappears in a flash of sparks and a puff of smoke. GREYSTONE Marko! More lightning and THUNDER crashes, accompanied by the obligatory Karnaj cackle, as the camera zooms in on the painting of Karnaj over the fireplace. GREYSTONE Marko! Marko, I didn’t mean . . . There is a long silence as Greystone and Ariel, still sitting on the couch, look around and try to figure out what just happened. ARIEL What's going on here?
SCENE 28 As we zoom in on the painting, there is a bolt of lightning and clap of THUNDER, and more maniacal laughter.
SCENE 29 GREYSTONE I'm starting to get the picture. ARIEL And it's not a pretty one, right? GREYSTONE Right. It's part of the legend. A trusted pet is killed, so a trusted friend will kill. ARIEL Oh, I hate those riddles. Like the one where one man gets off the coach and three get on and all that, and then you're supposed to guess the name of the coachman? GREYSTONE It’s Ralph. But that’s not important right now. Puzzled, Ariel silently mouths the name “Ralph.” Erik cranks up his intensity. GREYSTONE Listen to me. You must trust no one. ARIEL Not even you? GREYSTONE I guess. We're talking heavy wizardry here. Let's not take a chance. ARIEL You got it. GREYSTONE Okay. Come on, let’s find our way out of here. He grasps her arm to help her off the couch, but Ariel resists. ARIEL No. GREYSTONE What? ARIEL How do I know it's you? GREYSTONE I don't think I’d change that fast. ARIEL You don't know that. GREYSTONE You're right. He sighs, clenches his sword a little tighter, and thinks how to humor her until hit with a sudden inspiration. GREYSTONE Ask me something. ARIEL All right. What's the capital of Camarand? GREYSTONE Oh Ariel, everybody knows that! Ask me something only I would know. ARIEL Oh, I get it. Okay, what color underwear are you wearing? GREYSTONE Ar-i-el!
ARIEL Oh, oh, okay. Um . . . I've got one. What did we have to eat at our picnic? GREYSTONE Carpacca salad! ARIEL It's you . . . it's you! GREYSTONE Only one problem. Every picnic has carpacca salad. ARIEL Oh. I'll work on it. Let’s get outta here. GREYSTONE Right. Come on! He helps her off the couch, and they move offscreen as we cut to . . .
SCENE 30 Close-up on a goblet in front of Blackpool, who is still seated at the Barkin table, staring out into space in stoned and stony silence. Vector, a wine bottle in one hand and a goblet in the other, is staggering behind him. VECTOR . . . So the second lightning hawk said to the first lightning hawk, "If I could fly that way, I wouldn't need takama powder." Bending down, Vector laughs heartily at his joke right in Blackpool’s ear. Blackpool winces and starts slightly at the noise. Vector pours more wine into his goblet and takes a gulp. BLACKPOOL I don't get it. VECTOR You had to be there. BLACKPOOL I do remember your lightning hawks, though . . . delicious. This last word is whispered in a tone of gourmet ecstasy. VECTOR You ate one of my lightning hawks?
BLACKPOOL Yes. VECTOR Why? I conjured those up from the remains of some of the foulest beasts in the Forest of Doom. BLACKPOOL How are you going to know whether you like something if you don't try it? Swallowing his rising gorge with difficulty, Vector lurches back to his seat and returns both goblet and bottle to the tabletop. VECTOR It's your move. Blackpool ignores him, taking a generous swig straight from his wine bottle, then thumping it down on the table. BLACKPOOL You know, Vector, I'm not enjoying the death of Greystone and Ariel as much as I should. VECTOR Why not? BLACKPOOL Well, I suppose it’s as you said. You really have to be there. When I roasted General Rankoor on a spit . . . alive . . . Vector swallows hard, clearly nauseated. BLACKPOOL . . . I enjoyed that. But here we have Greystone dying in some old castle someplace, and I'm . . . sitting here looking at you . . . Vector stares at him, the plotting gears in his brain clearly beginning to turn. BLACKPOOL . . . and that . . . silly hat. I mean, where's the pleasure? VECTOR If I had my monocle, I could bring them both here right now and show you their rotting corpses . . . right here . . . right now. BLACKPOOL Does the phrase, 'fat chance' mean anything to you, Vector? VECTOR As I said, it's your move, my lord. Blackpool stares down at the game, does his best to focus his eyes, and makes a move up the pyramid with one of the pieces. Vector sets his drink down heavily, smiles triumphantly, and pushes up his sleeve. Standing up, he grasps one of his pieces and moves it around the pyramid, knocking off the other pieces, then on up and finally to the top. Slamming it into place with both hands, he leers over at Blackpool in drunken, unsteady triumph. VECTOR Barkin!! Blackpool leans back, wincing slightly at the violence of Vector’s movements and looking up at the wizard in affronted indignation. VECTOR You owe me a million kolnas! BLACKPOOL So, I owe you. He shrugs slightly, a picture of wounded dignity. BLACKPOOL I'm good for it. VECTOR Fast pay makes fast friends, my lord! BLACKPOOL Don’t you trust me, Vector? VECTOR Why, I never said that . . . He trails off and laughs nervously. BLACKPOOL I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what. He gets up, leaning in to stand nearly nose-to-nose with Vector. VECTOR Hmm? BLACKPOOL Let’s play for greater stakes. VECTOR What do you mean? BLACKPOOL One more game . . . double or nothing . . . for the monocle. He holds it under the astonished Vector’s nose enticingly. It glows blue and emits an electric hum.
