Dirk Blackpool in Vulkar's Revenge (8_70)

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If it's a character you're looking to meet, you can't do better than ol' Justin. Erik's called him a character more times than anyone can remember. He's called him a lot of other names, too, but we can't repeat any of them here.

Lattinia may know everyone worth knowing, but Justin knows everyone you need to know. Not to mention how much it costs to hire them. Although he'll hasten to assure the ladies that he's the only man you really need to know . . .

Just buy him a drink, and Justin will be only too happy to show you around, introduce you to everyone, and cheat you bli-- I mean, invite you to join him in a friendly game of poker, or maybe even dice. If he uses the ones from the Haven Islands, don't play.

Please Note: Certain character traits unsubstantiated by the show have gradually become part of the W&W Mailing List's popular lore. These include Dirk's compulsion to write execrable poetry, Erik's virtuous fondness for drinking milk, and Geoffrey's hidden reserves of intelligence. Since such traits are not strictly canonical, they are not discussed below.


Prince Erik Greystone

Whether you call him nobly, intensely heroic or merely morally uptight, this attractive blond heir to all Camarand wages a never-ending war in Southern Aperans on behalf of truth, justice, and the Greystone Way. Think of the ultimate Boy Scout, mix in a smidgen of Luke Skywalker idealism, and throw in a dash of teeth-clenched histrionics for seasoning, and you've got a reasonable facsimile of this Knight in Shining Gold Lamé.

The son of the invalid King Richard and the arch-enemy of Prince Dirk Blackpool, Erik appears less frightened of his malevolent Northern nemesis than of a potentially arranged marriage to Princess Ariel Baaldorf. Although betrothed to the princess since childhood, he seems to think it prudent for the two of them to get further acquainted before tying the knot -- or breaking the engagement. Selecting a copy of the book The Joy of Being Single as her birthday gift is only one of many subtle hints. Once you've met Ariel, you'll understand why.

The matter of marriage is the only area in which the valiant Prince Erik exercises anything resembling prudence, which he equates with simple cowardice. Death by fire seems to be the only fate he truly fears; legions of rubber-masked monsters or Dirk's Weapon of the Week seldom faze him. He is extremely, almost suicidally loyal, risking everything for the sake of such loved ones as his father and Marko on various occasions. Mounted on his noble steed Southwind, he never hesitates to rush headlong into danger while wielding only his trusty magic sword; this may explain why his brother Justin, his best friend/vassal Marko, and the wizard Traquill all have to save his hide with stunning regularity. His gung-ho exploits are aided by the occasional snippet of cryptic advice from the mysterious Belldonna, a ghostly woman whom only Erik can see or hear. As you might imagine, this leads to many hilarious misunderstandings, culminating in the famous episode, "Erik Gets Committed." Just kidding! The scriptwriters were saving that for the second season.

Erik received his education at the Royal School, where his longstanding rivalry with Dirk began. Then as now, he always defeated Dirk in combat, notwithstanding Dirk's willingness to play dirty while Erik played strictly by the rules. All the rules. Processed in triplicate.

Erik tans easily, wears the Greystone Rose as his symbol, obviously uses enough hairspray to deplete the ozone over a small Caribbean nation, and boasts a royal wardrobe which appears as if it were designed by Liberace on a major crimson-and-gold fetish day. Like his surname, this Prince Charming is as reliable and invincible (and about as bland) as a rock.

The character of Erik Greystone appears in all 8 episodes.



Erik's long-suffering best friend, vassal, and partner in fighting evil, Marko is the strongest man in Aperans. Although a good-hearted soul, Marko tends to devote markedly more enthusiasm to eating big dinners than to stopping the villainous machinations of Dirk Blackpool. He obviously feels Erik tosses around the phrase "a matter of life and death" a bit too easily and often, particularly during dinnertime. Overall, Erik's vassal serves as a voice of reason, skepticism, fatalism, and worried self-preservation. Plus a whole lotta muscle.

