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Conway, John, ed.  "Trends:  Wham!  Bam!"  Forbes 15 August 1983:  11.


Wham! Bam!


edited by John A. Conway


Mayhem on the tube is getting worse, according to the National Coalition on Television Violence, a group that wants a sort of "x-rated" system for rough-and-tumble shows. It charges that the first quarter of 1983 had the worst programming ever, with an average of nearly 10 violent acts -- beatings, brawls, murders, rapes and the like -- per hour of prime-time network programming. The worst offenders, says NCTV, were NBC's A-Team (with 40 violent acts) and ABC's High Performance and CBS' Wizards and Warriors (with 37 each). So, NCTV and groups like it are more than worried about a trend toward deregulation of television. NCTV says the FCC isn't fulfilling its fiat to protect the public interest, and a bill passed by the Senate earlier this year makes things worse by ordering the FCC to "eliminate unnecessary rules and regulation." NCTV could find some support in the House, however; where Representative Tim Wirth (D-Colo.), head of the telecommunications subcommittee, opposes deregulation. "You deregulate when there is a competitive market," says a Wirth aide. "That's true of radio, but not TV."


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