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What's that you say? You'd like to learn a little more about the show behind
the scenes? Well, nobody's in the know quite like our resident Wizard Traquill.
He's seen it all and done it all a hundred times over. So go on, feel free to
ask him! If he's awake . . . and if he can remember . . .
On second thought, why not just read these articles? Traquill's tireless
apprentices have scoured the farthest corners of Aperans to fill his files with
gossip -- that is, with the hard facts a respectable historian like Traquill
needs to keep on top of things. Still, those apprentices are merely fallible
(and shamelessly underpaid) mortals. If you know about an article they missed,
please let us know!
- American Record Guide
- Review of the Holdridge album. Additionally, there is some
biographical information about Lee Holdridge, composer of the Wizards and
Warriors theme.
- Cable Guide
- For crossword puzzle fans. Check out 5 down for the W&W
- Cinefantastique
- Two articles. The first is a great overview of the series, cast, and crew.
The second article is a short, but interesting look at how Don Reo (Executive
Producer) came up with the concept for the series.
CNN Showbiz News (off-site)
1997 interview with Werner Keppler (who was a makeup artist for W&W)
regarding the special effects he and his son do for ER. The pix are
graphic, but the wounds are fake, of course.
- Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV
- A very short (and very inaccurate) synopsis of the series.
- Dallas Morning News (1)
- This article is actually about A&E's production of Ivanhoe but it
does mention Wizards and Warriors at the end, calling it a "vastly
underappreciated satire."
- Dallas Morning News (2)
- Jeff Conaway (Erik Greystone) is mentioned going from Taxi fame to
Wizards and Warriors to hawking Video Professor computer classes.
- Encyclopedia of Fantasy
- A short overview of the series.
- Forbes
- Wizards and Warriors may be tame compared to today's television but
when it aired in 1983, it was considered one of the most violent shows on TV.
- Los Angeles Times
- A look at the career of Walter Olkewicz (Marko).
- Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
- A decidedly unfriendly review of Wizards and Warriors. Obviously, the
author just didn't get that the series was a satire.
- People Weekly (1)
- An extremely short, but favorable review of the series.
- People Weekly (2)
- A poignant article about Bill Bixby (Director) marrying despite a recurrence
of his prostate cancer.
- Prevue
- Jeff Conaway (Erik Greystone) and Don Reo (Executive Producer) give an
interview packed full of behind-the-scenes information about the filming of
Wizards and Warriors. Images included. All images have been
thumbnailed to speed load time.
- Record, The
- A delightful look at Julia Duffy (Ariel Baaldorf), emphasizing her role on
- San Diego Union-Tribune
- A short article in which Julia Duffy (Ariel Baaldorf) talks about the
similarities of her characters on Wizards and Warriors and Newhart.
- Sixteen Magazine
- A bit gushy, but interesting (and short) article about Conaway's new series.
Includes handwritten note to his fans.
- Star Wars Insider
- Clive Revill (Vector) talks about his voice work as Emperor Palpatine in
The Empire Strikes Back.
- Starlog 67
- Don Reo (Executive Producer) talks about the background of the series, the
cast, and the crew. Includes images.
- Starlog 68
- Don Reo (Executive Producer) goes into more detail about the production of
Wizards and Warriors. Includes images.
- Starlog_129
- Tim Dunigan (Geoffrey Blackpool) gives an in-depth interview about his work
on Captain Power and the Soldiers of Future. Images included. Page may
load slowly.
- Television Chronicles
- Has a lot of fascinating information quoted directly from Don Reo (Executive
Producer), Duncan Regehr (Dirk Blackpool), and Jeff Conaway (Erik Greystone).
Includes images.
- Time Magazine
- Jeff Conaway (Erik Greystone) turns his career around after landing a role
on The Bold and the Beautiful.
- Toronto Star (1)
- Julia Duffy (Ariel Baaldorf) talks about how she prefers playing the second
banana in comedies.
- Toronto Star (2)
- Duncan Regehr (Dirk Blackpool) interview following the first season of
- Toronto Star (3)
- Duncan Regehr (Dirk Blackpool) briefly discusses his acting career, his
poetry, and art.
- Toronto Star (4)
- Jeff Conaway (Erik Greystone) discusses his acting career, including
Grease, Taxi and Wizards and Warriors. Includes image.
- TV Guide
- Read about the state of the art special effects behind Wizards and
Warriors. Includes behind the scenes photos.
- TV Zone
- All the way from Britain - a good overview of the series with a mention
about how it predated "such well-documented magical shows such as Xena: Warrior
- US Magazine
- Tim Dunigan (Geoffrey Blackpool) discusses his role on Davy Crockett. Mr.
Dunigan would like it pointed out that the information about his personal life
is outdated. Image included.
- Variety
- A combination overview/review of the series.
- Washington Post
- Negative review criticizing the show for poor character development and
being one-dimensional.
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contact the webmaster at
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Mailing List, contact the list administrator at
This site contains copyright material whose use has not been
specifically authorized by the copyright owners. This is a fan site only and is
not affiliated with any motion picture studios, Warner Brothers, CBS, Don Reo
Productions, Randi Brooks, Jeff Conaway, Julia Duffy, Tim Dunigan, Thomas Hill,
Jay Kerr, Julie Payne, Duncan Regehr, Don Reo, Clive Revill, Ian Wolfe or any of
the additional cast or crew of Wizards and Warriors. |