The nephew of the wizard Traquill, Marko demonstrates an unusual magical ability himself: communicating with animals. This is a very handy trait, especially for giving detailed instructions to his horse, Ben. However, it can also lead to very socially awkward situations when one of his livestock friends winds up plucked and stuffed and garnished on a plate. Nothing can spoil a good meal quite like Marko's sentimental lamentations about the main course. Judging by his girth, however, he seldom lets that stop him from tucking into a tasty roast tadmon dinner for long. Incidentally, your guess is as good as ours as to exactly what tadmon is. The jury is still out, but in light of the evidence, it could be something sort of chicken-ish.

The vassal dresses in basic, sturdy earth-tones in basic, sturdy fabrics well-suited to his basic, sturdy personality. He has a brother named Michael, Dunfirm lawmaster and frequent patron of the lively Dunfirm Tavern, where Marko is a popular figure. Surprisingly agile for his size, he is an excellent competitive dancer and a wistfully devoted admirer of the infamous Winslow sisters, Margaret and Lucille (and an avid defender of Margaret's honor, a cause even more hopeless than many Erik has espoused). He has admitted to being jealous of the way Erik effortlessly attracts women with his royal status -- and spiffy tan. Marko himself apparently burns and peels quite badly. Despite such minor bones of contention, this infinitely loyal sidekick is a true friend to Erik, and has saved the prince's life more times than he can count. Erik has returned the favor, although the prince's impulsive heroism is usually what puts Marko's life at risk in the first place.

According to the script for The Dungeon of Death, Marko's last name is "Herpe." Whether this unusual surname has anything to do with his association with the notorious Winslow sisters is an unknown factor.

The character of Marko appears in all 8 episodes.


Prince Dirk Blackpool

Clad in more silver-studded, heavily shoulder-padded black leather than you'd find at an average gay-rights parade, Dirk Blackpool is a Villain with a capital "V." This darkly handsome, unspeakably evil prince of Karteia rules northern Aperans with an iron fist (and probably several iron maidens, some thumbscrews, a rack or two, and various other dungeon devices) in the name of his comatose father, King Saris. His official List of Enemies is literally larger than the Encyclopedia Britannica. It is safe to bet that his sadistic psyche is even more twisted than his thumbscrews.

A tall, imposing man with a tendency to stalk and sweep into a room, his leather creaking madly all the way, Dirk often makes dramatic entrances by simply saying "Hi." The effect of this is heightened greatly by a British-accented voice which vacillates between a sensuous, sinister whisper and a hostile shout. His entire persona seems an odd fusion of elegant, almost effete manners and vicious, homicidal ruthlessness -- served with a wink and a smile. His life's ambition is to rule all of Aperans and bring about the slow and exquisitely painful death of his old schoolmate, Erik Greystone . . . not necessarily in that order. He has a soft spot for weapons of mass destruction and any opportunity to hurl a sharp insult, or a sharp object, at anyone else's soft spots. When not fiendishly plotting or practicing his torture techniques, he also enjoys indulging in a relaxing game of Barkin (a mutant mix of chess, Chinese checkers, and gratuitous violence), dining on the occasional lightning hawk, or feathering his bangs. He is as nasty drunk as he is sober, possibly even nastier. Petulant and sulky by nature, he is a very sore loser, who tends to share that soreness with anyone within striking distance. Appropriately enough, his family symbol is serpent twisted into the sign for infinity.

Thanks to the assistance of the witch Bethel, whose ample charms he often enjoys, he is now the possessor of the wizard Vector's monocle (a gem, worn as a necklace, used to channel magic power), and the wizard Vector's very reluctant servitude. Despite the Aperanian prohibitions against royals using magic, he has learned to use the monocle "a little bit" -- mainly as an instrument of pain. His willingness to lie and cheat shamefully in hand-to-hand combat gives him a huge advantage over Erik; however, his irresistible compulsion to gloat and savor the moment inevitably leads to the Greystone prince escaping by the skin of his teeth, usually thanks to the aid of Erik's friends and relatives. Unfortunately for Dirk, he is hindered about as often as he is helped by his own evil allies, both of whom have their own agendas. Both Vector and Bethel entertain nagging doubts that Dirk will ever keep either of his respective (and somewhat mutually exclusive) promises to return the monocle to Vector and make Bethel his queen. Dirk's word is basically worth less than a wooden kolna (an Aperanian coin).

