Wizards and Warriors Site Map Articles
1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Eight |
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Vulkar's RevengeWritten by Robert Earll
ACT FOUR FADE IN: SCENE 15 Drawing/animation of Ariel looking frantically towards the still advancing Vulkar unfreezes into live action. She finally jumps over the ledge and she and Greystone escape together.
SCENE 16 Shot cuts to the interior entrance of the great hall/dining room. Two guards open the door as Greystone and Ariel stumble into the room Baaldorf moves towards Ariel with concern. BAALDORF Are you all right, sweetheart? ARIEL Sure, I’m fine. She has one of Greystones’s gauntlets in her hand and waves it around as she talks. Greystone attempts to grab it. ARIEL I was just dragged out the window by a . . . Greystone makes another attempt to grab the gauntlet. ARIEL a masked barbarian, and gagged, lowered to the ground by a rope and . . . Greystone finally manages to grab his gauntlet back. ARIEL I’ve even got rope burns. Look . . . BAALDORF I’ll look later. (cheerily) Uh, at least you’re back all in one piece. ARIEL And then I was paraded past savage troops like I was a . . . showgirl and I was taken to this Vulgar tyrant who said he was going to give me to his troops for a toy . . . Actually, it was kinda fun. Greystone looks at Ariel a bit questioningly. BAALDORF Well, I’m sure it was all very traumatic and we’ll discuss it at great length. ARIEL Ah . . . BAALDORF Later. They all move further into the room. ARIEL And I got to throw cheap wine in his face. Shot of Cassandra running to Ariel. CASSANDRA Oh, my lady! She drops to her knees and hugs Ariel tightly about the waist. CASSANDRA I was so worried about you. I thought you’d be killed… ARIEL Cassandra! She reaches out and grabs on of the horn-like attachments on the side of Cassandra’s headdress. Cassandra winces as if she feels the twisting motion. ARIEL I’ve had a rough night. CASSANDRA Oh? She stands and looks at Ariel. CASSANDRA What was he like? ARIEL Who? Both women walk further into the chamber. CASSANDRA Vulkar the barbarian. ARIEL Oh, he was big . . . and strong . . .and evil. CASSANDRA Ah, like Blackpool. ARIEL No, no – much worse! I mean, Blackpool’s evil but he’s not evil looking. You know. Ariel stops and leans against the wall as she talks. ARIEL He has that nice, soft hair and… those piercing eyes and . . . dimples . . . all those muscles. He wears those shiny black shirts . . . with those leather things . . . boots . . . CASSANDRA Chains . . . Both look dreamily into the distance. Ariel starts and looks flustered, as does Cassandra. ARIEL Boy, it’s warm in here. CASSANDRA I thought it was me. Both Ariel and Cassandra disappear from view. We cut to Greystone speaking to Baaldorf. We can see Vector and Blackpool in the background. GREYSTONE I hit Vulkar with my sword. And he stood there and laughed at me. So I took one of his weapons and I shot him with it. BAALDORF Ahh… VECTOR And when he got up, he laughed at you again. GREYSTONE How did you know that? VECTOR Because when he’s killed he becomes immune. You cannot kill him that way again. GREYSTONE Then why don’t you tell me how to kill him? VECTOR Let me assure you, if I had a way, you’d be the first to know. Blackpool peers out the window at the clearing below. BLACKPOOL Vulkar’s men are silent. They’re re-grouping. GREYSTONE We’re all tired. I think we should get some sleep before they strike. We’ll take it in shifts. BAALDORF Good idea. It may be a long night.
SCENE 17 Shot cuts briefly to an exterior shot of Castle Baaldorf’s outline at night. Shot then cuts to the interior of the castle dining room/great hall. We see Marko and Cassandra talking together. They are leaning up against the wine rack in the corner. CASSANDRA Marko? Do you like being a servant? MARKO Oh, I don’t mind. Kinda lousy hours though. How ‘bout you?
