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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Four Act 1 |
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GREYSTONE'S ODYSSEYNight of TerrorWritten by Bill Richmond
Second draft - September 9, 1982 We have altered the original format for ease of reading. ACT TWO FADE IN: SCENE 14 We are CLOSE ON DIRK BLACKPOOL as he sits at a table, holding his hand over the flame of a candle. Beads of sweat pour from his forehead. He is obviously in pain, but manages a sinister smile throughout the ordeal. There is a KNOCK at the door. Without changing his expression, he responds: BLACKPOOL Come in.
SCENE 15 Vector enters and crosses to Blackpool. VECTOR Your Highness. BLACKPOOL Yes, Vector? VECTOR Are you alright? BLACKPOOL Of course. Why do you ask? VECTOR Your hand . . . you are holding it over a flame. BLACKPOOL Your powers of observation astound me. VECTOR But the pain must be unbearable. BLACKPOOL Almost unbearable. When it becomes unbearable, I will do something about it. VECTOR Pull your hand away? BLACKPOOL No, kill myself. Weakness is intolerable to me. He crushes out the flame with his hand. BLACKPOOL Was there something you wanted, or did you just come here to interrupt my relaxation? VECTOR I thought perhaps a celebration might be in order. Greystone and Ariel are dead. BLACKPOOL What are you saying? VECTOR They are sealed inside the Castle Karnaj. BLACKPOOL Then one of them must have killed something. VECTOR Yes, the brazen lamebrain with the blonde hair. BLACKPOOL That could be either one. VECTOR I'm speaking of Ariel. She killed a small gitch and no one has ever come out of that castle alive. BLACKPOOL Are you absolutely sure there's no way out? VECTOR Positive, Your Highness, and I might add, they will die the death of the damned. BLACKPOOL Meaning? VECTOR They will be killed by friends and enemies alike, coming at them from all directions. It will be a night of terror that will stay with them through eternity. The wrath of Karnaj is the work of a murderous savage. BLACKPOOL I like him. Open the wine! Vector gets a bottle of wine and struggles with the cork. Blackpool watches him, amused, then takes the bottle gracefully and extracts the cork with the skill of a wine steward. He pours it into two goblets. BLACKPOOL To you, Vector, and to the end of Greystone and Ariel . . . may they never rest in peace. He downs his glass. Vector sips. BLACKPOOL Oh, come now, Vector, if we're going to celebrate, let's celebrate. We'll drink 'til dawn. It is obviously a challenge, and Vector, smiling, accepts it and downs his drink. As Blackpool pours another, we . . . CUT TO:
SCENE 16 Greystone is frantically trying to knock down the steel sheet in the front door, but to no avail. ARIEL If you don't get us out of here at once, you're going to be in big trouble with my father. GREYSTONE Ariel, forget that. We're in giant trouble right here. There is a deafening SCREAM from somewhere. GREYSTONE I mean, giant, giant trouble. ARIEL There must be another way out of here. GREYSTONE Nobody found it yet. But if there is a way out, I'll find it. Come on. He starts crossing to the other side of the room. As they near the chest that they uncovered before, they hear FAINT, SQUEAKY ANIMAL-LIKE SOUNDS. ARIEL What's that? GREYSTONE It's coming from the chest. He draws his sword. ARIEL The chest is empty, remember? She opens the chest. It is oozing with spiders. There is a loud, ROARING LAUGH. She screams.
SCENE 17 It glows, and two shafts of flame shoot out from the eyes.
SCENE 18 Greystone slams the lid closed on the chest. GREYSTONE Hand me that chair to put on top of it. She goes to grab one of the covered chairs and pulls the sheet off of it. There is a skeleton sitting there. She screams and runs to Greystone. He grabs another chair and puts it on the chest. They continue across the room, where they hear SCRATCHING from behind a door. Greystone places Ariel in back of him for protection and then cautiously opens the door, prepared for anything. In back of the door is a wall of bricks with the SCRATCHING still going on behind it. We hear a MUFFLED, DISTANT VOICE calling out the name "Greystone." GREYSTONE I've got to get through these bricks. ARIEL Whose voice is that? GREYSTONE I can't tell. Maybe it's a friend. Maybe this is a way out. ARIEL Maybe it's a trick. Erik, I'm getting scared. GREYSTONE Now, take it easy. I'll get us out of here. He starts digging at the bricks with his sword.
SCENE 19 Ariel is watching him while, in back of her, we see the doorknob of the closet which she opened in the previous scene slowly turning. ARIEL How're you doing? GREYSTONE Gaining on it. Ariel has gotten as close to him as she can. GREYSTONE I like having you close to me, but maybe you'd better give me a little more room to work. ARIEL Sorry. She backs away so that the closet door is now between her and Greystone. GREYSTONE Still scared? ARIEL I guess not. GREYSTONE Good. At the moment, the closet door opens and a skeleton, wearing the tattered coat from the previous scene, falls out right on top of Ariel. Her scream almost takes the plaster off the walls. CUT TO:
SCENE 20 The dishes have been cleared. Baaldorf and Lattinia are sipping brandies. Lattinia is nervously looking out the window. LATTINIA Edwin, I'm getting worried. It's getting dark. BAALDORF Lattinia, what are you worried about? LATTINIA I'm worried about something happening to Ariel. BAALDORF She's out after dark on a picnic with her fiance, who happens to be about the greatest looking prince in history. You'd better worry that nothing is happening to Ariel. LATTINIA I'm serious, Edwin. It's not like either one of them to stay out like this. He gets up and crosses to her and puts his arm around her shoulder. BAALDORF They'll be alright. You and I used to stay out once in awhile, too, remember? LATTINIA I sure do. There is a KNOCK at the door. BAALDORF Come in.