Like Erik's fear of fire, Dirk suffers from intense arachnophobia, thanks to a childhood trauma involving a locked room and a swarm of spiders. In fact, in countless ways, this northern prince is a precise inversion of his southern counterpart, a dark mirror image in the blackest of black pools.

The character of Dirk Blackpool appears in all 8 episodes.


Princess Ariel Baaldorf

The beautiful, spoiled, and incredibly vain daughter of King Baaldorf, this Daddy's girl finds her fiancé Erik quite handsome (although not prettier than her, which would never be allowed). It's a shame, though, the way he's always far too wrapped up in silly world crises to pay proper homage to her charms. It's an even greater shame that the only man who does appreciate those charms just happens to be Geoffrey Blackpool, the brother of the south's mortal enemy. Sometimes a girl just can't get a break.

Even after establishing her credentials as the Uber-Damsel-in-Distress by being kidnapped, dropped in a moat, menaced by undead barbarians, etc., Ariel has never worried her pretty little head over the intricacies of the conflict between northern and southern Aperans. Her mind has always been far too preoccupied with having the very best clothes and the most expensive possessions, and on being the center of attention; she regards her birthday as something of a national holiday. She hums when she's bored, which is pretty much anytime she's not the center of attention (such as when Erik has the temerity to discuss old girlfriends). Much of this attitude can be traced to Ariel's mother, Queen Lattinia, who apparently acted much the same in her youth. All in all, Ariel regards direct sunlight -- and resultant wrinkles -- as a far greater threat to her well-being than anything Dirk Blackpool can dish out.

In addition to her love of lace, Ariel has a . . . certain dubious fascination, shall we say, with Dirk Blackpool's "leather thingies," as well as other quirks which aren't fit to be discussed in public. One thing she does do in public, unfortunately, is show off what she has learned from her expensive dancing lessons . . . which obviously isn't much. One doubts if Ariel has ever learned much of anything, aside from the ability to pout prettily and shop 'till she drops; she's never even had to find the castle kitchen. A classic dumb blond, this princess is by no means the sharpest pencil in the box, although she is the sharpest-dressed, with enormous pointy hats bedecked with trailing veils. Her predilection for huge, silly headgear may be an outgrowth of her insecurity about her diminutive height.

Ariel is often seen in the company of her devoted though disgracefully overworked handmaiden, Cassandra. The Princess also owns a dog named Woje and a unicorn named Pumpkin, whom she treats rather better than Cassandra.

The character of Ariel appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, The Rescue, Night of Terror, Skies of Death, and Vulkar's Revenge. She is the only main character not to appear in all 8 episodes.


The Wizard Vector

As ancient and evil a wizard as you'd ever hope to find (although if you've been hoping to find an evil wizard, there's frankly something very wrong with you), Vector's knowledge of magic is incredible. Despite this, he's been forced to serve as a lackey to Dirk Blackpool ever since the witch Bethel helped the evil prince to pilfer Vector's monocle. Vector is understandably peeved with Bethel about this, but lacks the solid proof necessary to lodge a complaint with the Wizards' Council. Without recourse to this magical gem to focus his power, Vector is barred from high magic and from reading The Book, a mystical tome sacred to wizards and witches. Even so, Vector is still quite capable of impressive feats of magic, conjuring up such supernatural delights as crimson fever and lightning hawks made from takama powder and the foulest beasts in the Forest of Doom, although he quickly professes weakness after any great exertion. He constantly reminds Dirk that he could perform far more and better feats if the prince would let him use the monocle for just a moment or two, but Dirk always wisely declines to return the equivalent of a loaded gun to a vengeful wizard.

Due to Aperans' uniquely interdependent relationship between wizards and warriors, the presence of one of royal blood aids his practice of difficult magic. And speaking of blood . . . although wizards can't kill, he has used his occult skills to make life very difficult for Erik -- and sometimes for Dirk, as well. The knowledge that he could regain his monocle if Dirk died, a much shrewder idea than waiting for Dirk to return it as promised, is obviously never far from his thoughts. Unfortunately, it's never far from the justifiably paranoid Dirk's thoughts, either.

