Wizards and Warriors Site Map Articles
1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Six |
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Caverns of ChaosWritten by Don Reo
ACT FOUR FADE IN: SCENE 21 Faraway shot of cavern interior. We see Greystone and Blackpool hanging by the chain that binds them together. The chain is snagged over an outcrop of rock. Cut to tighter shot of the princes dangling there. GREYSTONE Ah. We’ve got to get the weight off of it. BLACKPOOL It’s snapping . . . There is a glow of red light upon the chain as it breaks apart, snapping the links. GREYSTONE Ahh . . . Greystone and Blackpool hit the floor of the chamber. Greystone strikes his head and collapses, unconscious. Blackpool shakes his head and gets up. The fall has broken the chain and they are free of each other. A bubbling noise can be heard. Blackpool looks at the steaming liquid with a plank over it – it bridges the side they are on to a hopeful exit. He kneels, then picks up a small stick and dips it in the liquid – there is a crackling noise and the stick is disintegrated. He stands again and carefully walks over the plank to the opposite side. BLACKPOOL Goodbye, Greystone. May flights of demons sing thee to thy rest. Blackpool ponders what he’s said, raises his eyebrows and nods to himself, impressed. He moves over to the large boulder that blocks the exit and attempts to move it by himself. BLACKPOOL Ahh! Blackpool sighs and walks back over the plank to Greystone. BLACKPOOL Erik! You all right? Greystone wakes up and gets to his feet. GREYSTONE What happened? BLACKPOOL Both of us were knocked unconscious. It looks as though we must cross that plank, then move that rock. Two of us should be able to do it. GREYSTONE All right. Let’s press on. I’ve gotta get to my father! Greystone crosses the plank after Blackpool. GREYSTONE You know, I’m surprised you didn’t leave me here to die, Dirk. What’s the matter? Couldn’t move the rock alone? Blackpool looks at Greystone with disdain. BLACKPOOL What kind of man do you take me for? GREYSTONE Push . . .
SCENE 23 Shot of Marko half buried by the wine barrels. He shakes his head, shrugs the barrels aside and crawls up, then stands. Justin’s voice can be heard from inside the tavern. JUSTIN Ah, this is great! This is great! You guys are real friends. I gotta do somethin’ special for ya. Maybe I’ll lend ya some women sometime. Marko enters the tavern. We see the interior with people eating, drinking and serving staff milling about. Marko moves from table to table, looking for Justin. GAMBLER ONE It’s about time the table’s turned. JUSTIN Keep dealin’, keep dealin.’ GAMBLER ONE Tough luck, Justin. But a full house beats a pair of threes. JUSTIN What? GAMBLER ONE Yeah. JUSTIN It does? GAMBLER ONE Yeah! I don’t know what you’re drinkin’ but I’m gonna buy the next round. I never seen ya lose before. JUSTIN Me neither! Marko spots Justin and his three gambling buddies and moves over to the table. MARKO What’s goin’ on, Justin? JUSTIN Nothin’ Marko. Just losin’ all my money. MARKO That’s it. Come with me. We have to go see Traquill. JUSTIN OK – see ya guys. Gambler one pulls a knife and stands quickly. GAMBLER ONE Hold it, Marko. He’s been beatin’ us for years. He’s not goin’ anywhere now he’s losing. MARKO Now . . . Marko grabs Gambler one’s wrist and then begins to bend the knife blade back towards him with one finger. MARKO You wouldn’t want to take advantage of a man who didn’t know what he was doin’ do you? Gambler one watches as the blade is bent over towards his neck and replies nervously. GAMBLER ONE Not for a second. MARKO Didn’t think so. Gambler one is relieved when Marko lets go of him. He falls back into his chair and carefully lays the knife with its bent blade on the table. MARKO Say goodnight, Justin. JUSTIN G’night, Justin. Justin stands and nods at his fellow gamblers. JUSTIN Always a pleasure. Justin lets Marko usher him to the door of the tavern. They exit.
