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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Eight |
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Vulkar's RevengeWritten by Robert Earll
ACT THREE FADE IN: SCENE 13 Animated/drawing unfreezes as the explosion from the missile/ball finishes. There is a huge cloud of smoke and dust that settles into the room. There is also a small fire burning from the explosion. We see the group gathered around the window. GREYSTONE Here they come! Shot of castle walls being scaled by many troops. Cut back to the room. Justin goes over to the wine rack and grabs a bottle. Greystone fights sword to sword with an attacker. Blackpool kicks another out the window. Justin takes a swig of wine, shakes the bottle up and dowses the small fire created by the missile/ball. Blackpool fires a crossbow bolt out the window, then gets hit in the top of his leather shoulder armor with a bolt himself. Shot of troops still scaling the castle walls. Back to shot of Justin dowsing the fire – the large missile/ball can be seen embedded halfway through the castle wall. Greystone hits another attacker. Blackpool pulls out the bolt from his shoulder armor and throws it back out at the attackers. Shot cuts to an attacker falling off the castle wall. Justin is now engaged with an attacker and sprays him with the wine. The man backs up to get away and falls backwards out of the window behind him. Baaldorf and Vector stand by the cannon and Vector uses a red beam of magic to lift the cannonball to Baaldorf. Baaldorf catches it with a grunt. Greystone kicks another attacker out of the window as he leaps to the sill to protect the window. Shot of Baaldorf loading the cannonball and shooting the cannon. Cut to shot of siege tower and ladders falling away from the castle walls. Cut back to shot of Baaldorf and Vector looking pleased. VECTOR Not bad. BAALDORF Not bad, my crown! That was perfect. Cut to shot of Greystone looking over to his brother. Justin and an attacker are engaged in a close fight and Justin smashes the wine bottle into the man’s helmet. It breaks over the man’s head, stunning him. Justin pushes the attacker out the window. Greystone grins. GREYSTONE You are good with wine. JUSTIN You oughta see me with women and song. He ponders a moment. JUSTIN Actually, I’m not that good with song. Baaldorf sighs heavily. BAALDORF Well, I think we’ve beaten them back. Blackpool peers out the window. BLACKPOOL No, they’re just re-grouping. GREYSTONE Don’t you ever look on the bright side of anything? BLACKPOOL The only bright thing I can think of at the moment is stopping this demon and getting out of here. JUSTIN Where the heck is Traquill? We could sure use a little whiz-bammly. BAALDORF He was exhausted by the ceremony. He stayed at Tronin’s castle. GREYSTONE Ah, he’s probably asleep or he’d know we were in trouble by now and be here. But you’re right, he could help us. BAALDORF Well, we’ll have to send another messenger. GREYSTONE This time I’ll go. Justin stands next to Greystone. JUSTIN Naw, you’ll be needed here. I’ll go. Besides the rains might start again and my bear skin won’t fit’cha. He crosses over to his bear skin and bear head helmet in a chair in the corner of the room. GREYSTONE What’s with this sudden attack of heroism? I thought by now you’d be figuring out a way to get back to the Winslow sisters. JUSTIN I am. The only way to get back to them is to get this mess over with. He crosses over to Greystone, pulling on the skin like an overcoat. GREYSTONE I can’t let you do it. The risk is too great. JUSTIN No, no, no. Not really. Their husbands are both outta town. He settles the bear head helmet over his head. GREYSTONE All right, brother. But come back. Justin turns his bear head helmet towards Greystone. His voice is muffled and it looks as if a bear is talking to Greystone. JUSTIN Is . . . that an order? GREYSTONE You bet it is. Greystone pats the helmet on the bear’s nose and nods. He and Justin move over to the window and Justin stands on the sill. Baaldorf stand and looks at them both. BAALDORF May the gods go with you! JUSTIN Well, why wouldn’t they? He jumps out of the window with Greystone’s help. Ariel runs into the room. ARIEL Erik? Erik? She looks at the missile/ball stuck in the wall. Shot cuts to Ariel in front of Baaldorf. Greystone, Blackpool and Vector flank the king in a loose row. ARIEL Daddy? Marko’s getting worse by the minute. He keeps fading further and further away like when you let go of a balloon. BAALDORF I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. ARIEL There has to be. We can’t just let him die. GREYSTONE There is a way. Vector can help him. Shot of Vector standing next to Blackpool. VECTOR If I had enough strength left to work wizardry, I would’ve been out of here a long time ago. Pauses slightly and looks at Blackpool. VECTOR With you, of course, my lord. Blackpool looks unconvinced. BLACKPOOL Of course. GREYSTONE We need Marko to help us, Dirk. VECTOR If he dies, it’s one less enemy. BLACKPOOL If we die here for lack of man power, it won’t matter much, will it? VECTOR I can’t do it. I don’t remember any healing invocations. GREYSTONE If Marko dies, so do you. Shot of Blackpool raising the monocle slightly away from his torso. It glows with blue magic