Vector has been a force of evil in Aperans for a thousand years, encouraging Dirk's father, King Saris, to make war against the southern kingdoms, and helping to mold the young prince into a true tyrant. Vector has even admitted to causing Saris' coma after the king considered making peace with the south. Luckily for Vector, Dirk does not hold this against him, blaming his father for such a betrayal of weakness. Less luckily for Vector, Dirk has evidently learned his lessons in evil all too well, graduating from being the wizard's pawn into the wizard's master. So Vector, being virtually immortal, tends to his carnivorous plants and bides his time.

Vector's apparel of choice consists of flowing dark robes and . . . well, he insists he doesn't wear a hat. You be the judge.

The character of Vector appears in all 8 episodes.


King Edwin Baaldorf

Indulgent father of Princess Ariel, tadmon-pecked husband to Queen Lattinia, and genial ruler of a beleaguered kingdom, poor King Edwin feels the pressure of standing up to the hostile armies of Karteia . . . while simultaneously keeping his wife and daughter happy. It's hard to tell sometimes which of those two tasks he finds more difficult. In spite of it all, he still has romantic feelings for Lattinia, although his occasional frisky advances are, more often than not, summarily rebuffed. His favorite benediction is "May the gods go with you."

At one time, King Edwin and King Saris of Karteia were good friends. Edwin believes that if Saris had not fallen into a coma, they could have negotiated an honorable peace. That chance gone, he spends most of his time these days sending Erik out on urgent missions to rescue his daughter, fight Dirk, and generally save the kingdom. He might also profitably send Erik to purchase a new royal scepter, since his existing one, for reasons that mystify most everyone, appears to be a shovel with a handprint on it.

The character of Edwin appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, The Rescue, Night of Terror, Skies of Death, The Dungeon of Death, and Vulkar's Revenge.


Prince Justin Greystone

The easygoing, playboy brother of Erik Greystone, Justin has all the physical and intellectual attributes necessary to be as great a hero as his sibling . . . just not the slightest desire. While he claims to have once served with distinction on the battlefield, he ostensibly avoids such confrontations now that his "reflexes are shot." When it comes to ducking responsibility, however, his reflexes are second to none. He is the sort of infinitely pragmatic reprobate who would bet on a battle -- against his own side. Money, after all, is money. Admittedly, you'll find a certain roguish charm in Justin's lazy drawl, lazy grin, and -- well, lazy just about covers it. Not surprisingly, this attitude drives Erik up the wall.

While Erik is famed as the greatest hero in the south, Justin is famed as the winner of the Tri-Kingdom Drinking Competition. When it comes to wine, women, and song, nobody can touch Justin Greystone (actually, you can touch him any way you want to, so long as your husband's out of town, but let's not go there). Even though he's not really so good with song, the metaphorical notches on his bedpost are rumored to include the Winslow sisters, a chambermaid from Castle Blackpool, and even the witch Bethel. Although Justin calls Erik "little brother," it is unknown if this appellation refers to birth order (which would wreak havoc with all known laws of primogeniture), comparative height, or some other sordid anatomical factor which it would be best not to speculate about.

Give Justin a mug of ale, a plate of good peasant tadmon, a pretty tavern wench, and something to bet on, and you have a happy man. Regrettably, in accordance with one of Aperans' variations on Murphy's Law, this would usually be the point at which Erik's life expectancy begins looking rather grim. It is in such situations that Justin proves his lackadaisical attitude should not be taken as cowardice, since he always rides to Erik's and Marko's aid whenever the latter find themselves in a tight spot. He is quite resourceful, shielding himself from the Rains of Death with a bearskin, manipulating Bethel to his benefit, and generally playing with the rules instead of by the rules. Furthermore, although hardly the spotless role model of morality that his brother is, Justin can often use this fact to his advantage. He is able to acquire information and assistance from some of Aperans' more shady characters, the sort of people who would avoid Erik like a particularly virulent case of the crimson fever. He also just plain has a lot more fun than anyone else in Aperans.

