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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Four Act 1 |
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GREYSTONE'S ODYSSEYNight of TerrorWritten by Bill Richmond
Second draft - September 9, 1982 We have altered the original format for ease of reading. ACT THREE FADE IN: SCENE 25 Greystone pulls Ariel out of the way of Marko's charge. GREYSTONE Marko, watch it! You could hurt somebody with that thing. Marko, eyes blazing, turns and attacks again, knocking Greystone's sword out of his hand. He is like a wild uncontrollable animal. ARIEL Have you been drinking? Marko turns on Ariel and starts towards her. Greystone jumps in front of her. Marko swings at him. He ducks and again pushes Ariel out of the way. Greystone pulls the cover off another chair and throws it over Marko. In the confusion Greystone picks up his sword. ARIEL Erik, you can't kill him. GREYSTONE I gotta do something. He's gone wacko. I'll try to stun him. Marko comes charging again and the duel is on. Greystone is mostly defensive, trying to find a way to knock Marko unconscious. Finally, Marko make [sic] a vicious swipe at Greystone, slashing through his clothing to the skin. He's definitely playing for keeps. He backs Greystone into a corner. He is going to kill him. Greystone ducks under the blow trying to avoid the thrust of his sword. Marko runs into Greystone's sword. GREYSTONE Oh, no! Marko, I didn't mean . . . Before he can finish the sentence, Marko vanishes in a puff of smoke. There is a long silence as Greystone and Ariel look at each other. ARIEL What's going on here? There is a bolt of lightning and clap of THUNDER, and more SCREAMS from somewhere.
SCENE 26 Fire shoots from the eyes.
SCENE 27 GREYSTONE I'm starting to get the picture. ARIEL And it's not a pretty one, right? GREYSTONE Right. It's the legend. A trusted pet is killed so a trusted friend will kill. ARIEL I hate those riddles. Like the one where one man gets on the coach and three get off and all that, and then you're supposed to guess the name of the coachman. GREYSTONE Ariel, listen to me. You must trust no one. ARIEL Not even you? GREYSTONE I guess. We're talking heavy wizardry here. Let's not take a chance. ARIEL You got it. GREYSTONE Come on, we've got to find a way out of here. ARIEL No. GREYSTONE What? ARIEL How do I know it's you? GREYSTONE I don't think I would change that fast. ARIEL You don't know that. GREYSTONE You're right. Well ask me something. ARIEL Okay, what's the capital of Camarand? GREYSTONE Ariel, everybody knows that. Ask me something that only I would know. ARIEL Oh, I get it. All right, what color underwear do you have on? GREYSTONE Ariel! ARIEL Okay, okay . . . I've got one. What did we have to eat at our picnic? GREYSTONE Carpacca salad. ARIEL It's you . . . it's you! GREYSTONE Only one problem. Every picnic has carpacca salad. ARIEL I'll work on it. Come on, let's get out of here.
SCENE 28 Vector and Blackpool are still drinking and still playing the game, and most of the money is in front of Vector; they are having a hard time concentrating on it. VECTOR . . . So the second lightning hawk says to the first lightning hawk, if I could fly that way, I wouldn't need takama powder. Vector laughs heartily at his joke as Blackpool stares in stony and stoned silence. BLACKPOOL I don't get it. VECTOR You had to be there. BLACKPOOL I do remember your lightning hawks, though . . . delicious. VECTOR You ate one of my lightning hawks? BLACKPOOL Yes. VECTOR Why? I conjured those up from the remains of some of the foulest beasts in the Forest of Doom. BLACKPOOL How are you going to know whether you like something if you don't try it? VECTOR It's your move, Sire. BLACKPOOL You know, Vector, I'm not enjoying the death of Greystone as much as I should. VECTOR Why not? BLACKPOOL I guess it's kinda like what you said. You have to be there. Like when I roasted General Rankoor on a spit . . . alive . . . I enjoyed that. But here we have Greystone dying in some old castle someplace and I'm here looking at you and that silly hat. I mean, where's the pleasure? VECTOR If I had my monocle, I could bring them both here right now and show you their rotting corpses . . . (moving in close) . . . right here . . . right now. Blackpool stares at him drunkenly for a moment. BLACKPOOL Does the phrase, 'fat chance' mean anything to you, Vector? He down his drink. Vector downs his. VECTOR As I said, it's your move. Blackpool stares down at the game, does his best to clear his eyes, and makes a move up the pyramid with one of the pieces. Vector smiles triumphantly and moves one of his pieces around the pyramid, knocking off other pieces, then on up and finally to the top. VECTOR Barkin!! Blackpool just looks down in disgust. VECTOR You owe me one million kolnas. BLACKPOOL So, I owe you. I'm good for it. VECTOR Sire, fast pay makes fast friends. BLACKPOOL Why, Vector, you don't trust me. VECTOR Now, I didn't say . . . BLACKPOOL Tell you what. We'll play a little hard ball here. VECTOR What do you mean? BLACKPOOL One more game . . . double or nothing . . . for the monocle. He fingers it enticingly. VECTOR For the monocle, Sire? BLACKPOOL And that silly little hat. VECTOR You're on. Blackpool reaches down and smashes open another bottle of wine. CUT TO:
SCENE 29 Greystone and Ariel are making their way down a long, dark corridor, each holding torches to light the way. ARIEL I think we're going the wrong way. We should have turned right at the top of the stairs. GREYSTONE That goes deeper into the castle. ARIEL You don't know everything. GREYSTONE I knew not to come in here in the first place. ARIEL Then why are you here? GREYSTONE Because, I didn't want anything to happen to you. ARIEL You're a doll. GREYSTONE Thanks. A breeze from down the hall blows the torches . . . almost out. GREYSTONE See, that came from down there. It could be a door or window . . . a way out. I'll go check. ARIEL Be careful. GREYSTONE I will. You wait here. ARIEL Erik, I'm scared. What if you don't come back. What should I do? GREYSTONE I haven't the slightest idea. ARIEL Well, you'll make an honest husband, anyway. GREYSTONE Now don't leave this spot . . . no matter what. ARIEL You got it. Greystone starts down the corridor, finally turning a corner out of sight. Ariel waits in the eerie light of her torches. Finally, we hear the distant cry of Lattinia. LATTINIA (O.S.) Ariel . . . Ariel. Ariel looks back down the hall in the opposite direction.