VECTOR The monocle?! BLACKPOOL And that silly hat. Vector’s eyes roll upwards, apparently contemplating the black skullcap on his head. VECTOR You're on! Vector leans back to sit down, but misses his chair, knocking over his winning Barkin piece and falling out of camera range with a fleshy thud. CUT TO:
SCENE 31 Greystone and Ariel are making their way down a long, dark corridor, each holding torches to light the way. ARIEL I don’t think we should’ve come this way. I think we should’ve turned right at the top of the stairs. GREYSTONE That goes deeper into the castle. ARIEL You don't know everything. GREYSTONE I knew enough not to come in here in the first place. Ariel stops and glares at him. ARIEL Then why did you? He grasps her arm and looks deeply into her eyes. GREYSTONE Because I didn't want anything to happen to you. ARIEL You're a doll. GREYSTONE Thanks. A breeze from down the hall blows the torches. GREYSTONE See? That came from down there! Maybe it’s a window, or a door . . . a way out! I'll go check. ARIEL Be careful! GREYSTONE I will. You stay here. She nods, then clutches at his arm. ARIEL Erik, I'm scared. What if you don't come back? What should I do? GREYSTONE I haven't the slightest idea. ARIEL Well. You’re honest. GREYSTONE Now, no matter what happens . . . don’t move from this spot. ARIEL I won’t. Placing his hand on his sword, Greystone starts down the corridor and prepares to open a door. Ariel waits in the eerie light of her torch, fidgeting and pacing in a tight circle. Apruptly, we hear the voice of Lattinia as her ghostly apparition fades into view a few yards away, in the direction Ariel and Greystone have just left. LATTINIA Ariel . . . Ariel . . . Ariel turns and looks back down the hall towards the beckoning Lattinia. ARIEL Mommy! You're here! As she is about to move toward Lattinia, Greystone sees what’s happening. He charges back down the hall towards Ariel. GREYSTONE Ariel! Don’t go any further! Ariel turns and looks at him, perplexed, and then suddenly falls through a trapdoor in the floor. dropping her torch.
SCENE 32 Screaming, Ariel falls in slow motion through a black void, landing heavily on an ornate red velvet bed in the middle of an equally ornate bedroom.
SCENE 33 Lattinia smiles angelically, a dagger appearing from a flash of blue light in her hand. She shrieks like a banshee and comes charging at Greystone with the dagger upraised. He holds out the torch to defend himself from the blade. As Lattinia runs into the flame, she disappears in a puff of smoke. Lightning, thunder, and maniacal laughter follow. Greystone looks around frantically. CUT TO:
SCENE 34 Ariel sits up and adjusts her hat, clearly stunned. She looks around furtively, and gasps at the sight which meets her eyes.
SCENE 35 Blackpool is standing in the semi-darkness, leaning one arm against the wall. BLACKPOOL Hi.
SCENE 36 ARIEL You! Narrowing her eyes, she smiles with satisfaction. ARIEL I should have known you were behind all of this. Blackpool descends the stairs and approaches the bed. BLACKPOOL Not true, child. It was Vector. He’s gotten completely out of control. ARIEL Sure, sure! Ariel rises to her knees on the bed, scooting away. BLACKPOOL I am here to help you out. Trust me. Ariel stands up on the bed defiantly, arms straight at her sides. ARIEL Never! BLACKPOOL As you wish. Spend the rest of the night here, if you want to. I'm sure it's been most enjoyable up 'til now. He stalks away and starts to leave. ARIEL Wait! Blackpool pauses by the door, half-turning, a calculating smirk on his face. Ariel begins to climb down from the bed. How do I know you're the real Blackpool, and not one of those crazies? BLACKPOOL I don't know what you mean. ARIEL Oh, come on, you do, too. If you're who you say you are, prove it. BLACKPOOL How? ARIEL Say something in Blackpool. BLACKPOOL Like what? ARIEL Oh, like how you get your jollies from torturing people. Blackpool descends back down the stairs and approaches her slowly. His voice and manner ooze a sadistic sensuality. BLACKPOOL Oh, you mean like chaining someone to the floor . . . and walking all over their writhing body . . . with my spiked boots?
