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1. The Unicorn of Death Unfilmed Episode |
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GREYSTONE'S ODYSSEYThe GamesWritten by Paul F. Edwards
Second draft - August 27, 1982
This script is of an unfilmed episode. We have altered the original format for ease of reading. ACT FOUR FADE IN: SCENE 53 The Royal Family is there with Greystone, gathered around a huge chest in which is heaped a treasure in jewels and gold of inestimable value. BAALDORF Ariel. ARIEL Oh, all right, then! She dumps the contents of Geoffrey's leather bag onto the heap. The diamonds glitter as they fall. ARIEL But not the bag. I get to keep the bag. Wordlessly, Baaldorf removes his crown and sets it on top, the capper. Lattinia sobs softly. BAALDORF There. That's it. Blackpool comes in and walks to the chest, his eyes riveted on the loot. He fishes a parchment from his pocket and tosses it on the pile. BLACKPOOL My signed note. You'll trust me, won't you? They all regard him with somewhat jaundiced eyes. BAALDORF What choice do we have? The note says that you and Erik are to go alone to the Cavern of Skulls. LATTINIA They'll probably kill you. BLACKPOOL That thought had occurred to me . . . BAALDORF You're the best knights in two kingdoms, and if you can't handle it, who can? GREYSTONE Right. Let's get going. BLACKPOOL I'll meet you at the horses. He turns and strides out of the tent. Baaldorf gives Greystone a hearty fatherly hug. Greystone takes Ariel's hand. GREYSTONE Until we meet again, my Lady. ARIEL Take good care, okay? GREYSTONE I will. Lattinia comes to him, puts her hands on his shoulders, looks in his eyes. LATTINIA Oh, Erik, be strong! We're all counting on you, you know that. She gives him a motherly kiss, then walks with him to the tent door. On the way, she confides, leaning close: LATTINIA You've got to pull this off, hon. I've made another gigantic bet . . . GREYSTONE Oh, no! LATTINIA I had to double down! Everything I own is in that ransom. Greystone winces.
SCENE 54 Blackpool is ready to leave, when Vector suddenly materializes. BLACKPOOL You! You have the gall to come back to me! After what you tried to do. VECTOR Now, contain yourself, please! It was an error of judgment . . . BLACKPOOL Judgment? You nearly got me killed! VECTOR Oh, come now! I wasn't going to let it go that far. BLACKPOOL You blinded me! You provided that cow with a live grenade! VECTOR I was angry, I'll admit. But I would never have let any real harm come to you. I simply wanted to illustrate how vulnerable you are -- and will always remain -- without me. BLACKPOOL Without you? You can't be serious. I've got things precisely where I want them. VECTOR Now, yes. But later . . . ? BLACKPOOL Listen, you fool! I don't need your paltry services. VECTOR I know all about your little scheme. BLACKPOOL Then you know I'm invincible. VECTOR To Greystone and company, perhaps. But that deal you made with those Nightstalkers . . . that will cost you dearly. BLACKPOOL We understand each other, they and I. VECTOR You realize, of course, that when the chips are down, they will betray you. BLACKPOOL Ah, but I have this! He flicks the monocle at Vector. Vector is staggered. VECTOR Don't do that! We're having a civilized discussion here! BLACKPOOL An amazing little device, eh, Vector? VECTOR Yes. In the hands of one who truly knows how to use it! Blackpool reacts to this. VECTOR Let us realign ourselves, my Lord! Together, nothing is a match for us! BLACKPOOL You'd love that, wouldn't you? The chance to weasel your way back into the power . . . that is rightfully mine! I don't need you Wizard. Not anymore. He strides toward the tent door, stops, turns: BLACKPOOL By the way . . . ever seen one of these? He pitches a live grenade to Vector and walks out. Vector grimaces horribly as he catches it. Vector looks at it, momentarily frightened. He passes his hand over it. The grenade disappears. He looks after Blackpool malevolently.
SCENE 55 Erik and Blackpool approach cautiously on their horses. The place looks decidedly sinister. Behind them is the horse-drawn cart containing the treasure.