The character of Justin appears in The Kidnap, Skies of Death, Caverns of Chaos, The Dungeon of Death, and Vulkar's Revenge.


The Witch Bethel

A sultry blond seductress who has her sights set on being Queen of all Aperans (a blatant flouting of the taboo against mixing magic and royalty), Bethel wreaks havoc as an ally and lover of Dirk Blackpool. How much genuine feeling she has for Dirk, if any, is a matter for debate, but she has gone to great lengths to aid him on occasion. Her theft of Vector's monocle at Dirk's instigation places her in great personal jeopardy, as the Wizard's Council would deal quite harshly with her should Vector manage to prove his suspicions. In the interim, with little more than insults at his disposal, Vector takes great pleasure in reminding her that she is far more ancient than her current youthful form would indicate -- older even than the legendary wars of the Ashen Plateau.

In addition to preserving her youth and committing grand larceny, Bethel can use magic to disguise herself and spy on Dirk's enemies. She's used this tactic successfully against even the worldly-wise Erik and Justin Greystone, getting traitorously close to Justin in particular as part of yet another Queen Scheme. Obviously, her spells are far harder to see through than her flimsy silver lamé clothing. In fact, her wardrobe reveals the ultimate proof of her magic's potency, since surely some sort of sorcery is required to keep her skimpy, "barely-there" outfits from falling off.

The character of Bethel appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, Caverns of Chaos, and The Dungeon of Death.


The Wizard Traquill

A master of white magic and an accomplished storyteller to boot, the wizened and white-bearded Traquill aids the southern kingdoms . . . when he's not busy napping, or forgetting a spell (it's right on the tip of his tongue, you know, just hold off that flesh-eating monster for another minute). He spends much of his time advising King Edwin Baaldorf, although it's also not unusual to find him in Castle Greystone, speaking with King Richard. He has a thing for pointy shoes, pointy hats, and a pointed wit. However, the sometimes caustic comments of the elderly wizard are counterbalanced by his kind and mischievous nature, not to mention the gentle twinkle in his eye.

Traquill can actually smell when another wizard is lying (which means that Vector has some pretty serious body odor). Curiously, he is always shown in a seated position. It is unknown whether he is capable of standing, given sufficient motivation (such as a passing Winslow sister).

Traquill will use magic to assist Erik when necessary, although he cannot directly interfere with the natural course of human events. He often dispenses good advice to the imperiled prince, as well. Since Marko is Traquill's nephew and the mysterious Belldonna is presumably Traquill's agent, Erik owes a great deal to the wizard. However, the way in which Traquill seems to get an enormous kick out of trying Erik's limited patience makes the Greystone prince more irritable than grateful during most of their encounters.

The character of Traquill appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, The Rescue, and Caverns of Chaos.


Prince Geoffrey Blackpool

Younger brother to Dirk, Prince Geoffrey often commands the Karteian armies. While a tall and formidable warrior, the boyishly handsome Geoffrey isn't known for great, or even average intelligence. With some justification, Vector not-so-fondly refers to him as the "strong and stupid" son of Saris Blackpool. On the other hand, although Geoffrey can certainly be a bit of a swaggering bully at times, his ready grin doesn't seem to harbor the same degree of cruelty as his brother. It is entirely possible that Geoffrey's stupidity and Dirk's cruelty are directly related, given the manner in which the young Dirk's idea of fun involved hanging his hapless brother upside-down from the North Tower until he passed out.

Geoffrey is utterly infatuated with Princess Ariel, his intellectual equal, and would like nothing better than to make her his bride (one cringes at the reproductive possibilities). Actually, he might like one thing better: to finally impress Dirk with his abilities as a warrior. Geoffrey appears to hero-worship Dirk in true little brother fashion, and is only too aware that Dirk regards him as an exasperating and embarrassing buffoon at best, and an infinitely disposable patsy at worst. Geoffrey repeatedly proves himself to be pathetically easy to manipulate, with even Ariel outwitting him at times. His most despised enemy is Marko, although the origin of their feud is unknown. Possibly it arises from their ongoing rivalry over the title of Strongest Man in Aperans, Geoffrey already being a shoo-in for the title of Stupidest. Geoffrey and Marko have engaged in hand-to-hand combat on more than one occasion, with Marko demonstrating a slight strength advantage.

