Wizards and Warriors Site Map Articles
1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Six |
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Caverns of ChaosWritten by Don Reo
ACT THREE FADE IN: SCENE 14 Shot of animated/drawing of the Grox cuts to live action of the creature. It moves towards Greystone and Blackpool, swinging its arms at them threateningly. The princes both circle away from the beast carefully. GREYSTONE You stab it behind the ear! BLACKPOOL Which one? GREYSTONE The left. I think. BLACKPOOL You’d better be right – we’ll only get once chance at it. GREYSTONE Ah! We don’t have a weapon! BLACKPOOL Oh, yes we do. Shot of Blackpool pulling a knife out of his leg boot. GREYSTONE For once I’m glad you fight dirty! BLACKPOOL Look out! The Grox moves after them, rushing towards them. They move away quickly. GREYSTONE Remember the quarterstaff move I always beat you with? BLACKPOOL It didn’t work the last time you tried it. GREYSTONE Let’s hope he’s not as good as you. Greystone distracts the Grox and Blackpool swings at it with the knife, managing to get a hit behind the ear. Greystone and Blackpool move backwards and fall. The Grox screams in agony and then falls on the floor of the chamber, dead. Its blade fingers narrowly missing Greystones’s leg. Greystone pulls his leg away quickly. They stand and Blackpool moves to get his knife. GREYSTONE Don’t remove the knife. You’ll revive it. Blackpool and Erik look at each other, then the fallen Grox. They exit the chamber.
SCENE 15 Shot of exterior of the tavern. It is evening. Marko exits the tavern and walks towards the hitching post towards Ben, his horse. Marko leans on the supporting beam of the covered entrance talking to Ben. MARKO How ya doin’ big fella? Ben WHICKERS to Marko and then SNORTS. MARKO Come on, I wasn’t in there that long. Yeah, it is weird being alone. Don’t worry though. Southwind and Erik will be back pretty soon. The Wizard Traquill appears in a shimmer of silver sparks. MARKO Come on. TRAQUILL You’re a nice boy, Marko. Marko turns and yelps in surprise. MARKO Don’t sneak up on me like that, Uncle Tray. Shot pans back to Traquill in his chair and Marko standing next to him. TRAQUILL Relax, will you? You’re too nervous. Ah, kids.
MARKO All right, I’m a bit edgy. How’s King Greystone? TRAQUILL Not good. I hope Erik gets back soon. But that’s not what I came to talk about. Justin left here with a woman, right? MARKO Boy, I’ll say. A real knock-out named Serena. TRAQUILL She’s a knock-out, all right. But her name’s Bethel. She’s an evil witch. I know what they’re up to. MARKO A witch. What’s goin’ on, Unc? TRAQUILL A big bunch of bad stuff. Look, there’s no time for this. Just bring Justin to me at the castle when he gets back. She’s probably going to zap him good. MARKO All right, I’ll bring ‘em. TRAQUILL Something else, but I can’t remember. MARKO Can’t? TRAQUILL Nope. Well, never mind. See ya. Traquill and his chair disappear in another shower of silver sparks.
SCENE 16 Shot of Marko standing next to a supporting post of the overhead canopy of the tavern. He is pondering his Uncle Traquill’s appearance. MARKO Something else . . . There is a WHISTLE of something being thrown and a dagger thuds into the post near Marko’s head. It quivers there a moment. MARKO Have anything to do with a knife? Shot of Prince Geoffrey Blackpool. He is staring in Marko’s direction and is angry he missed. MARCKO Ah, ya missed, Geoffrey. GEOFFREY You won’t live to talk about it. Geoffrey draws his sword smoothly, as does Marko. Geoffrey attacks Marko fiercely, yelling with each attempted strike. Marko defends himself very easily, even with a bit of boredom. MARKO You’re not even trying, Geoffrey. GEOFFREY You’re a dead man. Geoffrey tries to run Marko through with a direct charge, blade towards Marko. Marko steps aside quickly and Geoffrey rushes past him. Marko slaps Geoffrey’s backside with the flat of his blade. Geoffrey yelps in surprise, then attacks again and Marko crosses blades with him, shoving Geoffrey back towards a large stack of wine barrels outside the tavern. They are nose to nose. Geoffrey can’t move away.
