Wizards and Warriors Site Map Articles
1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Eight |
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Vulkar's RevengeWritten by Robert Earll
ACT ONE FADE IN: SCENE 1 We see the exterior of the castle at night. Torrents of rain can be seen and there is much thunder and lightning. One large flash of lightening lets us view the castle outline, then it goes to a faint outline in the blue-blackness of the night and rain. Shot cuts to…
SCENE 2 Shot of the interior of the throne room. We briefly see the throne and the wall behind it decorated with the map of Aperan’s dragon shaped lands. Shot cuts to the doors of the chamber. We watch as the cloaked figures of PRINCE ERIK GREYSTONE, his vassal MARKO, KING EDWIN BAALDORF and PRINCESS ARIEL BAALDORF enter the castle. Booming thunder can be heard. They shake off the rain from their cloaks. Greystone removes his cloak, as do the others. Greystone is dressed in his boots, red leggings, white shirt with gold overtunic. His sword is strapped to his side. He also wears his gauntlets. GREYSTONE It’s a good thing that just started. Another five miles in that and none of us would be alive now. Baaldorf is dressed in black and gold robes, his crown on his head. BAALDORF Oooh. Rains of Death. Thank the gods it’s rare. Though it’s fitting for King Tronin’s death ceremony. Cut to shot of CASSANDRA running towards the group, her skirts in her hands. CASSANDRA Oh, your highness. You’re safe. Oh, I was so worried. You’re alive. She hugs Ariel tightly as the princess looks exasperated. CASSANDRA I was so worried. Out in the Rains of Death! Ariel is wearing an off-white, flowing gown and head covering/veil. ARIEL All right! Give it a rest. She pushes her cloak at Cassandra. The handmaiden moves away from Ariel and to the front of the entire group again. BAALDORF I don’t want to seem disrespectful, King Tronin was a great ruler and a real man’s man, but frankly I’m glad it’s over. Greystone throws his cloak to Cassandra also. She catches it. Marko is dressed in his usual outfit of white leggings and tunic with a darker brown overtunic. MARKO Yeah, I’m glad it’s over too. I hate those death ceremonies. There’s never any snacks. Marko also tosses his cloak at Cassandra. She manages to catch it and it adds to the growing pile in her arms. GREYSTONE I guess everybody’s glad it’s over. MARKO Except for King Tronin. The entire group moves further into the throne room chambers as Cassandra backs up in front of them, waiting for Baaldorf’s cloak. BAALDORF And his eight ex-wives. Now they won’t be getting their ‘see-ya-later’ money every month. Baaldorf also throws his cloak to Cassandra – she catches it on the pile. She can barely see over the collected cloaks.
GREYSTONE I’m sure they’re all well provided for. MARKO Boy, that guy got married a lot. Cut to longer shot of the group walking further into the chambers. BAALDORF Well… he was a romantic. The group of them stop. ARIEL He was a dirty old man. BAALDORF Ariel! Now that is disrespectful. I’m gonna have to send you outside in the storm. Baaldorf nods towards the doors and raises an eyebrow at Ariel. Cut to shot of Cassandra pleading. CASSANDRA Oh, no, please. Not out in the storm. She’ll die. She’ll be burned up. ARIEL All right, Cassandra. Put a sock on it, OK? I wasn’t being disrespectful, I was just pointing out a fact. The older King Tronin got, the younger his wives got. BAALDORF Oh, I think you’re exaggerating. ARIEL Oh, really? Did you see Queen Tronin at the funeral? She was holding a teddy bear. Shot cuts to Greystone and Marko. GREYSTONE Well, maybe it had sentimental value. MARKO Yeah. She’ll probably get rid of it when she grows . . . up. Becomes more emotionally mature. Shot cuts back to Baaldorf and Ariel. ARIEL Well, that’s what I’m going to do when I’m old. They all move further into the chambers and Cassandra keeps backing up in front of them. ARIEL I’m gonna dump my old man and marry somebody who’s young and handsome. And tall and blonde. GREYSTONE Could we talk about something else? BAALDORF Good idea. Ariel, you can discuss these matters with your mother. Shot cuts to Cassandra as she drops all the cloaks in shock and then drops to the floor to pick them up again. She looks horrified. CASSANDRA Your mother. Queen Lattinia. Where is she? Out in the