The younger Blackpool looks to be a bit of a dandy underneath his armor, courting Ariel in a silk and velvet doublet even more flamboyant than her gown. His choice of silly hat, complete with an enormous spray of feathers, reveals him to be Ariel's kindred spirit. Perhaps more than anything else, however, Geoffrey is known for his love of cheese -- cheese sandwiches, in particular. Vector has learned of this firsthand, much to his humiliation, compelled to serve as chef to Geoffrey's arrogant appetite.

The character of Geoffrey appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, and Caverns of Chaos.


Queen Lattinia Baaldorf

Mother of Princess Ariel and wife to King Edwin, the prim Queen Lattinia fights a never-ending battle to see that, regardless of war, evil princes, or a shrinking royal treasury, her wimpled hair is never mussed and every inch of her castle is always properly decorated. Provided, of course, that she can manage to figure out which way the East Wing is. Like mother, like daughter.

Famed as a striking beauty in her younger days, Lattinia is aging quite reluctantly (and appears willing to strike anyone crass enough to mention it). Perhaps the excessive attention she pays to her daughter Ariel is a way that she can relive her own lost youth. In any case, Lattinia certainly indulges her daughter's behavior. There's nothing she enjoys more than splurging on extravagant shopping sprees with Ariel -- unless it's planning the extravagant wedding she hopes that Erik and Ariel will soon have, or remodeling the banquet hall to serve as an extravagant honeymoon suite. Not that she's pushing them into anything . . .

The character of Lattinia appears in The Kidnap, Night of Terror, and Skies of Death.



Princess Ariel's handmaiden is a hard-working, excitable . . . okay, downright hysterical woman.  Like her Trojan namesake, this Cassandra is an unrelenting prophetess of doom and worried worst-case scenarios. Despite the fact that Ariel has been kidnapped by everyone from Dirk Blackpool to Geoffrey Blackpool to Vulkar the Barbarian on an almost weekly basis, poor Cassandra never seems to get used to the occurrence. Like clockwork, the handmaiden will wail loudly every time Ariel is taken, and then be overcome with emotion when the princess is returned safely. Considering how Ariel treats Cassandra, it is very difficult to guess from whence the wellspring of this extraordinary loyalty might flow.

Despite the fact that Ariel's demanding nature makes Cassandra's work rather challenging -- in the same sense that weaving the Bayeux Tapestry entirely from dental floss would be challenging -- the handmaiden professes to enjoy her job, and the opportunity to associate with royalty. She also does not object to wearing an official Handmaiden Hat even sillier than Ariel's creations, looking like nothing so much as an unfortunate accident involving Dixie cups and superglue.

There are unexpected depths to Cassandra. In addition to being a fairly skilled harpsichord player, it is possible that she may harbor romantic feelings for Marko. She certainly chats with him every chance she gets, and attempts to fix him soup when he is injured. Surely she knows that if ever there was a man whose heart-route lay through his stomach, it's Marko.

The character of Cassandra appears in The Unicorn of Death, The Kidnap, and Vulkar's Revenge.



A lovely, spectral female, Belldonna appears to Erik from time to time to smile sweetly and offer him prophetic warnings. In the grand tradition of prophecy, these are always annoyingly vague and typically become clear only with benefit of hindsight, after the danger is already past. She has told Erik that these messages are from Traquill, which would appear to be par for the course for the puckish wizard.

Erik is uncertain exactly who or what Belldonna is, but she has confirmed that she is made of "wind and moonlight, mist and magic" and represents his "perception of beauty." Only Erik can see or hear her . . . and he's obviously quite taken with her, too. In response to the Prince's eager inquiries, she has promised that they will meet face to face "on a night when the moon is a ghostly ship on the sea of winter wind. When the fires of hell are frozen." Which, under any other circumstances, would sound an awful lot like a pretty unequivocal rejection.

