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1. The Unicorn of Death Unfilmed Episode |
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GREYSTONE'S ODYSSEYThe GamesWritten by Paul F. Edwards
Second draft - August 27, 1982
This script is of an unfilmed episode. We have altered the original format for ease of reading. ACT THREE FADE IN: SCENE 28 Lattinia is observing, if you can call it that, from an elegant litter, supine. Ariel sits by her sickbed, holding her mother's hand and massaging her temples. The King is a little miffed at her state of health. BAALDORF You'd ought to take better care of yourself, that's all I'm saying ARIEL Stop picking on her, Daddy. It's not her fault we bought cheap warthog. LATTINIA It wasn't the warthog. It's just these games, I'm just so nervous! BAALDORF Hang it all, Lattinia! You never gave a fig for any of this before. LATTINIA That only shows how powerful sport can be . . . once you've been exposed to it, it gets into your blood. ARIEL Ooooh, look! Erik's going to fight this enormous barbarian. Lattinia groans and turns her face away. LATTINIA Just tell me when it's over. ARIEL Come on, Mummy! He's still got a chance. He won that axe-throwing thing this morning. BAALDORF It's three out of five for the Championship, though. He'd have to win both the Crack-con Throw and the Joust. I wouldn't get your hopes up. Lattinia groans from her bed, most pitiably. ARIEL Oh, well. Cheer up. It's only a game! Lattinia moans.
SCENE 29 Erik confronts the Barbarian inside a giant circle. The hairy adversary hold [sic] a large, round metal object, resembling a pineapple in shape, by a ring which is mounted in its top. He takes aim and heaves it toward Erik, who runs under it and catches it, which is what he has to do to stay in the contest. We hear ROARS from the crowd. Erik sets himself, backs off further, then lofts it back toward the Barbarian, who manages to catch it. The idea is that each throw and catch must be further apart until one of them drops the Crack-con; then the other is the winner. Long story short, Erik beats him. He lets one fly that travels in a great high arc and the Barbarian blows it. The stands erupt in enthusiastic APPLAUSE for the favored hero. The Barbarian gestures at Erik desultorily.
SCENE 30 Ariel is elated. Even Baaldorf is cautiously optismistic [sic]. ARIEL Oh, wow, he won! LATTINIA He didn't! She jerks bolt upright in her litter, yanking the curtains aside. ARIEL He did! He and Blackpool are tied, two to two! Lattinia closes her eyes, invoking the Goddess of Fortune. BAALDORF He has a real sporting chance now. No question about it! LATTINIA Luck, be a lady tonight. BAALDORF What did you say? LATTINIA I said, if only he can do it. ARIEL Oh, Mummy . . . you really like him, don't you? LATTINIA Yes, dear, he's like money in the bank. BAALDORF Don't be angry, dear, but I made a sizeable wager on Greystone. LATTINIA You didn't! BAALDORF A hundred kolnas. ARIEL A hundred kolnas? Wow, Mummy's going to be really angry if you lose that. Right, Mummy? Lattinia has closed the curtains.
SCENE 31 Blackpool and Erik meet. BLACKPOOL Come to wish me luck? GREYSTONE No, I'm looking for Marko. Have you seen him? BLACKPOOL Matter of fact, I did. Saw him down at the river with three of the Giant Women from Brune. GREYSTONE That's Marko. BLACKPOOL Why don't you stick around? You might learn the proper way to throw a Crack-con. GREYSTONE Yeah, you're really good at throwing stuff around. Maybe I will.
SCENE 32 Blackpool faces Broadicea, who has a Crack-con in hand. She heaves it high. Blackpool circles under it and makes the catch. She backs up and he lets fly, high and hard. She drifts under it and has it.
SCENE 33 He makes the sign.
SCENE 34 She winds up, looks down. The thing in her hand has taken on a life of its own. It is glowing, quivering. She lofts it high and away.
SCENE 35 Seeing the Crack-con is glowing, he moves into action, racing for the field.
SCENE 36 He looks up, sees the smoking grenade peaking and descending.
SCENE 37 Flashing a sudden burst of blinding light from his palm into Blackpool's eyes.
SCENE 38 Blackpool is blinded. The smoking grenade is descending toward him as Greystone dashes in. Blackpool falls to his knees as Erik reaches up and makes a Willie Mays "Say Hey" catch. Greystone lofts the Crack-con high towards Broadicea, who tries to catch it, runs from it, and is blown up by it in a horrible cloud of green and purple smoke that takes a giant divot out of the turf where she formerly was. A death light flashes.
SCENE 39 Hubbub between Baaldorf, Greystone, and Blackpool. BAALDORF Why did she activate the Crack-con? BLACKPOOL I'll tell you why. Three of my knights have been kidnapped. My team is still winning. The only way to stop me was to kill me. (to Greystone) What did you promise her, Greystone? GREYSTONE If I hired her to kill you, why did I save your life? I don't know what you're up to, but I know if there's any more trouble, I'm going to answer it with my sword. BAALDORF There's obviously a plot at work here. Three of Blackpool's knights are missing, Bowdoin is missing, and there's no sign of Marko. GREYSTONE I thought he was with the Brune women. BLACKPOOL He was. Maybe your Amazons have turned on you, Greystone. GREYSTONE I've got to go look for him. He starts to leave. BAALDORF Hold it! You have to finish the games. There's the joust. GREYSTONE Your Highness, Marko's in danger. BAALDORF The Palace Elite are searching for him. There's nothing you can do. Now let's finish the games and we'll find out who's behind all this. BLACKPOOL Don't worry, Erik. The joust will be over in no time.
SCENE 40 Geoffrey Blackpool is behind the stands, taking diamonds from a small leather bag and throwing them up at the Royal Box.
