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1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Eight |
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Vulkar's RevengeWritten by Robert Earll
ACT TWO FADE IN: SCENE 9 Shot of animated/drawing of Greystone holding the shield. Marko is to his left, Baalddorf flanks Marko and Justin is to the left of the king. Shot unfreezes. Vector crosses to Blackpool so he can speak with him. Marko grabs shield from Greystone. MARKO I’ll kill Vulkar. The group walks to the end of the table and stand there, talking. The tray with the snifters sits on the table near the end. GREYSTONE He’s already dead. Cut to shot of Blackpool and Vector standing in front of the fireplace. VECTOR That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I summoned Vulkar to kill Greystone but I lost control. Now he’s threatened to kill everyone. BLACKPOOL It’s idiotic decisions like that that forced the council to put you all in the service of royalty. Greystone was as good as dead! VECTOR I thought of it as insurance. Cut back to shot of the group standing at the end of the table. BAALDORF The thought of Vulkar outside the castle makes my blood run cold. ARIEL Who’s Vulgar?
BAALDORF The man’s one of the most ferocious warriors that ever lived. ARIEL I thought you said he was already dead. Shot cuts back to Blackpool and Vector. VECTOR He’s not exactly a man. ARIEL What is he? A poofer? Heh. VECTOR He’s undead. Part man. Part demon. ARIEL Sounds like that guy I dated in second school. GREYSTONE The man is an animal. ARIEL So was Dwayne. Baaldorf points to Blackpool with his pipe. BAALDORF He was your ally. Shot cuts back to Blackpool and Vector at the fireplace. BLACKPOOL Hardly. But I’ll go talk to him. Greystone, may I borrow your magic sword? VECTOR I wouldn’t advise it. His having been dead hasn’t erased his loathing for you. Besides, he’s immune to Greystone’s blade. He was the last one to kill him. GREYSTONE How can he be stopped? VECTOR I have no idea. BLACKPOOL What about the monocle? VECTOR I used that to kill him twenty five years ago. Vulkar can be heard shouting outside the castle – all by the table turn as they hear his voice booming out. Cut to shot of Vulkar below the castle by his tent/encampment. His red metal helmet has been removed and we see that he is a huge man with wild hair and a bushy mustache and beard. The winged attachments on the back of his armor only add to his intimidating appearance. VULKAR For every minute you delay the surrender, one of the palace guards dies! He laughs maniacally. Cut to shot of Blackpool and Vector. BLACKPOOL How many do you have? BAALDORF Six hundred. BLACKPOOL Good. That gives us at least ten hours before we have to worry. BAALDORF I’ll go and talk to him. He turns about and makes to exit the room. ARIEL Daddy! No, you can’t! She pushes past Cassandra and Greystone and runs to her father. ARIEL He’s a crazy, un-dead poofer! BAALDORF Well, maybe he can be reasoned with. I can’t believe he means surrender or die. GREYSTONE You stay here, your highness. Justin, Marko and I will go. Cut to tight shot of Greystone. GREYSTONE I’m sure he means surrender AND die. But maybe we can get a look. See how many men he has and where he has them.
MARKO One of us should stay here. GREYSTONE Right. Justin sighs and looks highly put upon. JUSTIN I’ll volunteer.
He sits back in a chair and shrugs his shoulders as they all look at him. JUSTIN Well, somebody’s gotta do it. GREYSTONE All right, Justin. You stay. Dirk, you’d better come. If he thinks there’s dissention among us he may attack immediately and not give us time to prepare. MARKO He knows we’re at war. Shot of Ariel looking about sneakily. She picks up a snifter of brandy and brings it to her lips. BLACKPOOL I hate to admit it, but Greystone is right. Vulkar knows that this is a survival situation for us. He removes the snifter from Ariel’s hands and puts it back on the tray with the others. BLACKPOOL And that makes for some strange bedfellows. Ariel gazes up at Blackpool and smiles slightly. ARIEL Like us? BLACKPOOL Unfortunately, yes. Blackpool picks up the tray from the table, moves to the fireplace with it and throws the whole mess into the flames. Turns around and addresses the group of them as they stare at him. BLACKPOOL Forgive me. Being forced into an alliance with all of you creates a certain amount of . . . anger. BAALDORF It appears we have no choice. GREYSTONE All right. Let’s go. He grabs ARIEL’s hanky from her. GREYSTONE Our flag of truce. He and Marko and Blackpool move to leave the room. ARIEL Bring it back, I’m down to my last hundred. JUSTIN Keep an eye on his whip, Erik. The trio depart and Ariel looks upset. ARIEL Nobody said anything about my dance. Justin purses his lips and looks at her wryly. JUSTIN Well, I’m sure they’d all like to. He half smiles at Ariel and she smiles back, pleased.
