Wizards and Warriors Site Map Articles
1. The Unicorn of Death Episode Six |
Caverns of ChaosWritten by Don Reo
ACT TWO FADE IN: SCENE 6 The gate continues to slide towards Greystone. He pushes Blackpool off of him and both roll away from each other. The gate slides home with a crash with Blackpool on the passage side and Greystone on the astrid tree chamber side. BLACKPOOL This place is filled with surprises. Blackpool kneels on his side of the gate. GREYSTONE There’s only one way out, Dirk. Greystone also kneels on the opposite side of the gate. He and Blackpool are still bound by the chain that is trapped under the gate. GREYSTONE And that’s through the caverns. No one’s ever done it. Looks like we have to try together. BLACKPOOL You expect me to help save your father’s life? GREYSTONE No, I expect you to try and save your own. I’ve still got the fruit. BLACKPOOL Give me a piece. I’ll help you. GREYSTONE I’ll give you a bite. When I’m on the other side of this gate. Greystone stares at Blackpool’s face. GREYSTONE The rash is spreading, Dirk. You’ll only get weaker. BLACKPOOL All right. We’ll lift from both sides. The princes both nod at each other. Greystone moves to life his side, as does Blackpool. They grunt and groan, trying to lift the gate and succeed in getting it raised enough for Greystone to try to slide under it. BLACKPOOL All right. I’ll hold it, you crawl underneath. What are you waiting for?
SCENE 7 Shot opens on Blackpool holding the gate and Greystone debating whether to crawl underneath it, not knowing if Blackpool can be trusted or not. BLACKPOOL What’s the matter, Erik? Don’t you trust me? GREYSTONE I have no choice. Blackpool raises an eyebrow as Greystone lowers himself to the chamber floor and begins to slide under the gate. Blackpool allows the gate to slip lower to Greystone. BLACKPOOL You see, Erik? You shouldn’t have trusted me. GREYSTONE You’ll never make it draggin’ a dead body, Dirk! BLACKPOOL I wouldn’t have to. I’d just cut off your hand. Greystone stretches out his right as far away as he can from Blackpool. He has the pouch with the fruit in it in his hand. GREYSTONE Maybe you’ll be able to reach it. You gonna take that chance, Dirk? You feel that lucky? Come on! What’s it gonna be, Dirk? BLACKPOOL You know, you really have no sense of humor, Erik.
Blackpool smiles wryly. BLACKPOOL Come on. Blackpool lifts the gate as Greystone slides underneath it to the passage side. Blackpool lets the gate drop. BLACKPOOL Give me a piece of the fruit. GREYSTONE Ah, why not? I guess we’re stuck with each other. Greystone opens the pouch, turns and breaks off a piece of the fruit on the gate. He hands it to Blackpool who eats it. BLACKPOOL Thank you. GREYSTONE Let’s go. BLACKPOOL Erik. We may need each other to get through here. But if I get out first, I’ll slam the door behind me. GREYSTONE So will I. BLACKPOOL You mean good prince Greystone would leave me to die? GREYSTONE Bet on it. Blackpool smiles and Greystone looks grim. They move off into the passageway, disappearing from view.
SCENE 8 There is a camera wipe like a page turning. The shot that is revealed is the interior of the tavern. We see a serving woman walk by and the camera pans left to show us Marko and JUSTIN GREYSTONE sitting at a table by the fireplace of the tavern. The serving woman moves around to their table. JUSTIN Sally. Another tall one, on the rocks. And bring me a list of the night’s your husband’s at work. MARKO How can you be so happy? Your father’s dying and your brother’s on a suicide mission trying to save his life. JUSTIN Easy now. Hold on, Marko. Nobody cares more about what’s goin’ on than I do. It’s outta my hands. Does it make things any better at all if I act all worried? MARKO I guess not. Justin leans back in his chair and lifts his tankard. JUSTIN Show you how I feel tomorrow on that western perimeter. We’re gonna kick some helmets! MARKO Justin, you can’t let Blackpool’s troops get through up there. JUSTIN Not a chance. Not a chance. Drink up, Marko. I’m getting way ahead of you. MARKO No, I want to keep my head clear. Just in case something goes wrong. JUSTIN Exact reason I wanna keep mine fuzzy. Something always goes wrong. Justin looks up as the door to the tavern opens. Bethel walks in. She is wearing a revealing gown and part of her hair is done up on the side. JUSTIN On the other hand. Occasionally . . . Justin watches as Bethel sits at a table opposite them. JUSTIN Something goes… right. Excuse me, Marko. MARKO Where you going? JUSTIN That lady’s gonna fall in love with me tonight. I want to be there when it happens. Justin stands and walks over to Bethel, tankard in hand.