The character of Belldonna appears in The Unicorn of Death and The Kidnap.


The Winslow Sisters

Found at Dunfirm tavern, and in beds, and haystacks, and pretty much any quiet corner available, these redheaded twin sisters enjoy the distinction of being the most infamous women of their generation. Margaret and Lucille are known and loved by men across the continent, although women across the continent entertain far less friendly feelings for them, often accusing the sisters of being less than virtuous. It is possible that Margaret's reputation has been unjustly sullied by association with the tarty Lucille, but this is most likely nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of the lovestruck Marko. Probably the only man who knows the whole truth of the matter is Justin -- and he's hardly a reliable witness, now, is he?

The Winslow sisters appear only in The Rescue, but they are oft-discussed in other episodes.



A strong, silent, Clint Eastwood-y type, Colter still manages to make a lot of noise . . . with heavy-duty explosives. One of Justin's unsavory mercenary acquaintances, he always carries a goodly arsenal on his person at all times, which he is not afraid to use at the slightest provocation. Judging by his monosyllabic bragging, this well-dressed cavalier obviously has more lives than an average cat; rumors of his death are often greatly exaggerated. Whether he's taking out thirty torture troopers single-handedly, or getting rid of the Taldon Gang and the castle they lived in, Colter always manages a lot of bang for the buck -- er, kolna. And he charges a lot of kolnas for the bang.

When not rumored dead, the laconic Colter can be found lying low in the seedy town of Grogan, a slim cigar clenched between his teeth. Whatever you do, don't touch his horse, lest rumors of your death ensue . . . .

The character of Colter appears only in The Dungeon of Death.


Floyd the Feather

Constantly proving that a diminutive frame can contain a sizable lust for wealth, Floyd the Feather, another Justin crony, works as one of the top thieves in all Aperans. Skilled as a pickpocket and a lockpick, Floyd uses his size to his advantage, getting into tight places and concealing himself where most people would never think to look.

Despite his stature, Floyd is not exactly timid about hurling insults at others. And although he's not big on hand-to-hand combat, he has no problem with sticking a knife into someone's back to make a point.

If you should need to hire Floyd, head to the town of Grogan and ask at the carnival. Just don't turn your back on him -- or take your eye off your valuables -- for a second.

The character of Floyd appears only in The Dungeon of Death.


Vulkar the Barbarian

Heavily bearded, heavily smelly, and boasting a voice like thunder (or a cleverly synthesized special effect), this fearsome undead barbarian has been killed many times. Like a recurring rash, he keeps on coming back whenever he is summoned by magic users foolish enough to think they can control him, Vector being a prime culprit. The sacrifice of a magic amulet, combined with a ritual chant, is one way to ensure Vulkar shows up to spoil your dinner with threats upon your life.

Each time he returns, he cannot be killed in the same manner that he was before. For example, since he has been killed in the past by Dirk's sword, Erik's sword, and Vector's monocle, the next time he comes back he would be immune to harm from all of those weapons.

Whenever the red-armored Vulkar is alive, he's a monstrous enemy. Besides his devastating magical whip and his horrifying table manners, he has the ability to summon a barbarian horde that will do his evil bidding. The only hope to defeat him is for everyone to work together, an almost unheard-of feat in contemporary Aperans.

The character of Vulkar appears only in Vulkar's Revenge.



Once upon a time, the late owner of the abandoned Castle Karnaj was a sweet-tempered, fancy-dressing musician who loved all living things . . . until somebody killed his pet spider, and he "went bananas." Now, his evil presence and maniacal laughter permeate that cursed place, ensuring that any visitor who kills any living thing -- even as small as a gitch -- will die the death of the damned, attacked by friend and enemy alike. Obviously, someone would have to be really stupid to see the surrounding forest as a nice spot for a picnic.

Immortalized in a painting above the castle fireplace, the steely gaze of Karnaj watches you with merciless intent. Better hope you don't accidentally swat a bug --er, gitch, or he'll squish you like one . . .

The character of Karnaj appears only in Night of Terror.


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