CASSANDRA Oh, I like it. But in your case, it’s kinda dangerous. MARKO Yeah. At least I’m outside though. I don’t think I could stand being cooped up in an office all day. It’s dangerous for you, too. Look at today. You could’a gotten killed makin’ soup. CASSANDRA If you could be free, would you give up being a vassal? She reaches up to scratch one of the horn-like attachments on her headdress. MARKO Probably not. I mean, it’s all I’ve been trained to do. All I’ve ever known is . . . well, killin’ monsters and dragons and weird lookin’ beasts. What could I do? CASSANDRA You could be a butcher. Marko chuckles. MARKO Besides, I get to meet a lot of interesting people. CASSANDRA Oh, yeah, sure. Like Vulkar and Blackpool and Vector . . . MARKO All right. I get to meet a few interesting people. CASSANDRA Like the Winslow sisters. MARKO Yeah. Well, how ‘bout you? Do you like being a handmaiden? CASSANDRA Oh, I love it. (smiles widely) Especially for Princess Ariel. Besides, I’m in the same boat. It’s all I’ve ever done. What else could I be? MARKO Right.
SCENE 18 Cut to shot of Ariel and Greystone resting on the steps nearby. Greystone lounges on his back and Ariel is sitting and fiddling with a short knife. ARIEL Erik? GREYSTONE Hmm? ARIEL Are you glad our parents aren’t forcing us to honor the betrothal? Greystone sits up and moves the knife away and looks at her seriously. GREYSTONE Yes. ARIEL Me too. Why, I don’t know why anybody wants to get married in the first place. She attempts to look casual as she talks about something she obviously does care about. ARIEL Having someone to love and cherish is no big deal. Who cares about . . . closeness . . . and . . . intimacy . . . GREYSTONE Ariel . . . I’m glad because I want us to be free to choose. If you and I are to be married, I want it to be out of desire. Ours. ARIEL Then you haven’t totally written me off yet? GREYSTONE Of course not. ARIEL Oh. GREYSTONE You know, I really don’t know you very well. ARIEL OK, let’s find out about each other. I’ll go first. How many girlfriends have you had? He looks at her and blinks a bit. GREYSTONE A few. ARIEL Tell me about them. GREYSTONE Well, the first one that comes to mind is Catherine. She’s tall . . .
Ariel begins to hum and continues to hum as he is speaking. GREYSTONE . . . long, red hair down to her waist . . . you’re humming. ARIEL Hmm, huh? GREYSTONE You’re humming. ARIEL Oh, was I? Greystone chuckles. GREYSTONE Yes. ARIEL Oh, I didn’t realize it. I only hum when I’m bored. Greystone looks at her very seriously, trying to reassure her. GREYSTONE Ariel, everything is going to be all right. ARIEL Are you sure? GREYSTONE I’m positive. ARIEL But what about that guy out there? You already killed him once and then you blasted him in the belly and he’s still around . . . GREYSTONE We’ll find a way. (lowers his voice and leans toward her) Trust me. ARIEL OK. She smiles as we see Greystone’s gauntleted fingers tap the end of her nose playfully.