SCENE 9 Shot of Justin standing by Bethel’s table. JUSTIN Excuse me. I seem to have misplaced the keys to my small, thousand-room castle. On the ocean. Have you seen ‘em? Justin rests his hand on the empty chair opposite Bethel. BETHEL Does being stupid come naturally, or is it something you have to work at? JUSTIN Well, it must come natural, because I hardly work at anything. Justin sits down opposite Bethel. BETHEL Maybe that’s your problem. JUSTIN My problem is not knowing your name. BETHEL My name’s Serena. JUSTIN Serena. Justin takes Bethel’s hand in his and holds onto it. JUSTIN I think we’re gonna get along real well. BETHEL I think you might be right. So, you’re Justin Greystone. JUSTIN How’d you know that? BETHEL Oh. Don’t be modest. You’re a famous man. JUSTIN Is that a fact? BETHEL They say you’re something of a wild man. JUSTIN Yeah, well, actually my bark’s a lot worse than my bite. BETHEL I’m just the opposite. JUSTIN Uh, you’re gonna scare me away. BETHEL I doubt that. Would you care to go someplace more comfortable? JUSTIN Lead the way. Bethel smiles and stands. Justin stands and follows her towards the tavern door.
SCENE 10 Shot of Marko who stands and blocks Justin’s exit from the tavern as Bethel walks past them. MARKO Time out. Where are you off to? JUSTIN I don’t know, but it’s gonna be wonderful. MARKO Uh, about tomorrow… the western perimeter? JUSTIN Relax, Marko, relax. I’ll be there. MARKO You are supposed to help me guard the kingdom. JUSTIN That’s exactly what I’m doing. This woman looks dangerous. I oughta keep my eye on her. Take care of my bar tab, will ya? Justin smiles at Bethel, who smiles back. Justin follows her as she opens the door and exits. Justin turns to look at Marko, raises his eyebrows and points out the door mouthing “Wow” then exits himself. Marko raises his eyebrows and shakes his head.
SCENE 11 Shot opens on Blackpool and Greystone at an entrance to a seemingly empty chamber/room. They enter it and stop. Back in the Caverns – Greystone and Blackpool are at the entrance to a seemingly empty room – they stop. GREYSTONE What do you think? BLACKPOOL Looks harmless, but then... GREYSTONE Nothing in here is harmless… BLACKPOOL Exactly. When the Great Book was kept here, every wizard alive cast one spell to protect it. GREYSTONE How many traps do you think there are? BLACKPOOL For every man who’s come in here, there’s been one too many. GREYSTONE My father needs me. Let’s get going. BLACKPOOL This may not be a trapped area. The light in the chamber/room dims to black. There is a RUMBLE. BLACKPOOL I wonder if we should go back. GREYSTONE No, that’s a dead end. The entrance has sealed. A blue light shoots out towards them, striking Blackpool’s monocle with a blast. Blackpool falls unconscious to the floor and Greystone falls with him. Blue lights shoot out and form a grid-like pattern above the fallen princes. Both are under the lights. Blackpool is knocked out, so Greystone creeps forward towards the end of the room, dragging Blackpool along by the chain that connects them. Blackpool wakes up, rolls over and nearly gets zapped by the lights. BLACKPOOL What’s happening? GREYSTONE A web of death-lights. We need to crawl through it. Greystone and Blackpool continue to crawl under the web of blue lights carefully toward the exit. They reach safety and both stand. The blue lights disappear again. BLACKPOOL Let’s hope that’s the last of it. GREYSTONE If it isn’t, we’re in big trouble. Both Greystone and Blackpool exit the chamber, moving into the passageway.
