W&W Webring logo


Welcome to the Wizards and Warriors WebRing! This ring contains sites associated with the 1983 CBS Warner Brothers/Don Reo comic sword and sorcery television series, Wizards and Warriors, which chronicled the rivalry between good Prince Erik Greystone of Camarand and evil Prince Dirk Blackpool of Karteia. The show's stars included Jeff Conaway, Duncan Regehr, Julia Duffy, Clive Revill, Tim Dunigan, Randi Brooks, Walter Olkewicz, Jay Kerr, Thomas Hill, Julie Payne, and Ian Wolfe. If the sound of black leather creaking rings a bell, but you still need a little more information to jog your memory, visit The Land of Aperans, The Haven for Wizards and Warriors.

If you own a site which features content devoted to W&W, its cast or crew, and/or fanfiction, this WebRing is for you! Joining will help W&W fans find your site easily. Plus, you'll enjoy the warm glow of knowing you're in the excellent company of other loonies who have nothing better to do than remember a show that was cancelled almost two decades ago after only 8 episodes. Now, you know it was a good show when it inspires that level of devotion.

If you have any questions about whether your site qualifies for the ring (i.e., "I have no W&W content on my site, but I have a lot of pictures of men in black leather, does that count?"), just contact The Ringmaster.

So, you're ready to join, but not sure how? Well, that's what this page is here for. Read on...


Joining the Wizards and Warriors WebRing - Please note as of 2012 if you join and add the code, WebRing will automatically redirect to the Wizards & Warriors hub page after a visitor goes to your site.

  1. Click here. You will be prompted to supply your WebRing ID and password. If you do not have one, choose the "Create a new WebRing user ID!" option and register! (don't worry, it's a free service and a fast process). Once signed in, you will be asked to provide your site URL, your site name (50 characters or less) and a brief description of your website (400 characters or less). After you click the "Submit" button, it will display your information for final confirmation, then ask you to click "Submit" one more time. You will then receive an e-mail confirming that your submission has been received.

  2. At the bottom of this confirmation e-mail will be a link to the code for the SSNB (server-side navigation bar). This is the navigation graphic that you place on your website, traditionally somewhere at the bottom. It shows your site to be a member of the WebRing, and provides visitors with links to visit other sites in this ring. After you click on this link, it will take you to a page containing your unique SSNB code. Cut and paste this code onto your site.
  3. Please note that if you're already a member of another WebRing and have installed the SSNB code on your page for that WebRing, you may skip step number two. You only need to cut and paste the SSNB code once, no matter how many WebRings you join. Thanks to the wonders of Javascript, that one code will automatically update to show all the navigation bars for all the WebRings that are registered with your ID. (Please let The Ringmaster know if this is not case.)

  4. Your application to join the WebRing will be e-mailed to the Ringmaster, who will view your site and decide whether or not your site qualifies to join the WebRing. You will receive an e-mail stating this decision. The Ringmaster attempts to process sites as quickly as possible, so if you have not heard anything within a few days, feel free to send an e-mail.

  5. Once you've been approved, just go WebRing to behold the glory of your name added to the list of member sites!


Editing Your Wizards and Warriors WebRing Site

  1. If you are an existing Wizards and Warriors WebRing member and need to edit your site information, go here. Sign in with your WebRing ID and password, then click on "My Rings." Click on "View Ring Sites" then on your site's title/hotlink to edit your information.

  2. This form will allow you to edit your site URL, your site name, your site description, and your e-mail address. Click "Submit" when finished.

And that's really all there is to it. So come on, why not join the gang at Aperans? It's simple enough for Geoffrey and effortless enough for Justin!


Please direct any questions or comments to the Ringmaster. And see you on the WebRing!

Special thanks to MO TCO for the webring logo graphic.

This page was last updated on September 5, 2012.