SCENE 19 Shot opens on a fluffy, white cat resting in someone’s arms. By the studded leather armor, we know it is Blackpool. Shot pulls back and we see him staring out the window with the cat purring. We hear footsteps and the Vector approaches the prince. The cat watches the wizard as Blackpool speaks. BLACKPOOL Did you put my father in a coma? Vector stops and leans up against the opposite side of the window. VECTOR Yes. BLACKPOOL I shall kill you tonight. VECTOR You always have that option. BLACKPOOL Why did you say yes? Why didn’t you lie? VECTOR Perhaps I did. Perhaps I was trying to liven up an otherwise dull evening. Perhaps I had nothing to do with your father’s illness. The cat peers up at Blackpool’s face. BLACKPOOL Games, Vector. Which is it? Yes or no? Close-up shot of Vector. VECTOR Yes. I caused your father’s illness. I was attempting to cause his death. BLACKPOOL I . . . I don’t understand you. Why… why do you invite your own death so openly? VECTOR Because it’s time you knew the truth. Towards the end, your father was attempting to negotiate a truce with Baaldorf. Blackpool looks disgusted and incredulous. BLACKPOOL What? VECTOR He was tired of fighting. He wanted peace. (raises his eyebrows) That is the truth. BLACKPOOL My father . . . VECTOR But I stopped him. I watched you grow. I knew you had all the ruthlessness of a true warrior and the makings of a fierce king. Shot cuts to Blackpool – the muscles in his face tighten. VECTOR You were my choice. I only made one mistake. BLACKPOOL You underestimated me. VECTOR Exactly. And now would you mind telling me if my own death is imminent? BLACKPOOL It could be. (moves closer to the window and peers out of it) But it won’t be by my hand. VECTOR Is it possible you understand? BLACKPOOL My dear Vector, in light of what you’ve just told me, if you hadn’t tried to kill my father I would have. Vector smirks slyly. VECTOR Then what I did makes no difference. BLACKPOOL Oh, there would’ve been one difference. I wouldn’t have failed. Vector nods slightly at Blackpool’s grim countenance. Shot cuts to Baaldorf’s paddle-shaped scepter leaning against the wall on a tapestry. Shot pans to Baaldorf sleeping in a chair. He is snoring lightly. Shot cuts to attackers with torches scaling the castle walls again. Blackpool looks out the window and grimaces. BLACKPOOL Here they come! Shot of the attackers on the castle walls. Cuts to shot of the great hall/dining room. Marko and Cassandra get up, as do Ariel and Greystone. Blackpool and Vector move swiftly away from the window and the cat runs off. Baaldorf grabs his scepter and gets out of his chair as a GUARD runs into view. GUARD Sire! They’ve taken the east and the south wing. BAALDORF They’ve got us sealed in here! Vulkar’s men control the rest of the castle! Shot of Greystone slashing away an arrow that comes through the window. Marko pulls Cassandra around as an attacker approaches. Cassandra panics and hangs onto Marko. CASSANDRA You’re gonna die! You’re gonna die! Oh, please! She screams. Marko pushes the hysterical handmaiden out of the way as the attacker rushes him. MARKO Move! He kicks the attacker, grabs his spear and knocks him out. Cut to shot of Greystone fighting another attacker. His magic sword flashes with a blue light as it hits the other man’s sword. Blackpool and another attacker can be seen in the background. Cut to Blackpool. He kicks the man and knocks him back, then kicks him again. The man drops to the floor. Shot cuts to Vector and Baaldorf in a corner, facing off with another attacker. Vector blasts the man with a beam of red magic. Cut back to Greystone fighting. Shot goes to view of horses and men in the castle moat swarming towards the castle walls. Shot cuts back to Vector who blasts another man with magic as Baaldorf hefts his scepter and thumps the attacker as he falls. Cut to Greystone fighting another attacker with Blackpool in the background. Cut to Blackpool as he and the attacker face off. Blackpool kicks the man’s weapon out of the way, nailing him square in the face with his boot. The man is knocked unconscious. Cut to shot of Marko as he fends off another attacker and knocks him away. Greystone raps an attacker with a backhand to the man’s face with the hilt of his sword, yells, and swings at another enemy. Shot of Blackpool with another attacker – he kicks him out of the way. Shot of Greystone fighting attacker with Blackpool in the background. Cut to shot of castle walls being overrun with enemy soldiers. Cut to shot of Baaldorf swinging with his scepter. He sends an attacker sprawling towards the wall and Vector knocks the man out with a blast of magic. Cut to Marko as an attacker leaps upon him from behind and they struggle. Another enemy runs towards Baaldorf and Vector . The wizard stops him with magic and Baaldorf smacks him on the behind with the scepter. The man sprawls on the floor. Shot cuts to Marko still fighting his attacker as another falls on the floor in front of him. Ariel runs in and leaps on the second attacker’s back and begins to hit him about the head and neck.