storm? She’s gonna get burned up. ARIEL All right, Cassandra. All right. Knock it off. Ariel finally removes her veil/head covering and throws it onto Cassandra. It drapes over the handmaiden’s head. ARIEL She stayed behind to console Queen Tronin. Mommy’s very good with children. Cassandra stands with the cloaks in her arms once again, but since she can’t see, Ariel guides her with directions and walks behind her. ARIEL A little to your right. Cassandra thumps into the wall in front of her and Ariel runs into her as well, stumbling over a chair. ARIEL Oh, I meant left. Cassandra and Ariel exit the chambers. BAALDORF Ariel’s got a lot to learn. GREYSTONE Yes, sire. MARKO And now that Ariel’s gone, can we talk about wife number seven? The red-head? I have never seen such . . . GREYSTONE Marko! There is a loud peal of THUNDER as the doors to the chamber open and a guard moves to the side. Two mysteriously caped and hooded figures push into the room followed by two of Baaldorf’s GUARDS. BAALDORF What the devil?! Baaldorf, Greystone and Marko turn and walk towards the entrance. The two figures stop. One pulls back its hood/head covering and PRINCE DIRK BLACKPOOL is revealed. He is smirking, as usual. BLACKPOOL Hi. BAALDORF Dirk. The second figure removes its hood/head covering and THE WIZARD VECTOR is revealed. He looks at the group in front of him. The two of them stand there, flanked by the two castle guards. MARKO Vector. Blackpool is wearing his usual black leggings, boots, studded leather armor and weapons. He is also wearing his gauntlets. BLACKPOOL Remarkable vision for such a short-sighted group.
Cut to head shot of Baaldorf. GUARD ONE Sire, they came in under a flag of truce. Cut to shot of Blackpool. He looks extremely displeased at being in the castle with them all. BLACKPOOL The bridge at Madness Canyon was washed out. We couldn’t stay in the rains any longer without risking death. Vector is wearing grey and purple robes and a head covering adorned with pearls. VECTOR Your castle was the nearest place. BLACKPOOL It was a difficult choice. Believe me, being at the funeral with you three was bad enough. If I could have located another shelter I would have taken it. Cut to shot of Marko. MARKO I know of a nice stable you might check out. GREYSTONE Marko, we can’t put anybody out in the Rains of Death. Not even Blackpool and Vector. The death of Tronin forbids any act of unkindness during the mourning period. Baaldorf motions to the guards to disarm the two northerners. Blackpool puts out his arm to the guard nearest him, stopping him. BLACKPOOL If it will make you feel more comfortable, we will voluntarily give you our weapons. Blackpool unhooks his sword belt and hands it to guard one. Vector "zaps" a wicked looking dagger with a curved blade onto the open palm of the GUARD TWO. BAALDORF Meals will be sent to your rooms. As soon as the storm’s over, your weapons will be returned and you’ll be invited to leave. BLACKPOOL This situation is more intolerable to me than you can imagine. He looks very put upon and exasperated with them all. BLACKPOOL It would help if you could muster some degree of sophistication. GREYSTONE Dirk, why don’t you quit while you’re ahead? In the Rains of Death, skin melts. BLACKPOOL Obviously sophistication is beyond you, Erik. I trust the rest of you will make up for him. Lead the way. Guard one leads the way as Blackpool and Vector follow, trailed by guard two. Baaldorf, Marko and Greystone watch them leave with concern. BAALDORF I don’t like it. MARKO You think they’re up to something? GREYSTONE And if they are, being unarmed in the middle of your enemies castle, it’s not what I’d call a brilliant plan. BAALDORF Maybe you’re right. Well, let’s go get ready for dinner. The king exits, passing Greystone. GREYSTONE Good idea. He follows Baaldorf. MARKO Great idea. Marko exits the chambers behind them.
SCENE 2 Shot opens on a game of some type – similar to chess. A number of metal knights are placed on the board. Vector moves one piece telepathically and then moves another out of the oncoming path of the knight with his hand. He flips on of the two pieces on the side of the knight’s helmet downward. He has captured the piece. He sits and rests his chin in his hand briefly, then stands. He moves towards a corner and disappears in a glow of purple light. Shot cuts to . . .