SCENE 41 Something hits her peaked hat and drops into her veil. She sweeps at it with annoyance, brushing it away. Another missile bounces off her head, into her lap. She picks it up and examines it. It glints brilliantly in the sunlight. She turns and looks down over the rim of the box.
SCENE 42 She is at once irritated and piqued, seeing him there. ARIEL Geoffrey Blackpool! GEOFFREY Come down! I gotta talk to you, alone. ARIEL No. GEOFFREY Give you all these diamonds. She thinks about it, pouting, coy. ARIEL What's that bag made out of? GEOFFREY Leather. Ariel's eyes glisten; she suddenly gets up and comes down the stairs, fast. Geoffrey pretends not to be looking up her dress. As Geoffrey helps her down the last step, he tries to kiss her. She slaps him. ARIEL Give it to me! GEOFFREY All right. ARIEL The bag, the bag. He grins. He holds out the bag and pours the diamonds into her cupped hands. She stashes them in her skirts. He grabs for her again, but she eludes him. He holds out the leather bag and, as she goes for it, he snatches it away. Now she becomes the stalker. She has to have that bag. He holds it away from her. GEOFFREY What do I get for it? He dangles it in front of her. She looks at it longingly. She reaches for it with slow deliberation. He traps her in his arms as she grabs it. ARIEL Let go of me. He paws and grapples her. She is still being held by him, but she turns her back to his groping, staring at the bag and stroking it, as arounsed [sic] by it as he is by her. GEOFFREY Ever since that first time I saw you, I've been in love with you. I've got to have you. ARIEL Well, you can't. I'm engaged to be married. GEOFFREY To Greystone, the pretty boy Prince? What do you want him for? ARIEL He comes from a good family . . . GEOFFREY Oh, sure. We Blackpools aren't good enough for you. ARIEL You said it, I didn't. He spins her around, presses her to him. GEOFFREY Yeah?! Think you're so fine, hunh?! [sic] Well, one of these nights I'm gonna sneak into your room . . . and drag you out by the hair . . . ARIEL Really? GEOFFREY . . . carry you out into the woods in your nightgown, and throw you down in the mud . . . ARIEL Mud is good. GEOFFREY And then . . . ARIEL Yeah. GEOFFREY I'm going to . . . ask your father for your hand. Ariel winces, deflated. ARIEL Goodbye, Geoffrey Trumpets SOUND, trombones and cornets play a FANFARE on the field. Ariel jams the leather bag into her pocket and starts climbing the stairs back to the box. GEOFFREY What did I do wrong? She disappears behind the railing, and he smacks a support timber.
SCENE 43 Baaldorf is announcing the final event of the All-Around Knight Competition, the Joust. BAALDORF . . . So that all other contestants have been eliminated. Only Prince Greystone and Prince Blackpool remain. The winner of this final event, the Joust, will be the overall champion. Roars from the crowd. Hoots and Bronx cheers as Dirk shakes his own hands above his head in a gesture of victory. BAALDORF The victor must take two passes out of three. Gentlemen, mount your chargers! They do, and each rides to an opposite end of the lists. They turn, reining in their eager mounts, and take up their lances.
SCENE 44 Placing his lance in its position, braced against his body, in the notch on his saddle.
SCENE 45 He touches a spot on the base of his lance and the point elongates an extra two feet. His grin is sinister as he drops it into place.
SCENE 46 He gives the signal.
SCENE 47 The first pass. They hurtle forward to each other. They meet with a tremendous shock, but Blackpool's lance makes the earliest contact, since it's longer than legal size. Greystone is blasted off his horse, but in the process snaps Dirk's weapon tip off. Blackpool sneers, looking confident anyway, as Erik picks himself up off the turf and remounts.
SCENE 48 Lattinia is in terminal agitation. Ariel tries to calm her. BAALDORF There goes my hundred kolnas. LATTINIA Oh, no. Oh, why did I have to watch? Why did I have to see it? ARIEL He's still got another chance, right? LATTINIA He does. I don't! She put her veil over her face, sinking in her throne.
SCENE 49 Once again the riders ready and charge. This time, their lances meet equally, and Blackpool's flat disintegrates on Erik's armor as Dirk takes an unbelievable shot that hurtles him end-over-end from the saddle. He rolls and lies still. In his dented armor, he looks as inert as a discarded can of cat food. Greystone waits.
SCENE 50 Tremendous CHEERING for the home town favorite, Baaldorf leading it. Ariel is on her feet with Lattinia, who is applauding like crazy. An arrow WHISTLES in from some unseen source and sticks deep in the Royal Box between the King and Lattinia. She sees it, reaches up, yanks it out, then hands it to him. LATTINIA It's for you. He takes the message from the arrow and scans it. BAALDORF It's a ransom demand. LATTINIA Swell.
SCENE 51 The final pass is ready. Blackpool sits his horse all right, but looks as though he'd really rather be in Philadelphia. They spur their horses and bear down on each other full tilt. They meet again with a resounding CLANG, and Greystone smashes Blackpool in the chest, knocking him off his horse and to the ground.
SCENE 52 Greystone rides up to meet Baaldorf. Much applause for Greystone, but Baaldorf cuts through it. BAALDORF Congratulations, Erik! But take a look at this. The ransom demand! He hands Erik the note, which he reads. GREYSTONE We've got to move! There's no time to lose! LATTINIA But the Victory Ceremony, dear! Oh, Erik, I can't tell you how thrilled we all are! He looks at her out of the corner of his eye, furtively. Talk about your squeakers, boy. ARIEL And the Ball? I only watched all this stuff so we could have a nice party! BAALDORF That's gotta wait. They're demanding all the riches of the royal treasury. (to Greystone) We'll meet in my tent. Lattinia looks at Ariel. LATTINIA All the riches? He can't mean that. FADE OUT.
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