SCENE 30 Lattinia stands at the end of the dark hall in a ghostly light.
SCENE 31 Ariel, with Lattinia in the b.g., begins to move towards her. ARIEL Mother. You're here. She moves closer, holding out her hands as Lattinia continues to call her. LATTINIA Ariel, come. As she is about to embrace Lattinia, Greystone comes back and sees what's happening. GREYSTONE Ariel, stop! Don't go any farther! Suddenly, Ariel drops through a trapdoor in the floor. There is a bolt of lightning. Lattinia screams and comes charging at Greystone with a dagger. He holds out the torches to defend himself from the blade. Lattinia runs into the flame and disappears in a puff of smoke. CUT TO:
SCENE 32 This is a bedroom beneath the hall in the previous scene. Ariel falls from the ceiling and lands on the bed. She is stunned for a moment by what has happened when she looks terrified towards the door.
SCENE 33 Blackpool is standing in the semi-darkness.
SCENE 34 ARIEL You! I should have guessed you were behind all of this. BLACKPOOL Not true, child. I had nothing to do with this. It was Vector. He has gotten out of control. ARIEL Sure, sure. BLACKPOOL I am here to get you out. Trust me. ARIEL Never. BLACKPOOL As you wish. Spend the rest of the night here, if you want. I'm sure it's been most enjoyable up 'til now. He starts to leave. ARIEL Wait. How do I know you're the real Blackpool and not one of those crazies? BLACKPOOL I don't know what you're talking about. ARIEL Come on, you do, too. If you're who you say you are, prove it. BLACKPOOL How? ARIEL Say something in Blackpool. BLACKPOOL Like what? ARIEL Well, like how you get your jollies from torturing people. BLACKPOOL Oh, you mean like setting someone's hair on fire and standing them in quicksand. ARIEL Yep, you're Blackpool. BLACKPOOL Then let me take you away from all this. ARIEL Boy, I've heard that one before. BLACKPOOL Now. ARIEL Are you sure you're not going to do something bad? BLACKPOOL Why would I lie? ARIEL With you, it's probably a hobby. BLACKPOOL But you don't have a lot of choices, do you? ARIEL I guess not. What about Greystone? BLACKPOOL One at a time. Come. Ariel gets up and starts to him. Suddenly, he grins and grabs her by the throat. He begins choking her violently. Her scream is stifled and becomes a last gasp of breath. When it seems almost over she takes a hat pin from her hair and jams it into Blackpool's chest. He disappears in a puff of smoke. ARIEL Liar. CUT TO:
SCENE 35 Marko is at the front door trying to break in. He runs and slams his body against the door several times then slashes at it with his sword, all to no avail. He looks around for another way and finally sits down and leans back against the door exhausted. The door swings open and he literally falls back in.
SCENE 36 Greystone is still in the hallway from the previous scene, searching for Ariel, opening doors, etc. GREYSTONE Ariel! Where are you? He suddenly turns when he hears a door SLAM somewhere below. He runs down the hall and stops short when he sees light coming from under a door. He listens at the door. Nothing. GREYSTONE Ariel, are you in there? There is no answer. He draws his sword, kicks open the door and charges in.
SCENE 37 We see him fall in SLOW MOTION out into empty space. CUT TO:
SCENE 38 This is the same bedroom Ariel fell into, and Greystone does the same landing on the bed. He gets off and sees Ariel cowering in the corner, still holding her torch. GREYSTONE Ariel, are you all right? ARIEL I don't know. GREYSTONE What do you mean, 'I don't know'? ARIEL I don't know if that's you. GREYSTONE Of course it's me. Who else . . . Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Well, I know what he had for lunch. ARIEL Of course you do. You were there. GREYSTONE I wasn't there if this isn't me. ARIEL I get so confused. GREYSTONE Look, I know we went on a picnic today. ARIEL And we had carpacca salad. GREYSTONE And your dog, Woje, was there. ARIEL And you didn't like being in the woods near this castle. GREYSTONE And you don't like wrinkles. ARIEL And you're going to be my husband. GREYSTONE And you're going to be my beautiful wife. ARIEL And you're not so bad yourself. They move closer to each other. GREYSTONE And I can hardly wait. They embrace. ARIEL Me neither. GREYSTONE I guess we're really us. ARIEL We better be. GREYSTONE Yeah. He kisses her. Behind Greystone we see Ariel gently poke him with the hat pin. GREYSTONE Ouch! why did you do that for? ARIEL Just checking. She backs away from him, laughing more.
SCENE 39 Greystone is pulled up and OUT OF THE SHOT. Immediately, another Greystone pops INTO THE SHOT with his back turned to Ariel. She turns around to see him with his back turned. ARIEL Oh, now, I'm sorry. I was only making a little joke. Let's kiss again and make up. That's fun. Greystone's body stays in position but his head makes a 180 degree turn around to her. His look is that of a fiendish demon. There is a bolt of lightning and clap of THUNDER that is soon drowned out by Ariel's scream. FADE OUT.
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