as he stares at his uncooperative wizard. VECTOR I believe, with effort, I could think of something. ARIEL All right! She claps her hands together. ARIEL Let’s get this show on the road! BAALDORF Yes, you three go to Marko. Dirk and I’ll keep watch here. Shot of Ariel, Greystone and Vector leaving the chamber. Cut to shot of Baaldorf loading another cannonball in the small cannon. He looks up at Blackpool who is leaning against the wall looking out the window. Blackpool holds a crossbow again. BAALDORF You know, Dirk, your father and I were good friends once. BLACKPOOL Until you betrayed him. BAALDORF Huh. How is old Saris? Still in a coma, hmm? Blackpool stares out the window and doesn’t look at Baaldorf as he answers. BLACKPOOL Yes. BAALDORF Do you suppose Vector had anything to do with that? Blackpool looks and sounds annoyed. BLACKPOOL What is all this idle chit-chat? BAALDORF Well, I guess I was just envying Saris there for a minute. BLACKPOOL Why? Because you know it won’t be long before the Blackpool’s control your kingdom as well? Baaldorf chuckles. BAALDORF No. I was thinking that if I’d had a son like you I would’ve raised him differently than Saris did. BLACKPOOL The gods gave you a daughter. If a son turned out like her . . . BAALDORF Aside from your demented mind, you have all the elements to make a father proud. Blackpool looks a bit disconcerted as he looks back at Baaldorf defiantly. BLACKPOOL My father is proud. BAALDORF He’s unconscious. And I sometimes wonder if we’d be in this war if he wasn’t.
Blackpool crosses to Baaldorf and speaks to him placating. BLACKPOOL You’re like all weak kings who wish for solutions other than complete and total victory. They all become sentimental and senile. Shot of Baaldorf looking displeased.
SCENE 14 Cut to chamber where Marko lies on the bed, ill from Vulkar’s whip. Ariel, Greystone and Vector enter the room. Marko lies unconscious on top of the coverlet. ARIEL If you hurt him, I’ll… She looks to Greystone. ARIEL What do you do to a wizard? GREYSTONE Everything. Twice. Greystone moves Ariel back from the wizard and then stands next to Vector. Cut to shot of the wizard motioning for him to move back and Greystone does, his hand on his sword hilt. Ariel stands at the foot of the bed, watching. Vector moves beside the bed towards Marko. He concentrates and holds his hands out in front of him. A humming sound fills the air and smoke begins to roll as Marko’s feet begin to raise off the bed. Vector closes his eyes, then opens one. Marko’s feet flop back onto the bed. He looks irritated as Greystone and Ariel look on with disappointment. VECTOR I haven’t done this for a long time. He concentrates carefully again and Marko raises entirely off the bed as Greystone and Ariel watch.
There are flashes of blue and red light as magic works against magic. The smoke gets heavier and Ariel begins to cough, backing up towards the open window to get fresh air. As Marko lowers to the bed, Vector and Greystone watch. Ariel is suddenly pulled through the window by an attacker, who covers her mouth with his hand and drags her with him. She kicks and tries to scream but cannot. She disappears. Vector reaches down and passes his hand near Marko’s face. Marko awakes with a start. Marko looks up at Greystone and Vector. MARKO Erik! What happened? Last thing I remember is Vulkar’s whip. I was havin’ this dream about bein’ in a flower garden with the… the Winslow sisters. Except both of them were Lucille. Greystone grins at his sturdy friend. GREYSTONE Well, I don’t know anything about a flower garden, but you did get whipped. Nice work, Vector. VECTOR Excuse me. I must get a breath of fresh air. The wizard exits the chambers as Cassandra brushes by him with a large bowl in her hands. CASSANDRA I’ve got the soup. MARKO Oh, great! I am starved! CASSANDRA Marko! MARKO Cassandra! CASSANDRA You’re all right! She crosses over to him and sits on the opposite side of the bed as Marko moves over to her to be fed. MARKO Boy, that smells great! He prepares for Cassandra to feed him the spoonful of soup she has dipped out for him. GREYSTONE Where’s Ariel? Shot of Cassandra turning her head and body, effectively moving the spoon and its contents out of Marko’s range. MARKO How am I supposed to know? I was off somewhere with the Winslow sisters. GREYSTONE She must’ve gone downstairs. MARKO Right. GREYSTONE Come on, let’s go double-check. He hauls Marko off the bed and drags him out of the chambers as Marko looks beseechingly at Cassandra. GREYSTONE Come on. Shot cuts back to Baaldorf and Blackpool keeping watch in the great hall/dining room. Blackpool is staring at Baaldorf in contempt. Marko and Greystone enter the hall with Vector trailing behind them. Cassandra follows, still holding the bowl of soup. BAALDORF Marko! You’ve recovered! MARKO I’m still a little weak, but I’ll be OK. Thanks to Vector. VECTOR It wasn’t my idea. CASSANDRA What about my soup? MARKO Up til now, it tastes a lot like air. GREYSTONE Where’s Ariel? BAALDORF I thought she was with you. GREYSTONE She was. I thought she came back downstairs. An arrow thumps into the wall to Greystone’s left side and he looks at it. The fabric attached to it is from Ariel’s dress. GREYSTONE Vulkar’s got her! Cassandra screams as she spills the soup out of the bowl.