SCENE 3 We watch as Vector appears from a glow of purple light in the darkly lit, foggy chamber. He untucks his head from his chest as he stands in front of a bubbling pool. He reaches into his robes and brings out a large amulet. He holds it with his arms outstretched as he begins to speak. VECTOR Oh, great amulet of the Caverns, I, the wizard Vector command of you life from the earth, blood to the water, voice of the wind. He begins to chant a mystical incantation in a magical tongue. The pool behind him bubbles and froths violently. VECTOR To this end, I sacrifice my rights to the amulet of the Caverns.
Vector turns around and throws the amulet in the bubbling pool. VECTOR I now summon my personal assassin. The wizard shoots a red beam of power from his hand into the depths of the pool. A strange warrior rises from the depths of the smoking pool – dressed in red armor with bat-like wings attached to his shoulders. His face is covered with a helm that makes him look even more terrifiying. It is VULKAR, though his name has not yet been revealed to us. VULKAR Why have you raised me from the dead, great wizard? VECTOR You are in my control. I ask questions. I demand answers. VULKAR Yes, great wizard. VECTOR Go. Call your men. Your barbarian horde. Vulkar lets out a terrible, GROWLING YELL. It echoes in the chamber as THUNDER booms and lightning flashes outside. Shot cuts to exterior shot of the night sky as the thunder and lightning crash outside. Shot then cuts to footage of knights on a hill, then back to Vulkar in the chamber, still calling. Shot cuts away to more of his soldiers running to do his bidding. Shot then cuts back to Vulkar as he steps down from the pool. VECTOR Do you remember Prince Blackpool? VULKAR The one who caused my fortieth death? VECTOR Yes. He and I are stranded for the night in Castle Baaldorf. VULKAR The temporary home of my last executioner. Greystone. VECTOR Forget about him. In the morning, after the storm has passed, Dirk Blackpool and I will be taking the north road home. You will assemble your men at Demon Pass. You will attack – and kill Blackpool! VULKAR Yes, great wizard. Tonight, all of you are at Castle Baaldorf. Tomorrow, I attack and kill Blackpool. Shot cuts to Vector as he ponders what this will mean to him. At last, he will have revenge on Blackpool for stealing his monocle. VECTOR My monocle will be returned to me. And I will wreak such havoc on the earth, the like of which man has never seen. Go, slave. Join your men. VULKAR Good idea, lizard. Vector turns at the insult and glares at the warrior. VULKAR Then we take the castle and kill them all. VECTOR You will obey my command. VULKAR Fool! He strikes at Vector with his magical whip. It misses the wizard, but there is a flash of red magic. VULKAR No one commands Vulkar. Without your monocle, your magic is limited. As is your time to live. The resurrected warrior raises his whip threateningly at the wizard. Vector disappears in a glow of purple light as Vulkar laughs evilly. Shot cuts to an exterior shot of the night sky outside as the thunder sounds with a crash and lightning is displayed.
SCENE 4 Shot pans the dinner table . We see wine and plates of food, then see Ariel at one side of the table and Baaldorf sitting at the head of the table. Shot pans back further and we see Greystone sitting opposite Ariel and Marko sitting on her right. BAALDORF You look beautiful tonight, Ariel. Ariel has changed gowns and is now wearing a large headress as well. It is gold fabric with two coils almost like ram’s horns curling down to each side of her head. Tassles finish off the coils and there are two small fabric pads/coils over her ears. ARIEL Oh, no. It’s too late for beautiful. I looked beautiful about two hours ago, but now I’m down to lovely. BAALDORF Very well. You look lovely. ARIEL Thank you. If I stay up too late, I get cute. Cassandra serves Ariel and moves around the table towards Greystone. Greystone tries to hand Marko the platter of tadmon. GREYSTONE Marko? MARKO No, I can’t eat that tadmon. GREYSTONE