MARKO Start talking, Geoff. What’s this about? What are you doing down here? GEOFFREY I’m not talking, Marko. Not ‘til we’ve broken the western perimeter. MARKO That’s gonna be really hard with warriors like you, pal. GEOFFREY I’m not done yet. Geoffrey smirks and moves to the side, shoving the wine barrels loose. They begin to fall towards Marko. MARKO Oh yes you are. The wine barrels continue to fall onto Marko and he falls to the ground, buried under them. GEOFFREY You lose . . . Geoffrey sheathes his sword with a satisfied smirk and a sharp click. GEOFFREY . . . pal. Geoffrey strides off into the night.
SCENE 17 Far away shot of Greystone and Blackpool traveling along the path along a cliff passageway. The view shows the sheer drop if they veer off the pathway. GREYSTONE You know the source of the Crimson Fever as well as I do, Dirk. BLACKPOOL What difference does it make? GREYSTONE We get out of here, we could be fighting the same enemy instead of each other. Shot moves to close shot of Greystone and Blackpool. Greystone is leading the way along the path. BLACKPOOL Grow up, Erik. You’re still a naïve little boy. Whatever reason for this incident, it does nothing to change the fact that I hate you and what you stand for. Greystone stops and faces Blackpool. GREYSTONE I don’t understand you. There’s enough room for everybody, but you want it all. Why can’t you just appreciate what you have? BLACKPOOL Very easy for you to say. The south is comfortable. It has plenty of food. My people have to suffer the vicious weather of the north. They’re starving while you’re going to parties. GREYSTONE They starve because you give all your food to your soldiers. You starve your own people. When we gave you food you paid us back with bloodshed. BLACKPOOL Save your speeches for a fool, Erik. I’m not interested. GREYSTONE You’ll never beat us. BLACKPOOL Listen to me, Greystone. We will ride through you like a hurricane in the forest. We’ll knock you down, we will crush you and we will salt the earth where you fell. I have no more tolerance for you or your band of fat philosophers. GREYSTONE Thank the gods we’re chained together, Dirk. Or you’d be falling to your death. A large, hairy spider begins to crawl up and over Blackpool’s right shoulder armor. BLACKPOOL If there’s a death in here, it will be yours. Now let’s go. Greystone sees the spider and watches it carefully, his eyes widen. GREYSTONE Don’t move. BLACKPOOL What is it? GREYSTONE Black Phalia. Blackpool looks down very carefully. The spider is now on the arm of his leather armor. He swallows nervously. BLACKPOOL I hate spiders. GREYSTONE Sssh. Stay very still. BLACKPOOL Umm… Blackpool whimpers nervously as the spider crosses over his chest armor towards his left arm.
BLACKPOOL I can’t stand it. GREYSTONE Hold on. If you don’t move, it won’t sting you. Blackpool can’t stand it anymore and grabs the spider in his gauntlets and yells. BLACKPOOL Nooo! Blackpool flings the spider over the ledge, loosing his balance and tumbling over the edge himself. Greystone grabs onto the chain that binds them and hangs on tightly. Shot dissolves to another far away shot of Greystone leaning against the wall, trying to hang onto the chain. GREYSTONE Grab the edge. Get your weight off the chain. Blackpool begins to haul himself up the edge of the cliff passage, grunting with the effort. Greystone helps pull him up by the chain. Blackpool makes it over the edge onto the pathway and both of them slump back on the path, sitting down, resting against the wall.
SCENE 18 Shot of Greystone and Blackpool resting against the wall of the cliff pathway. Blackpool looks somewhat stunned. He sighs heavily. BLACKPOOL I nearly killed myself. GREYSTONE Relax. Everybody’s afraid of something. Blackpool blinks and begins to talk almost as if Greystone is not there. BLACKPOOL When I was a boy, I was trapped inside a secret room at the old castle for three days. A room filled with spiders. I screamed and I yelled but nobody could hear me. GREYSTONE What did you do? BLACKPOOL I began stepping on them. I must’ve crushed thousands of them. At the end, their bodies were so deep they covered my boots. I finally passed out from exhaustion. Being bitten. I had to lie in them. GREYSTONE You’re lucky you’re alive. BLACKPOOL Vector found me. When he saw me lying there, he laughed. GREYSTONE Hmm. Nice guy. BLACKPOOL I nearly died. It was months before I got out of bed. I hate spiders. Hate, not fear. Shot of more spiders coming down the stone stairs towards Greystone and Blackpool. GREYSTONE Well, as long as you hate them so much, can we get out of here? BLACKPOOL I really should rest for a moment. Greystone nods at Blackpool, then points down the pathway. GREYSTONE Take a look down the ledge. Blackpool looks down the ledge and his face registers disgust. BLACKPOOL All right. I’m ready. GREYSTONE You sure you don’t want to rest some more? BLACKPOOL Let’s go. Blackpool and Greystone both stand. GREYSTONE Whatever you say. Blackpool moves past Greystone with a bit of a push, leading the way and they disappear from view.