SCENE 21 MARKO comes in looking worried. MARKO Your Highness. A thousand pardons for interrupting. BAALDORF It's all right, Marko. What's the problem? MARKO It's Prince Greystone. I don't know where he is. BAALDORF He's on a picnic with Ariel, and he probably doesn't need you. MARKO I know, but he was supposed to make a presentation of the Medal of Valor for Bowman Treacher, Sir. BAALDORF Well, Treacher can get his medal some other time. Love makes the world go around, not bravery. MARKO It was a posthumous medal, Sir, to be given to his wife. Prince Greystone wouldn't be late for something like that. LATTINIA He's right, Edwin. I say something's happened to those two. At the moment, Woje runs into the room and up to Marko. LATTINIA It's Woje. MARKO I'll find out what's wrong. He kneels down next to the dog. MARKO Woje, where is Ariel? (pause) What? (pause) Mommy is wost? (pause) In big, scarwy cassow? (pause) Karnaj??? Marko pets the dog. BAALDORF Castle Karnaj!! LATTINIA What is it, Edwin? What does that mean? BAALDORF I'll tell you in a minute. Marko! MARKO I'm on my way. He turns and leaves. BAALDORF May the gods be with you. CUT TO:
SCENE 22 Blackpool and Vector are sitting at opposite sides of a game table, in the center of which is a pyramid-type of a game setup with steps all around it. There are several chess piece-type men of different colors on the steps. The top is squared off so that it should be fairly obvious that the object of the game is to work the pieces in moves up to the top, the first one doing so being the winner. There are several empty wine bottles on the table. VECTOR I presume we're going to play for a little something. Or would you rather just play for fun? BLACKPOOL Fun? I don't do anything for fun. He says "fun" like he's spitting out chicken bones. VECTOR How about when you were a little boy? BLACKPOOL You know what I did for fun when I was a little boy. I used to tie ropes around my brother, Geoffrey's, feet and hang him upside down at the North Tower until he passed out. That was fun. Vector takes money from his pocket and puts it on the table. VECTOR Shall we get started? BLACKPOOL Another drink first. Blackpool grabs another bottle and pulls the cork with considerably less grace than the first one. BLACKPOOL How about you, Vector? What do you do for fun? VECTOR Fun . . . why, I like to . . . uh . . . sometimes I . . . He trails off. BLACKPOOL Never mind. Let's play. VECTOR Shall I go first? BLACKPOOL Be my guest. Vector picks up a game piece to make a move, then smiles to himself and put it back down. He then just stares at the board.
SCENE 23 The piece moves by itself up the steps of the pyramid to the top while all the others fall off. BLACKPOOL Okay, are you gonna play Barkin or are you gonna horse around? VECTOR Just having a little fun, Your Highness. They start putting the pieces back in place as we . . . CUT TO:
SCENE 24 Greystone has disposed of the skeleton and is carrying Ariel to a chair in front of a suit of armor, where he makes her comfortable. She's out cold. GREYSTONE Ariel, wake up! She opens her eyes and starts to scream again. GREYSTONE Okay, okay . . . it's all right. ARIEL Oh, Erik, I don't think I can take a whole lot more of this. GREYSTONE I'm not going to let anything happen to you, believe me. ARIEL You mean, besides spiders and falling dead people. GREYSTONE All right . . . a couple of little things. I'll be more alert from now on. ARIEL I'd appreciate it. Maybe I should hold your dagger for protection. GREYSTONE Good idea. Here. He hands her the dagger. GREYSTONE Now, don't move. I've got to get through that wall. ARIEL Don't worry. Greystone crosses back to the bricks as Ariel watches anxiously. GREYSTONE I still hear somebody scratching on the other side. ARIEL It must be somebody trying to rescue us. As she toys with the dagger, she soon starts cleaning her nails with it. GREYSTONE I hope you're right. As Ariel continues with the knife, she accidentally drops it. ARIEL Oh, darn. She gets out of the chair to pick it up, and the suit of armor in back of her swings an axe down and through the chair where she's been sitting. She screams, and the axe comes back up, poised to strike again. Greystone turns and leaps across the room. With one mighty blow, he knocks the head off the suit of armor. It is empty. He lashes at it some more, knocking it all apart. There's nobody in it anywhere. There is another lightning bolt and clap of THUNDER, followed by SCREAMS from somewhere. Then Greystone hears his NAME BEING CALLED from behind the bricks. He takes Ariel with him back across the room and begins digging frantically at the bricks until he has gotten them all away. There is another door behind them. GREYSTONE Another door. ARIEL I'm afraid. GREYSTONE I have to open it. It may be the only way out. ARIEL Alright, but I'm going to close my eyes. GREYSTONE Good idea. She closes her eyes, then peeks out of one. GREYSTONE Here goes. He pulls open the door. There is a bolt of lightning and a bloodcurdling SCREAM as Marko stands there in the doorway. GREYSTONE Marko!! Thank the gods. ARIEL Oh, Marko . . . we thought we were finished. Marko smiles, then draws his sword and leaps out at Greystone and Ariel with the most fiendish look ever seen on the face of a man. There's more lightning as we: FADE OUT.
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