SCENE 24 Shot of the castle. It is evening. Shot dissolves to Justin sitting with a slightly stunned look on his face. He is in King Richard Greystone’s chambers. Shot pans back further and we can see King Richard lying on his bed, still unconscious. Shot pans over and back and we see Marko and Wizard Traquill as well. MARKO What kinda spell is it?
TRAQUILL A complete personality fixation. We call it a number six. MARKO Wow. How does it work? TRAQUILL Watch. Can you hear me Justin? Justin answers in a slow, obviously enchanted voice. JUSTIN Loud and clear. TRAQUILL Are you under a spell? JUSTIN No. I’m fine as wine. TRAQUILL He’s totally gone. MARKO Yeah. TRAQUILL What are you doing to do tomorrow, Justin? JUSTIN Get up. Eat breakfast. Take a walk. Announce my engagement to Bethel. MARKO What? JUSTIN Get up. Eat breakfast . . . TRAQUILL Silence! Good spell, one of the best. MARKO Yeah. Can you remove it? TRAQUILL If the King is strong enough. You see, it requires the will of two royal personages. MARKO What if it doesn’t work? What do we do then? TRAQUILL Well, there’ll be a really weird wedding. Now shut up and let me work. Justin, reach out and put your hand on your father’s arm. JUSTIN Sure thing. TRAQUILL Now, I want you to stare at my monocle. Don’t look away. Now concentrate on the light within it. Make it part of yourself. King Richard moans slightly and Justin looks away from the monocle. TRAQUILL Look here! Concentrate! I invoke the power of The Book and the royal blood of the family Greystone. Remove this curse! A beam of golden light bursts from the monocle and hits Justin. It creates a gold glow around him.
Marko covers his ears at the sound the monocle is making while breaking the spell. Traquill gestures. Justin blinks as the glow around him disappears. MARKO Justin! You all right? JUSTIN Yeah, I think so. Justin laughs with relief and Marko and Traquill laugh also. TRAQUILL Ah, I’m getting too old for this stuff. JUSTIN What happened? MARKO You were under a spell. A number six. Traquill and your father got ya out of it. JUSTIN How is my father? TRAQUILL Weak. It was real close there for awhile. They nearly succeeded. MARKO Think they’ll try anything else? TRAQUILL You bet your saddlebags! I’m afraid Vector isn’t finished yet.
SCENE 25 Shot of the castle on its perch. Shot pans in closer. Dissolves to shot of the visual scope – we can see a mountain top/rock face. We can faintly see the reflection of Vector and Bethel in the scope also. BETHEL What is it, Vector? VECTOR The grounds above the Caverns of Chaos. Where we will ensure Prince Blackpool’s death. BETHEL How? VECTOR My dear, with my power and your monocle, we’ll simply blow it up. Shot cuts to headshots of Bethel and Vector as they speak. BETHEL No. I won’t kill him. VECTOR Of course not. Wizards and witches cannot kill mortals. We’ll merely increase the odds he’s facing. But at the same time, possibly destroy Greystone as well.
BETHEL But, Dirk… Shot cuts back to the visual scope scene. VECTOR Dear Bethel, do I sense some emotional connection between you and our royal friend? BETHEL You know better. Shot cuts back to headshots of Vector and Bethel. VECTOR I know more than you’ve dreamed of, witch. What would the council think if I told them that you had conspired with a mortal to steal my monocle? BETHEL You can’t prove that. VECTOR Are you sure? Are you willing to risk your existence on that assumption? BETHEL No. VECTOR Good. We can proceed. When Blackpool is dead and my monocle returns, I may even help you keep your hold on Justin Greystone. BETHEL I can handle him without your help, Vector. VECTOR Dear, sweet Bethel. I always pay my debts. You help me now and I fully intend to help you later.