SCENE 19 Shot of cottage interior. Tight shot of stairway. There are a number of lit candles since it is evening. A large black panther pelt with attached head faces the camera. Shot pans back and we see Justin coming down the stairs adjusting his clothing. Bethel is lying comfortably on a couch in the foreground of the shot, her leg arranged so her gown falls away from it seductively. JUSTIN I had a swell time, Serena. But, better be movin’ on down the road. Justin belts on his sash. BETHEL Oh. I’m disappointed. You’re going to go and leave me all alone? JUSTIN I’ll be back. Like a summer cold. Once you catch it, you can’t get rid of it. Bethel half rises on the couch and looks at him. BETHEL Justin? Have you ever considered taking a wife?
JUSTIN You mean one of my own? BETHEL You know what I mean. JUSTIN Ah, let’s see. Thought of marriage did pass through my mind. One time. S’long time ago. I’d just won the Tri-Kingdom Drinkin’ Contest. Bethel sits up and smiles at Justin. BETHEL Would you consider it with someone really special? Justin moves over to Bethel and smiles, then kisses her. JUSTIN Good night, Serena. BETHEL I could make you very happy, Prince Greystone. Justin picks up his metal wristbands and puts them on. JUSTIN You already have, sugar. Now, adios. BETHEL Wait. Justin. Bethel moves in front of Justin, blocking his exit. JUSTIN I really have to go. BETHEL Listen to me. My name is not Serena. It’s Bethel. JUSTIN Beth-el? The witch Bethel? BETHEL Yes. JUSTIN Son of a gun. I never dated a real witch before. I kinda like it. Justin grins at her. BETHEL Well, I was sent by Vector to seduce you. Bethel puts her arms around Justin’s neck. BETHEL But, um, something happened to me. JUSTIN Was I here when it happened? BETHEL Um. When I kissed you I realized I couldn’t go through with it. JUSTIN No kiddin’? Justin and Bethel kiss again. BETHEL I think I’m in love with you, Justin. I don’t want you to leave me. Ever. JUSTIN Well, that’s gonna be a problem, darlin’. We come from different sides of the forest. BETHEL I’d give up everything for you. I’d even forsake my magic. JUSTIN This is all real interestin’ but there’s one thing wrong. BETHEL What? JUSTIN I don’t believe you for a second. Justin grabs Bethel’s waist and picks her up, swinging her to the side and out of his way. JUSTIN So, if you’ll excuse me, I got a hot date with a deck of cards. Justin bows to Bethel briefly and moves towards the doorway. Bethel takes her monocle from her bodice and zaps Justin with it. A beam of purple light hits him, creating a purple glow around him. He stops, frozen in place, enchanted.
SCENE 19a Shot of Bethel crossing in front of Justin. He is frozen in place and is bewitched by the blast from her monocle. BETHEL OK, cutie. Here’s the deal. Tomorrow morning you’re gonna announce our engagement. A very short engagement. And if things go according to plan, you and I are gonna be King and Queen of Camarand before the new moon. You got it? JUSTIN Yes. Justin is obviously under her spell. He speaks slowly and without expression. BETHEL Good. Now, hit the road. Justin moves away from her and goes to the door. He exits.
SCENE 20 Shot of entrance at Caverns. Shot dissolves to Greystone and Blackpool walking along the pathway on the edge of the cliffs. GREYSTONE Where does this thing end? BLACKPOOL I can’t see. It’s too dark. There is a GRINDING NOISE of stone moving on stone. GREYSTONE What’s that? BLACKPOOL I don’t know. Push. GREYSTONE It’s the wall. It’s moving. Push backwards. Push! BLACKPOOL I can’t stop it. Greystone growls and strains against the stone. GREYSTONE Ah, put your back into it. Push! Both Greystone and Blackpool are slowly pushed forward and over the edge of the narrow ledge – they yell on the way down. FADE OUT.
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