SCENE 56 A huge underground room, the only light is coming from the unseen entry, and falls in weird shafts from apertures high above. Bats SQUEAK and dart. A steaming pool BOILS in one part of the floor, exuding strange vapors. Up on one wall, in chains and shackles, Marko hangs. He is spread-eagle, wrists and ankles secured to solid stone, twelve feet over the BELCHING caldron. Next to him is good Sir Bowdoin, equally helpless. Marko's head is turned toward him. MARKO Now, here's my plan . . . At that moment, Erik and Dirk enter, wheeling in the heavy treasure chest on the cart. When they are in the center of the room, they stop and look around. On the walls, in addition to Marko and Bowdoin, are the other kidnapped Knights, all of whom are Blackpool's supporters. MARKO Erik! GREYSTONE Marko! Bowdoin! MARKO Bowdoin, [sic] I knew you'd come through! You better watch it, though, because . . . From the ceiling, six Nightstalkers drop like vampires. Six more drop and Dirk and Erik are surrounded. The black figures ring them, menacingly. MARKO That's what I was going to tell you . . . Nightstalkers. Blackpool strides calmly through the circle, stands outside, facing Erik, within. BLACKPOOL I'm afraid it's you against us, Greystone. Release my Knights. A half dozen of the Nightstalkers turn to do it, and as Blackpool gazes at the treasure, enraptured, Erik makes his play. He bounds over the line of Stalkers, draws his sword and, vaulting up off a stalagmite, he cuts the chain that suspends Marko in a shower of light and sparks. Marko drops heavily to the cavern floor. MARKO Thanks, Erik! (shaken) Mmmmmhh! That was a rough one . . . Erik cuts Sir Bowdoin free and the fight is on.
SCENE 57 Of the progress of a real Pier Sixer, with our three giving Blackpool and the Stalkers hell for leather. Hard pressed, Blackpool finally frees his own Knights, who promptly dash out of the cave on a dead run. With Bowdoin wielding his Dunders, Marko crowning the scum with his wrist cuffs, and Erik hashing them up smartly, it is only a matter of time until the Stalkers are defeated and put to flight. Dirk is cornered. He reaches up, touches the monocle; nothing happens.
SCENE 58 Marko pulls the cart out, reloaded with its sparkling loot. Erik mounts up alongside a chagrined Blackpool, as does Sir Bowdoin. GREYSTONE I should have know this was all your doing, Dirk. It had that smell about it. BLACKPOOL Don't give me any of your moral improvement lectures. GREYSTONE I'm going to turn you over to Baaldorf. BLACKPOOL Why don't you just kill me. I'd rather be hanged than bored to death. Greystone turns his attention to Marko and the treasure, as does Bowdoin. Abruptly, the monocle sparkles around Blackpool's neck.
SCENE 59 He is concentrating intensely.
SCENE 60 The monocle glows. The ropes that secured Blackpool's hands falls away. He is free. There is a puff of amber smoke and he is gone. The good guys turn to stare. MARKO Wha . . . ? He was just there! GREYSTONE Let's get out of here. They head off at speed, with the treasure cart bounding over the stones.
SCENE 61 Blackpool is beside Vector, who stands nodding and rubbing his palms together in satisfaction. VECTOR Thought you could bring it off alone, didn't you? Didn't need me! BLACKPOOL I don't understand . . . I had the monocle . . . VECTOR You were in a sacred burial ground, you fool! There's no magic in there. Something you would have known had I been with you. But nooo! You have to do it all yourself. BLACKPOOL Never mind that. There's a fabulous treasure riding away from us as we speak. Let's take it. VECTOR Certainly. But you can't expect me to pull off a piece of magic like that without the monocle. Give it to me. Blackpool is torn. He hesitates. VECTOR Are you going to stand here and watch them get away? Just let me use it for a second! I'll give it right back! Blackpool looks at him, then at the treasure. He attempts to use the monocle to no avail. VECTOR I can't believe you. There's enough on that wagon to finance four wars. Think of the power. Blackpool looks at him, still terribly torn. VECTOR Very well. If you change your mind . . . Vector walks away. Blackpool stands alone on the hill, looking down as:
SCENE 62 Our heroes ride away, the fortune bouncing along behind them. FADE OUT.
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