Why not? What’s the matter? Don’t you feel well? MARKO I knew him. I was with him just yesterday in the yard. I know his wife. Uh, his widow. It’d be like cannibals offering me my own family. Ariel looks at Marko but continues to eat her own tadmon. MARKO Boy, they sure named him wrong. GREYSTONE What was his name? MARKO Lucky. ARIEL I still say that we should’ve invited Prince Blackpool to dinner. After all, he is our guest. And people might think that we’re uncivilized. Ariel accidentally tosses her tadmon leg across the table and Cassandra deftly catches it, then places it back on her lady’s plate. BAALDORF He’s our enemy, daughter dear. He has no scruples. ARIEL He doesn’t? BAALDORF Tradition and respect for the dead dictate that we give him shelter, nothing more. Ariel is chewing and talking at the same time. ARIEL But, good manners are important… and people might . . . GREYSTONE Ariel. Dirk Blackpool is a vicious killer. There is nothing he wouldn’t do. ARIEL Nothing? She smiles and raises her eyebrows. ARIEL Oh, wow. There is a NOISE at the door of the chamber and a bear-like figure makes its way inside, growling menacingly. The GUARD at the door holds a short sword at ready. Then a chuckle emerges from the depths as PRINCE JUSTIN GREYSTONE pulls off the bear head like a helmet. He is dressed in the bear skin to escape the Rains of Death. JUSTIN Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare everybody. ‘Bout the only way a fella stands a slim chance out there. He hands the bear head/helmet to the guard and then makes his way to the table by Marko. JUSTIN I sure hope this storm doesn’t, ah, ruin the funeral tomorrow. Greystone looks at his brother with aggravation. GREYSTONE It was today, Justin. JUSTIN Ahh, no kiddin? BAALDORF Now, where have you been? JUSTIN I was up in the mountains doin’ some fishin’ with the Winslow sisters. Justin removes the bear skin/coat as Marko looks up with shock. JUSTIN Fella loses track’a time up there, ya know? Pittin’ his wits against the wilderness. Greystone purses his lips and raises an eyebrow suggestively. GREYSTONE Not to mention the Winslow sisters. ARIEL They’re tramps. MARKO They are not. Well, Lucille is. But not Margaret. Justin chuckles appreciatively. JUSTIN Pass the tadmon, would’ya? I love tadmon. He accepts the platter from Greystone. JUSTIN Oh, this is lucky. MARKO Yeah. JUSTIN Is Betsy the scullery maid still around here? You know, the one that carries around that ball of steel wool? Justin grins a bit and looks at Greystone, who looks at Justin with disapproval. Shot cuts to Ariel looking perplexed.
SCENE 5 Shot of an empty hallway and door in the castle. Blackpool opens the door of his temporary chambers and walks into the hall, looking to the right to see if anyone is about. As he closes the door, Vector appears behind it. Blackpool turns and looks at Vector. BLACKPOOL Hmm. Where have you been? He pulls on his gauntlets as they walk together. VECTOR Checking the castle for vulnerabilities. BLACKPOOL Let’s go over it one more time. After dinner, I’ll stab Greystone and you fly us out of here . . . VECTOR That might be a problem. BLACKPOOL Why? VECTOR I’m rather weak, my lord. It must be the rain. He pauses in the hall and Blackpool stops as well, pondering for a moment. BLACKPOOL Very well then. He rubs his gloved fingers together as he thinks. BLACKPOOL I’ll think of some other way to kill him. Do you have any poison? VECTOR Of course. He pulls out a vial from his robes and gives it to Blackpool. BLACKPOOL Good. I’ll get rid of them all. I’ll slip this in their drinks after dinner. He accepts the vial and hides it in his armour. VECTOR I think there’s something I must tell you, my lord. BLACKPOOL Not yet. Let’s go to the dining hall. I want to get on with this. Blackpool begins to exit. VECTOR We weren’t invited. Blackpool stops and looks at the wizard. BLACKPOOL My dear Vector, those fools expect us to be abusive and boorish. Let’s give them what they expect. He exits the hallway to the left. VECTOR But . . . And follows the prince.