SCENE 26 Faraway shot of Blackpool and Greystone in the caverns. They have found a rope that spans across the chasm. It must lead to an exit. BLACKPOOL Well, Erik, across the rope and we’re free. Cut to closer shot of Greystone and Blackpool. Greystone puts out a hand to keep Blackpool back. GREYSTONE Hold on. I’ll go first. BLACKPOOL And then leave me here? I don’t think so. GREYSTONE Look, Dirk, I’m in a hurry. You want to fight it out now? BLACKPOOL Now, that seems a bit desperate, doesn’t it? Greystone sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. GREYSTONE I’m open for suggestions. BLACKPOOL All right. You go first, but I’ll hold the fruit. That way I know you won’t cut the rope after you. Fair enough? GREYSTONE All right. Greystone unties the pouch from his belt. GREYSTONE All right. Here ya go. Greystone hands the pouch with the fruit in it to Blackpool, who accepts it. BLACKPOOL Thank you. After you. Blackpool waits until Greystone kneels to cross the rope and then kicks Greystone in the head, knocking him out. BLACKPOOL Your father’s illness clouded your judgment, Erik. Now you both die. Blackpool begins to make his way across the rope – he crosses his legs over it and pulls himself along the rope with his hands. The rope pulls loose from the side of the path that Greystone lies unconscious on. Greystone regains consciousness and gets up. He watches as the rope on the other side loosens as well. GREYSTONE Look out! Greystone grabs a long vine and swings across the chasm. He lands on the opposite side safely, then peers down at Blackpool. We see Blackpool hanging onto a small ledge, the pouch with the fruit still in his hands. The drop down is sheer. BLACKPOOL Well? Get me up. GREYSTONE Give me the pouch. BLACKPOOL First get me up. GREYSTONE No more deals. Give me the pouch, or die. BLACKPOOL All right, I’ll trust you. Blackpool hands Greystone the pouch with the fruit in it. BLACKPOOL Now, get me up! Greystone takes the pouch and smiles at Blackpool. GREYSTONE Bye. Greystone begins to exit through another tunnel. BLACKPOOL Greystone! You gave me your word! Greystone stops short. BLACKPOOL I waited for you. I suppose I was right about you. We’re both the same, after all. Greystone turns back to Blackpool and shakes his head. GREYSTONE No, Dirk. We’re very different. Shot dissolves to the visual scope at Castle Blackpool. We see the land above the Caverns begins to shake. There is a large explosion and chunks of rock fly off the rock face. Shot dissolves back to Greystone helping Blackpool up onto the safety of the ledge. GREYSTONE Come on! Give me your hand! Come on! Pull! Blackpool gets himself over the ledge and stands. The caverns begin to shake again. Shot dissolves back to the visual scope. There are more explosions. Shot dissolves back to Blackpool and Greystone moving through another small chamber to an exit. Rocks rain down towards them. GREYSTONE Keep moving! Keep moving! Greystone and Blackpool stumble out of the exit into a small clear space by the rock face. They are safe. Their weapons rest on a rock by the exit of the Caverns. Greystone grabs his magic sword and belts it on. GREYSTONE I’m going to my father, Dirk. No more fighting today. BLACKPOOL No more. Blackpool picks up his sword and double-bladed dagger. BLACKPOOL No more today, Erik. But tomorrow’s a different story. GREYSTONE See ya tomorrow. Greystone runs off and Blackpool strides off in the opposite direction.