The man attempts to stagger to his feet as Ariel continues to hit him and hang on. Cut to shot of Blackpool facing off with another attacker. He adopts a casual pose and then focuses the monocle. A blue beam of magic shoots out and the attacker is knocked out cold. Shot cuts to Greystone with yet another attacker. Cut back to Blackpool as a man with a wicked looking ax approaches him. Blackpool blasts the man with the monocle and then kicks him over. The shot goes to the cannon pointing out the window. We see Justin as he leaps up onto the sill carrying a sword that is obviously not his. It is large and silver. The prince peers into the chamber at the chaos that is taking place. Shot moves to Marko struggling with the attacker behind him as Ariel still clings to the second attacker and smacks him about the head. Cassandra moves into the shot carrying a chair and hits a third attacker who is attempting to drag Ariel off attacker two. Marko finally knocks out his attacker and then the man Ariel is hitting. Both fall to the floor of the chamber and Ariel stands, looking pleased. Cassandra kneels on the floor in relief and excitement. CASSANDRA Are you all right, my lady? I saved your life. Did you see that? I saved your life! Did you see that? I flattened ‘em! Ariel smiles happily at her prowess in fighting the attacker and flails her arm. Her hand catches Cassandra on the head and the handmaiden falls over. Ariel looks briefly at her, then to her hand. She examines it sadly. ARIEL Oh, I broke a nail. Cut to shot of Justin leaping into the chamber and using the new sword to fight his way towards Greystone. He fights first one, then another attacker. JUSTIN Erik! Greystone moves over to Justin where they fight facing opposite directions but can converse while they parry with their attackers. GREYSTONE Where’s Traquill? Justin continues to trade sword blows with the enemy. JUSTIN Takin’ care of eight hysterical ex-wives. Greystone also continues to parry his attacker’s strikes. GREYSTONE Well, what did he say to do? JUSTIN He sent this sword. GREYSTONE Sword? He peers at the sword in Justin’s hands. JUSTIN It was King Tronin’s sword. Supposedly it’ll kill Vulkar. Shot cuts to wider shot of Greystone and Justin as there is a ROAR and Vulkar drops down on them from the ceiling. In the confusion, Justin drops the sword and it skitters away. Greystone pushes his attacker out of the way and goes for the sword. GREYSTONE King Tronin's sword. VULKAR Revenge is mine. You fools! Greystone has the sword firmly in his grasp. GREYSTONE I killed you before and I’ll do it again! He advances on Vulkar and knocks the barbarian’s sword away with a clatter. Vulkar pulls back and draws back his whip, then strikes at Greystone a number of times. On the sixth attempted strike, Greystone appears to be hit and falls back. The sword falls to the floor also. Vulkar closes in for the kill. Greystone grabs the sword from the floor and runs it through Vulkar’s torso, forcing him back to one of the walls. There is a flash of red light as Vulkar slumps against the wall. VULKAR Uuh. His voice begins to fade as he speaks his last words. VULKAR I shall return . . . Shot cuts to wider shot of Greystone as Vulkar’s body disappears. Greystone half falls over. ARIEL Erik! GREYSTONE Ahh. He stands and the others crowd around him, making sure he is all right. They are all pleased at Vulkar’s demise. Blackpool and Vector are in the background looking at them all with thinly veiled contempt. The prince and the wizard skirt the group and begin to move to the door of the chamber. BAALDORF Well done! He calls out as Blackpool and Vector continue on their way towards the door. BAALDORF Hey, Dirk! Thanks for your help. Blackpool stops and then he and Vector turn towards the group. BLACKPOOL I helped myself, not any of you. I shall see you all dead. (beat) Bye. He and Vector exit the chamber. GREYSTONE I thought they’d never leave. The group laughs with relief. Baaldorf raises the scepter in a "high-five" gesture and Marko jumps up and slaps it with his hand. They all hug and laugh as the action freezes to a drawing/animation.
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