SCENE 6 We see the table and all who are eating at it. Shot cuts to doorway of the chamber being opened as Blackpool walks in with Vector trailing behind him. BLACKPOOL Good evening. (to Vector) Watch this. Marko stands as Blackpool enters and Justin turns to look at the newcomers. Greystone also stands. BLACKPOOL Your Highness, I am terribly insulted. No one came to tell us that dinner was served. BAALDORF Your meals were sent to your rooms. Blackpool crosses to Baaldorf. Marko sits down. Baaldorf turns to look at Blackpool and Vector. BLACKPOOL You can’t be serious. I told them there must be some mistake and had them take the food to the dogs. MARKO Maybe someone oughta feed you to the dogs. BLACKPOOL Well, a clever servant. Very rare. And soon to be extinct. BAALDORF Don’t press your luck, Blackpool. GREYSTONE No, good ahead. Press it, Dirk. I’d like to teach you some manners. Greystone glares at his enemy threateningly. Blackpool turns to the princess and takes her hand, bowing slightly to her. Brings her hand up towards his lips to kiss it. BLACKPOOL Princess Ariel. How are you? Ariel liberates the tadmon in the hand that he is holding, puts it back on her plate and looks at him haughtily. ARIEL Wouldn’t you like to know? Blackpool looks at her with a bit of distaste. BLACKPOOL Actually, no. He pauses as Ariel looks away unhappily, then focuses his attention on Justin. BLACKPOOL Ah, the family playboy. Back from a tough day of chasing skirts? He and Vector continue to move around the table to the side that Greystone is standing by. JUSTIN You’re gonna look funny when I turn you inside out. Blackpool turns to Vector with feigned hurt. BLACKPOOL One insult after another. MARKO And you look exceptionally rancid tonight, Vector. VECTOR It’s the storm outside. And what’s in it. (to Blackpool) I must speak to you at once. BLACKPOOL Not yet. (continuing to group) Interesting table you set here, your highness. He picks up a piece of tadmon. BLACKPOOL Nothing like good peasant food. Blackpool drops it back onto a plate. JUSTIN How’d you like to swallow a good peasant tadmon in one bite? BLACKPOOL What kind of dressing does it have? BAALDORF All right, calm down! Now, if you’re unhappy, Blackpool, I can have you escorted outside. Now. VECTOR That’s not necessary. He was… joking. GREYSTONE Any more jokes and both of you will be very wet skeletons. Do you understand me, Dirk? He glares at Blackpool again. BLACKPOOL I understand you more than you’ll ever know. He nods to Vector and the wizard uses a red beam of power to pull out a chair for his lord. Blackpool settles into the chair smugly and smirks at all of them.
SCENE 7 Shot opens on a night shot of the castle in the torrential rains of death. There is a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. Shot dissolves to . . .
SCENE 8 Shot cuts to the window of the dining room/great hall of the castle where the group is watching Ariel tap dance to a tune being played by Cassandra on a harpsichord type instrument. Ariel is, unfortunately, dancing badly. She is on a small platform/stage in front of the window. All of the viewers except Baaldorf look a bit pained to have to watch this spectacle. Justin and Marko are seated next to each other and Baaldorf and Greystone are seated next to each other. Baaldorf is relaxing with an after-dinner pipe. Blackpool and Vector stand by the table, watching the proceedings with expressions that border on anguish. BLACKPOOL Unbelievable. VECTOR There are no words. A female servant brings in a tray of after-dinner snifters of brandy for everyone and then leaves. Blackpool gets the vial of poison out of its hiding place in his garments. \ Vector There’s something I must speak to you about. Blackpool continues with what he is doing. BLACKPOOL Quiet, Vector. You’ll spoil this side show. Blackpool slips the poison in all the glasses of brandy except one, carefully choosing that one for himself, as the others continue to watch Ariel’s dancing.
Baaldorf grins at Greystone when Ariel does a bit of a flourish with her steps. Greystone attempts to smile sincerely, but it falls short. The music seems to end as does the dance. Shot cuts to Justin sitting at the table and Marko behind him, smiling, ready to clap for the princess. They stop in confusion as the music starts again and Ariel keeps dancing. Blackpool removes his glass from the tray as a servant brings in a container of brandy and leaves. Marko moves the tray down so every one can get a drink. Justin takes a snifter. Ariel continues to dance and twirl, then slips and falls as the music ends. ARIEL Oooh! Everyone claps for her efforts even though they were puzzled by them. Ariel stands and smiles, motioning to Cassandra, her accompanist. BLACKPOOL A toast to the . . . unusual talents of the Princess Ariel. Everyone gets their snifters of brandy and raises them in a toast. They are all almost drinking from them when there is a loud crash and an object is thrown through the window behind Ariel. She screams and jumps out of the way. The others rush over to the window and peer out of the broken glass. MARKO Somebody’s out there! Greystone picks up the object. It is a metal shield with a large hole punched through the middle of it, obviously by some type of weapon. BAALDORF That shield belongs to the captain of the guard. BLACKPOOL I believe the correct word is belonged. Greystone pulls out a parchment that was attached to the shield and reads it out loud. His face is grim. GREYSTONE Surrender or die. Signed, Vulkar. Shot pans in closer to the shield and the ragged hole in the middle of it. Shot freezes to animated/drawing of the shield in Greystone's hands. FADE OUT.
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