SCENE 15 Cut to scene of a tankard being lowered. We see Vulkar behind the huge mug. At the entrance, Ariel is dragged into Vulkar’s tent below the castle walls. A guard, wearing the distinctive red helmet of the troops, pushes her along. ARIEL Let go of me, you big, red, beaker-head! She is pushed into the tent and made to sit down. VULKAR And what do we have here? Ariel springs up defiantly and puts her hands on her hips. ARIEL We have Princess Ariel Baaldorf and we are not amused. The guard pushes her back down again. Vulkar chuckles. VULKAR Throw her back, she’s too small. Ariel jumps up again, angry. ARIEL Listen to me, you giant hairball! Nobody throws me anywhere! I will go back on my own. She turns and attempts to leave but the guard pushes her down and makes her sit again. Vulkar chuckles again. VULKAR You are not going anywhere. Sit down. Have some wine. He motions for the guard to leave as ARIEL takes the tankard in both hands. Chuckles again but stops as Ariel takes the drinking vessel and throws the wine all over him. ARIEL It’s domestic. And you’re disgusting. She sets the wine vessel down. VULKAR Thank you. And chuckles again. ARIEL Oh, great. I’m the captive of a barbarian who doesn’t even know when he’s being insulted. VULKAR You are the captive of a barbarian who gives teeny little wenches like yourself to his troops for their amusement. Cut to shot of a sword blade slicing a hole in the back of Vulkar’s tent. Greystone enters through it with a grimace. GREYSTONE Not this one you won’t! He tries to strike Vulkar with his magic sword but it glances off the warrior’s breastplate. Greystone stares at the blade in wonder.
Vulkar laughs at him. GREYSTONE That’s never happened before. Let’s get outta here! He grabs Ariel’s hand and they run out of the tent as Vulkar continues to laugh. Shot cuts to the outside of the tent/clearing as Greystone sheathes his sword and Ariel runs beside him. Greystone runs up to a cannon guarded by two of Vulkar’s men. Calls back to Ariel. GREYSTONE Stay there! He leans down and grabs two cannonballs and looks at the guards. GREYSTONE Uh, I need to borrow this. He throws each at the guards like shotputs and the guards both fall down, unconscious. Greystone begins to try to push the cannon towards Vulkar’s tent. Ariel runs up onto the ledge and blows dirt off the barrel and begins to push the opposite way, trying to help. Shot of Greystone looking down the barrel at Ariel. He is exasperated. GREYSTONE The other way! Ariel looks confused, then runs around to the other side of the barrel, blows more dirt off of it and begins to push again. GREYSTONE Push! Cut to shot of Vulkar and some of his men walking toward the ledge where the cannon sits. ARIEL Oh, Erik. Let’s forget it. Let’s run. Greystone continues stubbornly pushing the cannon and finally gets it moving with great effort. Vulkar walks further into the clearing, his whip in his hand. Ariel moves with the cannon as it now points at Vulkar. Greystone looks down the barrel and motions her back. ARIEL You did it! GREYSTONE Get out of the way! ARIEL Oh! Greystone fires the cannon directly at Vulkar. The warrior and all his men fall backwards like bowling pins. Greystone and Ariel look overjoyed but then Vulkar and his men sit up, unharmed. Vulkar laughs and tosses the cannonball backwards. It knocks out one of his guards. Vulkar continues to laugh and stands up. GREYSTONE Jump! Greystone leaps over the edge and calls up to Ariel. GREYSTONE I’ll catch you! Scene of Ariel looking frantically towards the still advancing Vulkar then down to Greystone freezes into drawing/animation. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE
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