SCENE 10 The rains of death have stopped for the time being. Shot opens on Vulkar walking out of his tent and into the clearing. He carries a large tankard and his whip. His guards also wear red helmets and two flank the entrance to the tent. The others are scattered about the small clearing. Shot cuts to one guard standing near the edge of the clearing. He moves forward as a white flag of truce, carried on the end of Greystone’s sword is seen. Greystone waves his hand as the guard prepares to draw his sword. The guard pulls back and allows Greystone, Marko and Blackpool to climb up and enter the clearing. VULKAR It’s good to be out here with familiar faces again. Killing and . . . He pauses as he sees Greystone, Marko and Blackpool approach. VULKAR Do my eyes deceive me, or is the king offering me a sacrifice of weaklings? Shot cuts to the trio making their way to Vulkar. VULKAR I know why you are here. You want to be human targets. GREYSTONE We wanna make a deal. VULKAR There is no deal to be made. I’m offering you a simple choice. Surrender and die quickly. Resist and die slowly. Blackpool looks slyly at the huge warrior. BLACKPOOL Perhaps you should just consider fulfilling what you were resurrected for. GREYSTONE What are you talking about? BLACKPOOL Just seeing if we can’t make some other arrangements. VULKAR Are you suicidal, Blackpond? Or don’t you know that your lizard brought me back to life to kill you? Shot of Blackpool blinking in surprise. MARKO You mean Vector’s responsible? GREYSTONE Apparently. VULKAR It’s not important. You three are going to die here. And now. GREYSTONE We’re under a flag of truce! VULKAR So die under it. Cut to wider shot of all of them in the clearing. VULKAR Fight them! Shouts and strikes out with his whip. It lashes into Marko with a flash of red magic. Marko falls to the ground as Greystone fends off one of the guards. Blackpool fights with another carefully – striking with his hands and kicks since he is still weaponless. Vulkar continues to strike at them with his whip but they avoid it. The princes clear the space around them and slowly back up towards the edge of the clearing. The guards pull back to their leader. GREYSTONE Here – you grab Marko, I’ll hold them off. BLACKPOOL Grab him yourself! GREYSTONE I put down this sword, you’ll die right alongside me. A guard runs up over the edge and Greystone trips him. The guard goes sprawling into the other guards as Blackpool helps Marko up and hauls him over to the edge of the clearing. GREYSTONE Come on! Come on! Greystone helps Blackpool with Marko and they all disappear over the edge of the small ledge. Shot cuts to Vulkar, looking amused. VULKAR Hurry back to your trap, little mice. Your lives end. Soon.
He laughs evilly.
SCENE 11 At the entrance to the great hall/dining room, two guards open the doors as Greystone rushes in with Marko being supported by guards and Dirk following them. Ariel, Cassandra and Edwin hurry to meet them at the doors. ARIEL What happened? GREYSTONE Marko got hit by Vulkar’s whip. He needs care. BAALDORF Take him to the first room in the east wing. The guards exit with Marko. BAALDORF Ariel, see what you can do for him, hmm? ARIEL All right. I’ll take care of it. Now which way is the east wing? I forget. GREYSTONE Prepare the castle for attack! Greystone, Baaldorf and Blackpool move further into the room. BAALDORF How many men has he got? GREYSTONE I couldn’t tell. He has them hidden. They pass Vector standing near a wall and the wizard joins in behind them. We see Justin lounging on a bench in front of a window. BAALDORF Justin, find the captain of the palace guard. Have him use every man he’s got. Justin stands and motions with his hands as he speaks. JUSTIN Didn’t we just get the captain’s shield . . . BAALDORF Oh! Right! Justin tosses an apple he was holding and catches it. JUSTIN Don’t worry. I’ll handle it. He takes a bite of the apple and exits. BLACKPOOL We need more help than the palace guard. Cut to shot of Vector trying to appear helpful and sincere. VECTOR If I had my monocle perhaps I could neutralize Vulkar. Cut to shot of Blackpool. BLACKPOOL You want to tell him or shall I? Cut to shot of Baaldorf and Greystone. BAALDORF Tell him what? GREYSTONE It seems we have Vector to thank for Vulkar’s return from the dead. Cut to Blackpool again. BLACKPOOL The sad thing is, the experience has damaged his brain. He’s confused over which prince he’s to kill. VECTOR Resurrections can do that. They can be traumatic. Shot of Blackpool crossing to and walking behind Vector menacingly. BLACKPOOL This one may turn out to be more traumatic for the wizard. He stops as he reaches the wizard’s right side. VECTOR Who are you going to believe? A walking, un-dead barbarian or me? Cut to shot of Blackpool as he raises his eyebrows slightly and stares at Vector. BAALDORF Have we got a battalion nearby? GREYSTONE On the edge of the Plains of Death. BLACKPOOL So, you were planning a sneak attack. Greystone looks innocent and hurt that Blackpool would even suggest such a thing. GREYSTONE They were just on maneuvers. He turns back to Baaldorf. BAALDORF We could send a messenger through the secret tunnel. GREYSTONE If the rains don’t start up again, he could bring back all the men we need. BAALDORF Guard! Cut to shot of PALACE GUARD entering the room and moving towards the king. BAALDORF Use the tunnel! Find Ranger battalion immediately and bring them back. Baaldorf raises his hand in a type of salute. The guard returns it and exits. GREYSTONE Let’s get ready! We can defend this section of the castle. Justin enters again, carrying a number of crossbows and other weapons. A guard by his side is pushing a small cannon into the room. Yells to Greystone. JUSTIN You want ‘em to push this thing around all day? Or where’d’ya want it? Shot of Greystone and Blackpool removing the bench from in front of the window as Baaldorf directs them. BAALDORF All right, now smash the windows, boys. Shot of Greystone and Blackpool smashing and kicking the window glass out. Greystone clears some of it with his sword. As they finish, we hear Vulkar bellowing again. Justin and the guard position the small cannon in front of the window. Cut to shot of Vulkar and his troops down below. VULKAR I have a surprise for you all. A flaming bit of a cloak comes in through the now broken out window. Greystone scoops up the fabric with the trip of his sword and looks at it. VULKAR Your messenger is done. Well done. Vulkar's laughter is heard. BAALDORF Well, there won’t be any help coming. VULKAR I am bored. Launch the ball. He laughs again. A WHISTLING sound can be heard. Blackpool looks up in puzzlement as the others also try to figure out what is happening. GREYSTONE Get down! Greystone and Justin take cover, as do Blackpool, Vector and Baaldorf. A large missile/ball hits the wall to their left and a shower of rubble, stone and dust explodes into the room. We see a shield as part of the rubble. Shot freezes to animated/drawing of the explosion. FADE OUT.
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