He winks. ARIEL Yeah, you're Blackpool all right. BLACKPOOL Then let me take you away from all this. ARIEL Boy, I've heard that one before. BLACKPOOL Now! ARIEL How do I know you're not going to do something bad? BLACKPOOL Why would I lie? ARIEL With you, it's probably a hobby. BLACKPOOL But you don't have a lot of choices, do you, my little one? ARIEL I guess not. What about Erik? BLACKPOOL One at a time. Come. He walks toward her, hand extended. Ariel closes the remaining distance between them, placing her hand in his. He bends as if to kiss her hand, then suddenly grabs her by the throat and begins choking her violently. She screams and strikes at his arms to no avail. Finally, she reaches up to her hat. The camera zooms in for a closeup as she extracts a hatpin and jabs it into Blackpool’s chest. He vanishes in a puff of smoke, as thunder, lightning, and the obligatory maniacal laughter fill the room once again. She glares at the spot where he disappeared. ARIEL Liar! CUT TO:
SCENE 37 Greystone is still in the hallway from the previous scene, looking for Ariel. Ariel’s torch burns on the floor. GREYSTONE Ariel! He turns towards the nearest door and flings it open with a war cry, trying to look around with his torch. It is apparently too dark inside to see. He finally draws his sword, drops his torch,and charges bravely forward into the darkness.
SCENE 38 We see him fall, screaming, in SLOW MOTION out into the same black void which claimed Ariel. CUT TO:
SCENE 39 This is the same bedroom Ariel fell into, and Greystone does the same landing on the bed, his sword still clenched in his hand. He turns to see Ariel cowering and whimpering in the corner. GREYSTONE Ariel, are you all right? ARIEL I don't know! After a bit of thrashing around, Greystone sits up on the edge of the bed. GREYSTONE What do you mean, 'I don't know'? ARIEL I don't know if that's you. GREYSTONE Well, of course it's me. Who else would it be? He resheaths his sword and then pauses, the realization sinking in. GREYSTONE Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. He sighs, crosses his arms, and tries to think. GREYSTONE Well, I know what we had for lunch today. ARIEL Of course you do. You were there! He points his index finger at her, lecture-style. GREYSTONE This isn’t me, if I wasn’t there. ARIEL I get so confused! He holds up his hands, palm outwards, in a “calm down” gesture. GREYSTONE Now, now, now, now, now, now. I know we went on a picnic. ARIEL And we had carpacca salad? GREYSTONE And your dog, Woje, was there. Encouraged, Ariel begins to move toward him. ARIEL And you didn't like being in the woods near this castle. GREYSTONE And you hate wrinkles. ARIEL And you're the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life! Greystone rises from the bed and puts his arms around her. GREYSTONE And you're a very beautiful princess. ARIEL And we’re all alone. GREYSTONE No one else around. ARIEL Getting acquainted. They kiss passionately. Ariel's hat falls off as Greystone tilts her head back. GREYSTONE I guess we're really us. ARIEL We better be. GREYSTONE Yeah. He kisses her again. Behind Greystone we see Ariel stab him with her hatpin. He immediately lets go of her and staggers back against the bed, confused and in pain. GREYSTONE Ouch! What did you do that for? ARIEL Just checking. She backs away from him, playing coy. ARIEL Oh, now, don’t be mad, I didn’t mean it. I was just making a little joke. She bends down to retrieve her hat.
SCENE 40 Greystone, shaking his head, rubs his back in pain. Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, he is pulled up and OUT OF THE SHOT. Immediately, another Greystone pops INTO THE SHOT. Ariel stands up, replacing her hat on her head, unaware of the switch. ARIEL Let's kiss and make up again. That was fun! She freezes, aghast. With a puff of smoke, the fiendishly grinning Greystone's head has begun to spin, Exorcist-style, and he laughs evilly. There is a bolt of lightning and clap of THUNDER, and Ariel screams madly. FADE OUT.
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