SCENE 27 Shot dissolves to the exterior of Castle Blackpool. Shot pans in closer, then dissolves to the chambers where Vector and Bethel wait. VECTOR The monocle hasn’t returned. It’s been hours and he’s still not dead. BETHEL I told you Dirk Blackpool was a dangerous man to underestimate. VECTOR Sooner or later, I’ll kill him. We hear Blackpool’s voice. Vector and Bethel both turn towards the entrance to the chamber. Blackpool stands there, looking at them. BLACKPOOL Who are you planning to kill, Vector? VECTOR My lord. I was speaking of Prince Greystone. Blackpool stalks into the room, looking at them. BLACKPOOL Then I suggest you start practicing your abilities, Vector. Blackpool looks at Bethel and crosses to her. He takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips briefly. BLACKPOOL What have you been up to, Bethel? BETHEL Worrying. About you. BLACKPOOL Really? How touching. VECTOR Yes. We were both sick with worry. How did you escape the caverns? BLACKPOOL Haven’t you learned yet, Vector? I’m very clever. Blackpool moves away from Bethel and Vector, crossing to a table in the corner. BETHEL I’ve been trying to tell him that. VECTOR We all have a lot to learn. BLACKPOOL Have you discovered how the Crimson Fever got out of control? VECTOR Ah, no, my lord. I must confess that I’m completely baffled. BLACKPOOL I expect my advisors to be completely informed. I trust you will not be confused in the future. VECTOR Yes, my lord. You may rely on it. BLACKPOOL If I have reason to suspect you again, Vector, I will separate your head from your shoulders. Do you understand me quite clearly? VECTOR Yes, my lord. Quite clearly. BLACKPOOL Good Blackpool crosses over to Bethel again. BLACKPOOL Vector still hasn’t learned that I trust no one. Has he, Bethel? BETHEL No, Dirk. But I have.
BLACKPOOL I do not suffer fools gladly… GEOFFREY Hi, Dirk! We can barely see Geoffrey, but we hear his enthusiastic greeting as he enters. Blackpool tightens his lips and turns to the entrance of the chamber as his brother strides in cheerfully, pulling his gauntlets off. GEOFFREY Welcome back! Vector didn’t think you were going to make it. BETHEL I knew he would. BLACKPOOL What have you been doing, Geoffrey? GEOFFREY Let’s sit down and I’ll tell you how I almost killed Marko. BLACKPOOL Yes. I’d like to hear that. Geoffrey slides into the corner and sits at the table. Bethel joins him. GEOFFREY Vector? Get us a couple sandwiches. Shot goes to a face shot of Vector who looks disgusted. Shot goes to Blackpool, who mouths “sandwiches” questioningly at his wizard. Vector looks extremely put upon and exits the room. Blackpool crosses to the table and sits with Bethel and Geoffrey.
SCENE 28 It is day. The castle moat sparkles. Shot dissolves to interior shot of King Richard Greystone’s chambers. We see Greystone and the Wizard Traquill in the room. King Richard is now awake and healed completely, thanks to Greystone bringing the fruit of the astrid tree. Shots pans back further and we see Justin and Marko standing at the foot of King Richard’s bed. KING RICHARD I’m proud of all of you. TRAQUILL They did pretty good for a bunch of silly kids, didn’t they? KING RICHARD Marko, without you, Justin would’ve been lost to us. My thanks. MARKO My pleasure, your highness. KING RICHARD Justin? I understand we did well at the western perimeter. JUSTIN Ah, we kicked their . . . Uh, we defeated the enemy real bad. KING RICHARD Good. King Richard nods at Justin. KING RICHARD And Erik? I owe you my life. Even though you did disobey me. GREYSTONE I only did what you would have done, sir. KING RICHARD I’m not at all sure I could have done what you did, son. GREYSTONE I’d do it again. KING RICHARD I love you, Erik. I love each of you. TRAQUILL Oh, stop it, please. I’m going to start crying. All of them start to chuckle a bit to break the seriousness of the mood in the chamber. JUSTIN Well, if everything’s OK here and you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date. GREYSTONE With who? Justin speaks as if enchanted again. JUSTIN My fiancé, Bethel. GREYSTONE What? Marko grabs Justin’s arm and looks at him with concern. MARKO I thought the spell was broken. JUSTIN It is, but she doesn’t know it yet. They all laugh at Justin as he exits. Marko crosses over to Traquill and Erik by King Richard’s bedside. TRAQUILL I do all the work, he gets all the fun. The scene freezes to animation/drawing. The music comes up and over. FADE OUT.
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