Special New Weekly Feature For Our Valued Readers!

The Aperanian Herald has added an Entertainment section to keep you informed of local bards, plays and other special events and festivals.

(For our website visitors, just click on the graphic below to go to the review.)

We're very pleased to be able to offer you this feature. Check out our very first local review!

This week's event is The Aperans' Horror Picture Show now playing locally and this first-ever review is sponsored by the fine folks at The Sword & Skull.

--AH Staff

Travel Hoax?
Better Get The Facts First!

Prince Blackpool and The Wizard Vector's Travel Agency "shoppe."
Photo courtesy of the ABBB Spy Unit

Rumor has it that Prince Dirk Blackpool and The Wizard Vector have formed a travel agency. Don't be fooled. Word is (from the families of those who were 'signed up' by the pair) that their kin have yet to return from trips such as "Cliffs of Death Adventure" and "Land of Storms Whirlwind Getaway."

The ABBB (The Aperans' Better Business Bureau) has the pair under investigation for this and possible past scams.

A side note: The ABBB is currently looking for more investigative staff due to the recent demis... umm... permanent relocation of previous representatives. See them at the Wild Rose Tavern, Booth 13.

--AH Staff


Greystone Family To Fund New Scholarship At The Royal Schools

In a not unexpected show of royal charity, the Greystone family recently presented the Royal Schools with five thousand kolnas for a new scholarship.

The Greystone Honor Scholarship will go to a student who has achieved high marks in previous schooling, exhibits bravery and exemplifies chivalry and has good manners. (Any winners who are also milk drinkers will receive additional endorsement or contract monies from the Aperans' Milk Board.

Presented by King Richard Greystone, Prince Erik Greystone and Prince Justin Greystone (who, it must be noted, only hung onto the bag of kolnas for a few moments longer than his brother) the funds were cheerfully accepted by the Head Master of the Royal Schools, Lord Nigel Tufnel.

"It is a fine day for the Royal Schools indeed," noted Lord Tufnel. "We most sincerely thank the royal family for this generous gift."

Rumours that the family Blackpool will fund a new scholarship for those who exemplify the exact opposite of the requirements for the Greystone Honor Scholarship are, at this point, unfounded.

-- AH Staff


Local Woman And Hawk Wanted For Questioning

Our staff artists have sketched the pair that are wanted by local authorities.

The woman, apparently a recent resident of the Snow Regions and possible ally of Prince Dirk Blackpool, is known as "Lady" Perrin Hawtrey. We rather doubt the lady bit, but far be it from The Aperanian Herald to be biased in our reporting. The raptor in her company is said to take a number of forms of local birds of prey. Both are considered highly suspicious and dangerous. The women also has magical skills of some sort. A mysterious green light is said to have been seen emitting from her left hand as she left the scene of a scuffle at Dunfirm Tavern according to local resident Michael Herpe.

Herpe, elder brother to Marko Herpe (the strongest man in the kingdom) has seen his fair share of wizardry as he was also the unfortunate victim of a draga attack last year.

Special Thanks To

Anna M.C. for the original idea, suggestions and proofing. Cosmo's Factory for the RHPS plot summary, lyrics and sceen captures. CJ & Still Things for the W&W screen captures and photos.

In the beginning, this was intended as a text-only greeting to be sent to the W&W Mailing List. However, ideas began to blossom in my twisted little brain and the next thing I knew, it had evolved into a far more personal greeting to a dear on-line and real-time friend - my "Cyber Sister." It has, thus, become much more elaborate. I hope you have as much fun looking over the results as I did putting it together.

Happy 30th Birthday, Tammy!