SCENE 12 Shot opens on distance shot of Castle Blackpool then pans in closer. Shot dissolves to the interior of Vector’s chambers in the Castle. There is a cage of blue mice in the corner of the room. PRINCE GEOFFREY BLACKPOOL strides into the chambers with his hand on his sword hilt. He crosses to Vector who is sitting at his desk, concentrating on a manuscript. VECTOR I’m busy, Geoffrey, what do you want? GEOFFREY You’re busy? You sent for me. VECTOR Oh, yes, so I did. GEOFFREY Let me remind you, Vector, that with Dirk out of the house, I am the master. I am in total control. Vector turns and looks at Geoffrey, then steeples his fingers together in front of him. VECTOR Geoffrey, with all due respect, I would much rather deal with your father before you. GEOFFREY My father is in a coma. Vector unsteeples his fingers and puts one hand to his forehead. VECTOR I know. GEOFFREY You think I’m stupid, don’t you, Vector? VECTOR I never said that. GEOFFREY You didn’t have to. I can tell. But I am a prince and as I understand it, wizards exist only to serve royalty, isn’t that right?
Geoffrey strides back and forth in front of Vector who is still seated at his desk. VECTOR Yes, Geoffrey. GEOFFREY Well, in that case, I want you to serve me. VECTOR What do you want? GEOFFREY Get me a cheese sandwich. Vector widens his eyes and looks up from his manuscript, fingers still on his forehead. He stands and moves around the desk to Geoffrey. VECTOR Geoffrey, how would you like to do something that even your brother failed to do? Vector moves over to the cage with blue mice in it. He reaches in and takes one out, holding it on his hand. GEOFFREY What? VECTOR Well, for some time now, that vassal of Erik Greystone’s, what’s his name? GEOFFREY Marko? VECTOR Marko. Yes. Vector looks at the mouse very carefully. VECTOR He’s an annoyance, a bit of a pest. GEOFFREY Yeah, he’s tough. Very tough. VECTOR Surely not too tough for you? Vector crosses to another cage in the chamber. GEOFFREY You want him hurt or dead? VECTOR Preferably dead. GEOFFREY Good, that’s easier. I won’t have to fight him. VECTOR Then you’ll do it? GEOFFREY No problem. He dies tonight. And tomorrow I lead the attack on the western perimeter. Vector turns towards Geoffrey. VECTOR Excellent. GEOFFREY And you can have that sandwich waiting for me when I get back. Get used to it, Vector. If, for some reason, Dirk doesn’t return, I’m your new boss. Geoffrey exits Vector’s chambers.
SCENE 12a Shot of Vector as he turns back to the second cage. He carefully tosses the blue mouse to a strange plant-like creature. We see his expression and hear the noises as the creature devours the mouse.
SCENE 13 Shot dissolves to Greystone moving through a passage. He walks past a skeleton and we see he is following Blackpool who is leading the way. They come to another chamber, filled with fog and smoke. GREYSTONE Got any ideas? BLACKPOOL I don’t like it anymore than you do, but the only way out of here is straight ahead. If there’s a way out. GREYSTONE There has to be. Let’s go! Greystone and Blackpool walk forward and the door slides shut from above with a sound of stone on stone. Blackpool turns back towards the door. BLACKPOOL We’re sealed in here! GREYSTONE Must have tripped a mechanism that shut the door. BLACKPOOL Well, there must be a way out. There is a GROWLING, SNARLING NOISE coming from the room – a creature of some sort. GREYSTONE Where? Greystone and Blackpool turn and see a half-man/half animal creature approaching them from the only exit in the chamber. BLACKPOOL What is it? GREYSTONE I can’t tell yet. BLACKPOOL It can’t be. The creature continues to move towards the princes.
GREYSTONE A Grox. I thought it was a myth. BLACKPOOL They were, up until now. GREYSTONE What do you remember? BLACKPOOL It’s very fast with its blade fingers. GREYSTONE Right. They’re filled with poison – a scratch can kill you. BLACKPOOL Do you remember how to kill it? GREYSTONE No. Greystone looks to Blackpool who looks back at him. They turn to the GROX. Shot of Greystone and Blackpool freezes to animation/drawing. FADE OUT.
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